More than half of white evangelicals say America's declining white population is a negative thing

Olde Hornet

Well-Known Member
More than half of white evangelicals say America's declining white population is a negative thing

Few demographic groups consistently poll more conservatively than white evangelicals.

On multiple issues, the most pro-Republican Party demographic group takes some of the most conservative positions on abortion, same-sex marriage and immigration.

But another topic where white evangelicals have repeatedly expressed their conservative views is diversity. And a recent poll is the latest reminder that large numbers of white evangelicals don't view America's increased ethnic and racial diversification as a positive thing.

More than half - 52 percent - of white evangelical Protestants say a majority of the U.S. population being nonwhite will be a negative development, according to the Public Religion Research Institute and the Atlantic.

This is definitely not surprising news. Most of those dummies honestly think they are special just because they are White. But the truth is, they have a recessive gene that is considered an abnormality in nature. Creatures born without color, but should have been born with color is a freak of nature. This is why White people spend so much time and effort trying to prove that they are superior, which they are not.
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Evangelical Christians are the KLu Klutz Klan. This is why they supporter Trump. He is their hope for the good ole Jim Crow days.....

and you still got some " turn the other cheek" -ass Negroes holding hands and "praying" with these people. Paula White made a fortune pimping Black Christians and they still have people supporting her despite her role as Trumps spiritual advisor. Same with Jefress here in Dallas.
and you still got some " turn the other cheek" -ass Negroes holding hands and "praying" with these people. Paula White made a fortune pimping Black Christians and they still have people supporting her despite her role as Trumps spiritual advisor. Same with Jefress here in Dallas.

That's because Negroes have the same mentality as white Evangelical Christians. Both embrace "bad people" they like, but they use bible scriptures to judge those they hate. :confused:
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. mlk jr
Also, the same Christian back during Jim Crow would lynch, or terrorize a black person during the week. But, he/she would be right in church on Sunday.

Would the same white christian show compassion on the jury/prosecution, or behind the bench? No, they don't give us a fair chance, when our lives are on the line.

A message to all black christians.

This is definitely not surprising news. Most of those dummies honestly think they are special just because they are White. But the truth is, they have a recessive gene that is considered an abnormality in nature. Creatures born without color, but should have been born with color is a freak of nature. This is why White people spend so much time and effort trying to prove that they are superior, which they are not.
This /\/\/\

Also a factor why whites birth rates are declining is Becky and she is have babies with a lot of non white males and that birth certificate does not say white after she push out that baby with the good hair.

Any combination with a smidgen of Black, the babies are Black. There's only one way to create a White baby and that is White on White.
I'm starting to notice now a days things are really festering now from decades of racial history an tension, and racism. And we have NOT left a good world for our children and so on. As adults, as a whole, we have failed our children. The teen mother, welfare, and single mother situation I blame also for this.
We in a Beyonce living and thinking world now. "Living your best life" "live free, be free"... im all over the place but that just has to do with it too.. all why we are here today.
I'm starting to notice now a days things are really festering now from decades of racial history an tension, and racism. And we have NOT left a good world for our children and so on. As adults, as a whole, we have failed our children. The teen mother, welfare, and single mother situation I blame also for this.
We in a Beyonce living and thinking world now. "Living your best life" "live free, be free"... im all over the place but that just has to do with it too.. all why we are here today.

The state of confusion and dependency are by design. Black people worship money more than anything else. We think money is our means to being self-reliance, which is primarily the fault of Black churches. Black churches are teaching us that if we have money, we must be doing right by God. This is why it was so easy for Donald Trump to garnish support from a number of economically dumb Black preachers.

As comical as this is, Richard Pryor had Black preachers down to a 'T'.
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Also a factor why whites birth rates are declining is Becky and she is have babies with a lot of non white males and that birth certificate does not say white after she push out that baby with the good hair.

Speaking of this.........anybody noticed the TON of commercials these days with interracial couples? And not white girls and hispanic or asian.........strictly black men and white women.
Speaking of this.........anybody noticed the TON of commercials these days with interracial couples? And not white girls and hispanic or asian.........strictly black men and white women.

Yes and that is by design to make Becky more desirable.
Or drive their stock price DOWN. :D

If you believe in the great white psychologist (Sigmund Freud) theory that man's actions are based on his desires for sex, it would be mighty hard to drive down the stock of any punany. General MacArthur proved this in WWII when he was forced off the Philippines Islands by saying, "I shall return." I do believe MacArthur had a thing for yellow fever and plenty of happy endings, which is why he later considered himself King of the Pacific when he took over Japan. Later on, Truman had to retire MacArthur supposedly due to political conflicts.
If you believe in the great white psychologist (Sigmund Freud) theory that man's actions are based on his desires for sex, it would be mighty hard to drive down the stock of any punany. General MacArthur proved this in WWII when he was forced off the Philippines Islands by saying, "I shall return." I do believe MacArthur had a thing for yellow fever and plenty of happy endings, which is why he later considered himself King of the Pacific when he took over Japan. Later on, Truman had to retire MacArthur supposedly due to political conflicts.

No i meant drive the stock price down of the actual companies.