Mr & Mrs Smith on Amazon Prime

I think the ending could have been better but I did enjoy it and he surprised everyone with having his real mom on the show as Mr Smith's mom.
I probably should not say this, but I find Donald Glover boring as hell. I have not see an episode of Mr & Mrs Smith yet so maybe he is different in this series.
I actually liked this series, it was different.
I can understand the take on Donald Glover, but has really played any exciting characters?
He could be typed casted into "simpish", boring, or low key type characters.
Maybe that's his niche and he's going to play into it.
I actually liked this series, it was different.
I can understand the take on Donald Glover, but has really played any exciting characters?
He could be typed casted into "simpish", boring, or low key type characters.
Maybe that's his niche and he's going to play into it.
You are probably correct. Maybe he is just "playing the hand he was dealt".