Men and Women

Originally posted by jelli
So basically we are all in agreement. A man and woman cannot truley be a friends without the absence of some sexual feelings at some point in time in the friendship.
What are your feelings about that statement you made? Does it bother you that one person or the other might have some sexual feelings at some point?

I'm with Bartram; just cause a person might have a sexual thought or 2 about the other doesn't mean they would act on it. I'd take it a step further and say they may not even WANT to act on it (not really) or want to SAY anything about it. I have easily maintained friendships with women without ever expressing some latent sexual desire I've had for them. Cause I know it's inappropriate. If the situation is right and I feel we can take it there, then maybe I'll say something. But not till then.

Maybe it's just me, but it's not like every sexual impulse has to be acted on or that having those feelings means we don't want a genuine friendship. We're sexual creatures by nature, but we've been given the ability to hold that in check. Despite what some folks may think.... ;)

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Originally posted by jelli
So basically we are all in agreement. A man and woman cannot truley be a friends without the absence of some sexual feelings at some point in time in the friendship.

So...are YOU saying that YOU cannot be friends with a guy without having sexual feelings for him????? :xeye:
Originally posted by Ntelekt
So...are YOU saying that YOU cannot be friends with a guy without having sexual feelings for him????? :xeye:

I believe you have hit the nail on the head.
Where have I been, Jelli and I are old friends.

Originally posted by jelli
So basically we are all in agreement. A man and woman cannot truley be a friends without the absence of some sexual feelings at some point in time in the friendship.
Wait a minute. Jelli, You and I are OLD Friends. I know you went to Sam Houston State, I know what High School you went to, I have met your mother, I know your father works for HPD, I know your work phone number by heart, I attempt to call you on the phone at least twice a week(even though I dont), I know your sister even if you are not present, etc. We are old friends. And we never had those types of feelings.
I will tell the truth. I did not believe a man and a woman could not be friends until me and a member of the church became friends. I did not want the girl. We were friends. Then I reflected on how many friends I had that were females and I did not want to "hit it :rolleyes:". Of course that list was short but there were female friends that I did not want to hit and they are my friends.

After reading all of this, I am assuming that you want to get some of the brother. :D:flippy: :blush: :shh: :spin: :rolly: :ebrow: :kiss: :rolleyes: :xeye: :|

Give me a call so we can hook something up. :shh::lol:
Singing "Down Low, Down Low. R. Kelly Send me the Tape, man."
The type of friends I'm talking the best friendship. The on that when your siginificant other is messing up this is the person you go to for advice or a shoulder to cry on. I think one or the other will develop feelings that they may never act on if the opportunity never arises. But given the chance...something is going to happen. I think we has humans are design that way. If your "friend" is giving you the things that your boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife aint then one or both of you will develop feelings more than a friendship.
Originally posted by jelli
The type of friends I'm talking the best friendship. The on that when your siginificant other is messing up this is the person you go to for advice or a shoulder to cry on. I think one or the other will develop feelings that they may never act on if the opportunity never arises. But given the chance...something is going to happen. I think we has humans are design that way. If your "friend" is giving you the things that your boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife aint then one or both of you will develop feelings more than a friendship.
I believe that if I was having issues with Mrs. Docmump, I could come to you. If fact I know I would. You are somebody I know from the old school, that know both of us. And you are level headed.

But I dont think our friendship could develop physically. You are just too cool a person to mess up a friendship by letting you hit this ;):D.
Originally posted by docmump

But I dont think our friendship could develop physically. You are just too cool a person to mess up a friendship by letting you hit this ;):D.
:lol: Boy you tickle me... :lol:

Doc am I your confidant. I think that if you weren't married and we hung out together all the time. You were the one giving me compliments and feeding my ego or vise versa one of us would develop feelings for the other.
I think that men and women can be friends and not develop sexual feelings if they're both dead. Other than that you can still be friends regardless of whatever biological "urges" develop. It's hard but it can be done.:D
Originally posted by jelli
The type of friends I'm talking the best friendship. The on that when your siginificant other is messing up this is the person you go to for advice or a shoulder to cry on. I think one or the other will develop feelings that they may never act on if the opportunity never arises. But given the chance...something is going to happen. I think we has humans are design that way. If your "friend" is giving you the things that your boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife aint then one or both of you will develop feelings more than a friendship.

*sigh* :look:

Sooooo...are you answering MY question with a "yes" or a "no"? :)
Originally posted by jelli
The type of friends I'm talking the best friendship. The on that when your siginificant other is messing up this is the person you go to for advice or a shoulder to cry on. I think one or the other will develop feelings that they may never act on if the opportunity never arises. But given the chance...something is going to happen. I think we has humans are design that way. If your "friend" is giving you the things that your boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife aint then one or both of you will develop feelings more than a friendship.

Based on your synopsis.....then my answer to your question of this thread is NO!

Originally posted by Ntelekt
So...are YOU saying that YOU cannot be friends with a guy without having sexual feelings for him????? :xeye:
No what I am saying I can't be "best friends" with a guy and not having romantic..not neccessarily sexual feelings.
Originally posted by jelli
The type of friends I'm talking the best friendship. The on that when your siginificant other is messing up this is the person you go to for advice or a shoulder to cry on.

i have that, my bestfriend is a dude. i always go to him cryin bout something, and vice versa(well not the cryin part, lol)whether it's bout relationships or whateva, and we're just friends, nothing more. so it can be done without the feelings, we the friendship is real deep, they begin to take on that "brother" or "sister" status, u don't feel romantic feelings bout a brother or sister....
Originally posted by jelli
No what I am saying I can't be "best friends" with a guy and not having romantic..not neccessarily sexual feelings.


Okay then...what's wrong with having romantic feelings, so as long as they aren't sexual?
It sounds as if you're able to separate the two.

It seems that the sexual feelings would arise waaay before romantic ones (if any at all). :)

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Originally posted by Butch Wms.
I've had a female friend that I wanted to hit but the relationship remained platonic because she insisted on it.She still remains a good friend to this day.I introduced her to her husband;a good friend of mine.Since I couldn't hit it;let him.:D :D :D AND SHE'S STILL LOOKING GREAT AFTER 23 YEARS OF FRIENDSHIP!! I WANT TO HIT IT NOW BUT I RESPECT THEIR MARRIAGE AND MY OWN.SHE'S GOT A SISTER THAT I WANT TO HIT AS WELL;AND ALMOST DID!! :cool: :cool: :cool:

walks in and wonder if his wife will see this :)
I think men and women can be friends as long as their feelings don't start to get sexual. Things can flip real quick so you have to be careful especially men because we tend to get those feelings more quickly than women(some women), but it is very possible for male and female to be good friends.
I know for a fact the male-female relationship can not only happen, it can thrive, as long as you are truly HONEST....folks get it twisted when they stop communicating.