Men and Women


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Can a man and a woman truely be friends, I mean juat plain ole platonic friends, without one or the other developing feelings at some point? I say no.

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Originally posted by cat daddy
Yes. I have female friends that are nothing more than friends.

Same here. jelli, my THIRD COAST sister, I must disagree with you on this one.
Jelli, My fellow Third Coaster, it depends on the DEGREE of friendship. Just 'the see you every once in awhile kind of friends' yeah that won't go anywhere. But the 'we're always together buddy-buddy friends'. NOPE. I'll have to say that SOMEone will start to catch feelings. (USUALLY it's me). You become very comfortable with the person. His quirks downfalls and whatnot. Things that would drive someone else up a dag on wall you're ok with. I've learned to keep my distance......
Yes, it can be done. It requires that you control your thoughts and actions sometimes, not allowing things to move pass the level that you seek, but it can be done.
I think women can do it more than men. Most of my male friends are actually attracted to me and would hit it, if I'd let them.
Originally posted by SU's Finest '93
Most of my male friends are actually attracted to me and would hit it, if I'd let them.

I would hit it too, if you'd let :lmao:

We're not friends
All yall that said yes, yall telling me that you have never wanted to "hook up" with at least one of your platonic friends.
it all depends on self control. i have mostly had male friends. i had more close male friends than females and several of them inquired about that line and would have crossed it if i allowed it. one asked me if i ever thought of having sex with one of my close friends. in my mind, i said yes, but i told him no because i valued the relationship that we had and probably would not look at him the same since all men are pieces of meat.
Originally posted by jelli
All yall that said yes, yall telling me that you have never wanted to "hook up" with at least one of your platonic friends.

Yes the thought crosses ones mind, but that don't me I or the rest of us actually act upon it.

it's like dSWACizJSU stated. You have to have self control.

If a person can't be around a person whom they find attractive, they will spend life being around some ugly azz folk! :lol:

SU's Finest:

I feel you on that.
But remember...hat definitely goes the other way around, too. ;)
I can't lie

There have been several of my female friends that I would have loved to cross that line with, but that was mostly because they were fine as all get up. But honestly some friendships are not worth it, like dSWAC said once you cross that line then you don't look at the same.

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Originally posted by jelli
All yall that said yes, yall telling me that you have never wanted to "hook up" with at least one of your platonic friends.
It's more than likely there's an attraction, at least on one person's side. I've heard some folks say they were never attracted to their male or female friend "in that way". But I bet the other person at least thought about it. But you both have to be strong enough not to take it any farther. I'll admit the thought has crossed my mind of almost every female friend I have. Oftentimes I just let it go; sometimes I wonder if I should pursue her that way. But most important to me ultimately is maintaining the friendship.

I definitely believe that men & women can be just friends. I think society doesn't like it though; they HAVE to take it there even when the man and woman know nothing's going on. It's a shame cause even if a man or woman proclaim all they want is to be friends, people still mistrust that and believe that something else is there. But it can happen against the odds. I think I've benefitted from some myself.
I've had a female friend that I wanted to hit but the relationship remained platonic because she insisted on it.She still remains a good friend to this day.I introduced her to her husband;a good friend of mine.Since I couldn't hit it;let him.:D :D :D AND SHE'S STILL LOOKING GREAT AFTER 23 YEARS OF FRIENDSHIP!! I WANT TO HIT IT NOW BUT I RESPECT THEIR MARRIAGE AND MY OWN.SHE'S GOT A SISTER THAT I WANT TO HIT AS WELL;AND ALMOST DID!! :cool: :cool: :cool:
Originally posted by SU's Finest '93
See what I mean? You're crazy, Fiyah.

Got to throw a little humor out there......

But to really answer the question is that I have been friends with females without wanting to get closer than that. There are some folks that just click that way even though they are male & female. When I was in college there was a group of us (5-7 folks male & female) that were great friends, we used to hang out all the time and do all kinds of activities. I think it can be done but folks need to be up front with it to keep it that way. If you do cross the line you must be mature to be able to handle the problems that can occur because of it and if/when it goes away.
So basically we are all in agreement. A man and woman cannot truley be a friends without the absence of some sexual feelings at some point in time in the friendship.
Originally posted by jelli
So basically we are all in agreement. A man and woman cannot truley be a friends without the absence of some sexual feelings at some point in time in the friendship.

No we are not in agreement.......
Originally posted by SU's Finest '93
I think women can do it more than men. Most of my male friends are actually attracted to me and would hit it, if I'd let them.

Maybe thats why they started talking to you in the first place. BECAUSE THEY WANT TO HIT IT!!!
It ain't nothin' wrong withn knockin' off your friends as long as there is an understanding. Drama is brought in when someone was not being honest about the situation and start using their imagination. ITS NO BIG DEAL! ITS JUST SEX! The only other problem is if you tear them off and they could not handle it.
Originally posted by jelli
Can a man and a woman truely be friends, I mean juat plain ole platonic friends, without one or the other developing feelings at some point? I say no.

no. humans will always develop feelings, but there is a difference between developing feelings and acting on them. If you are asking can men and women be friends and not have sex, yes. If you are asking can men and women be friends and not WANT to have sex (errrrr, one or the other have "feelings" for the other), no.
Originally posted by SU's Finest '93
I think women can do it more than men. Most of my male friends are actually attracted to me and would hit it, if I'd let them.

Dayum Warn........

:eek2: :D