NAACP calls for probe of Emmett Till slaying

Bro. Askia

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NAACP calls for probe of Emmett Till slaying
2003/02/02 09:02 PM EDT

By Ron Harrist
Associated Press

JACKSON, Miss. (AP) - The NAACP is calling for prosecutors to reopen the Emmett Till murder case, a possibility the Mississippi attorney general says is remote because the years have wiped away the evidence in the black teenager's 1955 slaying.

The call for a renewed investigation follows a PBS documentary last month about the killing, which became a catalyst for the civil rights movement. The film included the recollections of Till's mother, Mamie Till Mobley, who died last month at age 81 in Chicago.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People said Friday that its president, Kweisi Mfume, wrote a letter to Mississippi Attorney General Michael Moore urging action.

``With the recent passing of Mamie Till Mobley, who fought tirelessly to see justice done in the killing of her son, it is now time to address what remains an ugly mark on the history of Mississippi and the United States,'' the NAACP leader wrote. ``Her extraordinary acts of courage must not be in vain.''

But Moore said reopening the case is unlikely because both suspects have died.

``I am always interested in prosecuting cases where someone has been murdered and the murderer has gotten away,'' he said. ``But you have to have evidence and you have to have a live defendant.''

Moore spoke to The Associated Press before he became aware of the NAACP's statement. Later in the day, his office said he hadn't yet received the letter and couldn't comment on it.

Till was kidnapped from his uncle's home in Money, Miss., on Aug. 28, 1955. The 14-year-old was visiting from Chicago.

Three days later, Till's mutilated body _ unrecognizable except for a ring on his hand _ was found by a fisherman in the Tallahatchie River. Pictures of the body shocked the world.

Two white men, Roy Bryant and his half brother J.W. Milam, were arrested and charged with the murder but were later acquitted by an all-white jury.

Look magazine published an article with their alleged confession four months later. Both have since died.

Last month, PBS aired the hourlong documentary ``The Murder of Emmett Till'' as part of the ``American Experience'' series.

``I saw a hole, which I presumed was a bullet hole and I could look through that hole and see daylight on the other side,'' Mobley said in the documentary. ``And I wondered, was it necessary to shoot him?''

Mfume in his letter called the death ``one of the last unsolved cases of the civil rights era.''

Mississippi has reopened other old civil rights murder cases. A fresh look at the 1963 assassination of NAACP field secretary Medgar Evers in Jackson resulted in the 1994 conviction of Byron de la Beckwith.

However, there has been little progress the last few years in trying to build murder cases in the 1964 slayings of three civil rights workers in Neshoba County whose deaths became the subject of the 1988 movie ``Mississippi Burning.'' Staff
What is the point? man sometimes I just wish that we would sit our arses down somewhere.

There are so many issues that need to championed, and this frankly isn't one of them.

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I have to ask, why would the NAACP wait until now to request that this be probed. This happened in 1955, and you wait until now after, Till's mother dies?
Because it is in the media now and this is a way for Mfume to get some press. Noticein the article that its says the intest was sparked after PBS ran that documentary about Emmit. Man Mfume is starting to be just like Jesse and AL. Always ready to jump on an issue to get his name in the paper, and sadly he is taking the NAACP's name down with him.
Originally posted by Suge
Because it is in the media now and this is a way for Mfume to get some press. Noticein the article that its says the intest was sparked after PBS ran that documentary about Emmit. Man Mfume is starting to be just like Jesse and AL. Always ready to jump on an issue to get his name in the paper, and sadly he is taking the NAACP's name down with him.

Don't you get tired of 'our' black leaders speaking on behalf of the Black community!! It's getting old. I'm grown and I can speak for myself!! :mad:
Amen Brothers and Sisters

Like all of you, I hate hearing that type of schnit. Hell, everyone involved in the case are probably dead, blind, crippled and crazy.

Black Leaders My Arse!!! Those mofos keep "Chuck" and his buddies laughing at us. What's next for Jesse, Al, and Kweisi?

The next thing one of those mofos try to challenge will be the number of Blacks in the Astronaut Program. Maybe we are under-represented there too.

Just like Rangle arse getting handed to him about the stupid arse draft and found out that more "Chucks" are on the front lines than blacks. Hell, he is about to start some schnit there. Blacks soldiers know the deal. Why take a MOS (speciality) that will keep you in the field than one that will keep you in the rear. Trust me, most Black soldiers know the deal and are not enlisting for the Front Line Units.

Yeah, I'm having a bad day.
OK, I do not think that opening the case will bring us anymore rights. I do not think that it will make everything fair and equal. But understand that racists like Bobby Frank Cherry, 'Dynamite' Bob Chambliss, and Byron de le Beckworth were convicted years after the killings occured. While I did not think that those cases improved treatment for us, I did not lose any sleep knowing that those guys went to prison.

As for this case I do not know what could be done. The guys who killed Till are dead. But I think that Carolyn Bryant may still be living. So if it comes to where the estate of Mamie Till sues the estate of Carolyn Bryant, then I sure will not lose any sleep. If the Till estate gets every penny from Carolyn Bryant estate, it will not bother me a bit.

Before anyone says that I am being unfair to White people understand this. Around 1959 a Black man was accused of killing a White store owner near Houston. Partly thanks to a police sketch artist in creating an aging drawing of the suspect, an arrest was made 35 years after the killing. In 1963 a White woman was killed in her apartment in Los Angeles. In 1993 a Black man, who lived in Minneapolis, was convicted for her murder.

Remember. After OJ Simpson won in the criminal case, he lost in the civil case.

On the PBS (American Experience) web site one of the Till killers wondered why they would not leave Bryon de le Beckwith, Medgar Evers Killer, alone. Well, my answer would be that first Beckwith should have left Evers alone. I would say that there are no statue of limitations for murder.

Understand. I do not think that everything will automatically be better for us if a ruling comes against the Bryant and Milam estates. I cetainly will not think that I will be any freer because of this action. But as a person who has gotten very frustrated with many civil rights' leaders (There are too numerous to name.), I will not be immediately complaining about the NAACP's actions. I believe that Mrs. Till never gave up the fight.

ALCORNITE 86, I read about the stats you mentioned. But Rangel and Conyers also said that most members of Congress do not have a child who is enlisted. Rangel's and Conyers' problem is that they, many of the members of Congress, have no problem in sending other people's relatives in harm's way. But the two wonder if the members of Congress would be so hawkish if they had to send their own close relatives in harm's way. As a son of two air force veterans, I can understand Rangel and Conyers' point.
Didn't Mamie Till also call for a probe of this murder?

Why wouldn't she? It was her son!

She was just doing what any mother would do in a case like this.

But that not to say we should keep dragging this on and on!!

Nearly all the parties are dead in this case and they have more to deal with on Judgement Day than any court case on earth. That is if they hadn't repented for theiur wrongs.
I wasn't saying that she wouldn't. Even before her death, she was really vigilant in shooting for justice.

But you right about it being dragged on. But she wanted more than the world to see what they did to her son.
I agree Justin. She was a vigilant lady. She wouldn't even let them close the casket at his funeral. She wanted the world to see what was done to her son.
Tragically, Emmitt Till and his momma are dead and gone. We'll cherish their sacrifice and struggle for years to come.....

But the NAACP has apparently been asleep at the wheel. Why are they calling for the investigation to be reopened, when there are brand-new, still-fresh-off-the-tree, new-outta-the-wrapper problems facing black folk today, Thursday, February 13th 2003!!!!!

Why aren't they fighting against red-lining, which takes place in virtually every city, when it comes to Insurance Rate calculation, and Financial Risk Assessment (for Banks). Certain zip-cides or neighborhood areas can't get certain types of Housing loans, and if you do get the loan, it won't be cheap. The highest vehicle liability rates are found in the lower-income MINORITY neighborhoods. Where's the outcry against this????

Be we'll watch a PBS special, get upset, and wanna start a crusade.......

People have a tendancy to assume that when the NAACP comes out on 1 issue, everything else is on the back-burner. This was a press conference calling for the Emmit Till case to be reopened. Period. This wasn't a team of NAACP attornies and field reps descending on MS to protest. Speaking out on this issue doesn't mean the NAACP has stopped focusing on other, more important matters.

As far as the case, while the 2 main suspects are dead, there has always been speculation that others may have been involved. But I agree that its too late to reopen now.
Much to do,,

I would have to tacitly concure with Suge's initial take; the NAACP has nothing better to do,, is stagnant,, really trying to drum up a "contraversy". Basically the NAACP has no great battles to fight at this time and there are many issues that are rendering NAACP issues irrelevant,,, or at least very insignificant.

I don't think this is a landmark issue, but then again, I concured with the pursuit of the perpetrators of the Birmingham church bombings,, so I guess this is the MS equivalent. The only other thing I would say is,,, how many other cases are there where blacks were lynched/killed that get/got no run????

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In Mississippi, there are easily DOZENS of cases that could be dug-up and reopened, hopefully leading to some long-needed convictions....

In the past few years, they've reopened, tried and convicted people in the murders of Vernon Dahmer and Medgar Evers. Sam Bowers and Byron de la Beckwith are in jail now. And they just convisted Earnest Avants for the killing of Ben Chester White. And there are others, like the two Belzoni men recently convicted of killing a man (I forget his name) and dumping the body in the Sunflower River.....

But I guess my feeling is, it would take years to 'right' all of these 'wrongs'. But during that same time, there are new 'wrongs' being committed that aren't getting any attention. And I'd rather see our efforts spend on tackling issues as they arise, instead of waiting 40 years to seek justice.

I don't want my 5 yr old seeking justice for things that happen in my lifetime....

When will it end. Understandably Till was lynched for say that a white lady looked like a movie star, but how many more African Americans were lynched?

Furthermore who are they going to prosecute? The people who lynched him were probably his mother's age. I mean dayum let God sort em out.
Originally posted by Dr. Sweet NUPE

Furthermore who are they going to prosecute? The people who lynched him were probab;y his mpother's age. I mean dayum let God sort em out.

Originally posted by Kool-Aid2K1
People have a tendancy to assume that when the NAACP comes out on 1 issue, everything else is on the back-burner. Speaking out on this issue doesn't mean the NAACP has stopped focusing on other, more important matters.
But what other issues are they focusing on. I don't wanna here any speculation. I want facts, WITH PROOF!!!! We as African Americans need to have organizations that are representing us to be under the GUN at ALL times. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate what the NAACP has done in the past, but what have they done for the high school today. RIGHT NOW.

Originally posted by Kool-Aid2K1
People have a tendancy to assume that when the NAACP comes out on 1 issue, everything else is on the back-burner. This was a press conference calling for the Emmit Till case to be reopened. Period. This wasn't a team of NAACP attornies and field reps descending on MS to protest. Speaking out on this issue doesn't mean the NAACP has stopped focusing on other, more important matters.

As far as the case, while the 2 main suspects are dead, there has always been speculation that others may have been involved. But I agree that its too late to reopen now.
Since you say you are appreciative of what the NAACP has done in the past, maybe you owe it to yourself to find out what they're doing now. Instead of assuming that an occasional statement about the Emmitt Till case is the only thing they're doing.

We're so quick to knock something!
You have yet to respond to my thread on SmallTalk inreference to the NAACP.

I mean really. Go to their website.

Originally posted by mighty hornet
Since you say you are appreciative of what the NAACP has done in the past, maybe you owe it to yourself to find out what they're doing now. Instead of assuming that an occasional statement about the Emmitt Till case is the only thing they're doing.

We're so quick to knock something!
Obviously, I must have missed your post on small talk.

Yeah, maybe you should go to their website. You'll see information about voter registration, economic empowerment, community development, health information, education, recruitment for jobs.
I ain't trying to be funny...but I didn't see any of that.

Originally posted by mighty hornet
Obviously, I must have missed your post on small talk.

Yeah, maybe you should go to their website. You'll see information about voter registration, economic empowerment, community development, health information, education, recruitment for jobs.