Losing weight: What have you discovered?


While sick a few years ago, I went on a "BRAT" diet (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast: no butter/sugar... just bland as recommended by by my cardiologist and gastroentologist). I was forced to do that for a few weeks and couldn't believe the amount of weight I lost coupled w/ the fact that I still had energy (calories). BRAT w/ water caused me to lose.... *drumroll* 17 lbs in a span of 3-4 weeks. :) My waist went from the 35-36 to a 31-32 and of course, my stomach size decreased like crazy. Funny thing is that I didn't know how severely overweight I was @ that time until I looked @ some video (247lbs). I did the BRAT while drinking nothing but water. It was a purifying and interesting experience. BRAT for breakfast, lunch, and dinner while still exercising.

I'm now @ a paltry 220-225lbs and I've noted that I'm starting to feel that weight-gain feeling again. So, what I'm doing (and I think this is key) is continue to eat the 3 meals a day almost regardless of what it is. But, I will <b>not</b> eat post-6/7pm. If I DO have that strong urge to eat post-7pm, I'm eating oatmeal and drinking water. No butter, sugar, or milk. May as well let the cholestorol remover do it's thing and also help maintain regulararity in the process. :)

Looking back, I think it was the eating after 9pm thing that got me. I really try not to do it often but when one has a busy day and forgets to eat during the afternoon/evening hours, it really makes it hard not to chow-down right before bed. I also blamed my previous dogs as I always bought them a 12-piece box of chicken that I'd share after I left the basketball courts during certain nights <b>every single week</b>. lol

Also, BRAT can be expanded to BRATT (BRAT w/ tea) or BRATY (BRAT w/ yogurt). Google "BRAT rice applesauce" to read up on it.
Eating Oatmeal will definitely allow you to lose weight...I usually eat that for breakfast each morning...I had some this a.m. and I feel like I haven't eaten a thing. I'm starving...:smh:

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Eating Oatmeal will definitely allow you to lose weight...I usually eat that for breakfast each morning...I had some this a.m. and I feel like I haven't eaten a thing. I'm starving...:smh:

But you'll be a fine mamma-jamma later on this evening when you lose that .27 lbs. lol

Yeah, it goes right through you. But you can't beat the zero calories, helps maintain digestive order, etc.

I normally have oatmeal, yogurt, and banana for breakfast w/ a BIG glass of water. Nothing like an a.m. bowel movement. :) Then for lunch I jack it up and have something "greasy" or high in cholestorol (seafoods, etc). :retard:
Eating Oatmeal will definitely allow you to lose weight...I usually eat that for breakfast each morning...I had some this a.m. and I feel like I haven't eaten a thing. I'm starving...:smh:

Drink some water with it...have a piece of fruit (apple) or some yogurt.
Fibre from oatmeal and apple and water should fill you up.

P~Congrates P!
Not eating heavy meals and fattening foods and sugar prior to going to bed will definitely help you lose...noticed that over the last few weeks.
This time 2 years ago I was 342lbs....now I am 250lbs.

It was slow and gradual.....I basically made a lifestyle change.

BTW, I got these tips from another site......

Weight Loss Tips --#1

Do NOT eat LATE AT NIGHT. Dinner should be light and eaten as early as possible, preferably at least 3 hours before bedtime. You will sleep easier and your body will be re-energizing itself rather than digesting a meal.

Weight Loss Tips --#2

Never UNDER EAT (less than 1200 calories per day). Eating less than is required to support your basal metabolism will slow it down.

Weight Loss Tips --#3

Eat small, frequent meals and snacks (5 or 6 a day). The pattern of eating has been shown to raise metabolism and keep blood sugar levels stable. It also helps to prevent binging because you never feel famished. Your body keeps burning calories all day long.

Weight Loss Tips --#4

Do 5 minutes more activity than the day before. It does not have to be an exercise session. Walking to the shops, mowing the lawn, taking the stairs at work all count and it should be spread througout the day. After a week or two, you will have to get creative!!

Weight Loss Tips --#5

Train with weights 2 or 3 times per week. Because muscle tissue requires m ore calories than fat tissue, your metabolism will increase. Don't worry... you don't have to become big and bilky for this to have an effect.

Weight Loss Tips --#6

Drink 10 eight ounce glasses of water a day. Carry a bottle of water with you and drink frequently throughout the day.

Weight Loss Tips --#7

When eating meats remember the less legs the better." More complex meats such as beef and pork are higher in bad fats and take longer for the body to break down. Chicken and fish are more simple proteins. Fish also contains fatty acids that help with hair, nails and brain functioning.

Weight Loss Tips --#8

your plate should look very colorful. Veggies and fruits help with digestion, metabolism and are healthy carbohydrates. Steam your vegetables rather than frying them in butter or oil.

Weight Loss Tips --#9

Cut right down on alcohol. A grain of alcohol contains 7 calories or 150 calories in a bottle of beer. Instead of a glass or wine with every evening meal, go for flavored, sparkling water.

Weight Loss Tips --#10

Replace sweet snacks like candy bars with dried fruit or tropical mixes. Candy contains processed sugars that increase blood sugar levels. This spikes your energy and you crash, feeling tired throughout the day.

Weight Loss Tips --#11

Replace all full fat milk with low fat milk.

Weight Loss Tips --#12
Drink a glass of water before you eat. It will fill you up. you may not even be hungry, just thirsty. Also water helps you open the metabolic pathways. Check your urine color. The darker it is, the more dehydrated you are.

Weight Loss Tips --#13

Keep a food diary. This is one of the best ways to "interrupt" habitual binging and food addictions. Try it for a week.

Weight Loss Tips --#14

Don't shop when you're hungry. You'll end up buying all kinds of things you know you shouldn't.

Weight Loss Tips --#15

Make a shopping list before you go...and stick to it.

Weight Loss Tips --#16

Chew your food 10-2- times. you feel fuller with less food...and it aids digestion.

Weight Loss Tips --#17

Write down tomorrow's meals the night before, as well as the times you plan to eat. That way you are eating "matter-of- factly" rather than on impulse.

Weight Loss Tips --#18

If you binge eat during the week, write down precisely what you did, and how you felt just before you did. After a few weeks, you should find out what triggers that behavior. If you are stressed, for example, maybe you could go for a walk, do some deep breathing exercises, or listen to your favorite CD.

Weight Loss Tips --#20

Exercise first thing in the morning. When you start your day with exercise, it increases your metabolic rate throughout the day. Also, there is more of a chance of you putting it off, or something getting in the way if you exercise later on.

Weight Loss Tips --#21

Fats that are solid in room temperature are killers. Fats that are liquid in room temp. are healthy fats: olive oil, flaxseed oil, canola oil, sunflower, safflower, etc.

Weight Loss Tips --#22

Do Not Eat or add anything that contains Partially Hydrogenated ingredients such as margarines (ex Country Crock). Your body shoves it into your arteries and clogs them.

Weight Loss Tips --#23

If the food or drink contains High Fructose Corn Syrupin the first three ingredients, you want to stay away from them. Sugar loads the body with extra empty energy calories called glycogens, which are converted to fats. Concentrated juices contain this, so not all juices are good for you. Instead of concentrated juices, try organic, or freshly squeezed.*

Weight Loss Tips --#24

Chew gum. Doing this activity plus other small, continuous movements such as twiddling your thumbs, waggling your fingers, jiggling your leg(s) and tapping your feet all burn calories and increase your metabolic rate.
What Mak said...

For me I was hitting 350 in March 2006....by Oct 2006 I drop to 285

Eating six meals a day and cardio...sometime 2 hours a day.
But you'll be a fine mamma-jamma later on this evening when you lose that .27 lbs. lol

Yeah, it goes right through you. But you can't beat the zero calories, helps maintain digestive order, etc.

I normally have oatmeal, yogurt, and banana for breakfast w/ a BIG glass of water. Nothing like an a.m. bowel movement. :) Then for lunch I jack it up and have something "greasy" or high in cholestorol (seafoods, etc). :retard:

yes, that's what I usually have...oatmeal, yogurt and water. Sometimes I drink Hot Chocolate, just b/c they keep it so gottdamm cold in here.

Drink some water with it...have a piece of fruit (apple) or some yogurt.
Fibre from oatmeal and apple and water should fill you up.

P~Congrates P!
Not eating heavy meals and fattening foods and sugar prior to going to bed will definitely help you lose...noticed that over the last few weeks.

ok, maybe I need to start adding a piece of fruit, along w/the yogurt too...I'm just greedy, though. :D

Thanks, for the tips...:tup:
I follow all of these in that list. I bring my lunch to work most days and I have healthy snacks so that I don't get hungry.

One thing I don't do is prevent myself from eating after a certain time in the evening. I just make sure I choose a healthy food if I want to eat something late in the evening.


Weight Loss Tips --#3

Eat small, frequent meals and snacks (5 or 6 a day). The pattern of eating has been shown to raise metabolism and keep blood sugar levels stable. It also helps to prevent binging because you never feel famished. Your body keeps burning calories all day long.

Weight Loss Tips --#5

Train with weights 2 or 3 times per week. Because muscle tissue requires m ore calories than fat tissue, your metabolism will increase. Don't worry... you don't have to become big and bilky for this to have an effect.

Weight Loss Tips --#6

Drink 10 eight ounce glasses of water a day. Carry a bottle of water with you and drink frequently throughout the day.

Weight Loss Tips --#8

your plate should look very colorful. Veggies and fruits help with digestion, metabolism and are healthy carbohydrates. Steam your vegetables rather than frying them in butter or oil.

Weight Loss Tips --#9

Cut right down on alcohol. A grain of alcohol contains 7 calories or 150 calories in a bottle of beer. Instead of a glass or wine with every evening meal, go for flavored, sparkling water.

Weight Loss Tips --#11

Replace all full fat milk with low fat milk.

Weight Loss Tips --#12
Drink a glass of water before you eat. It will fill you up. you may not even be hungry, just thirsty. Also water helps you open the metabolic pathways. Check your urine color. The darker it is, the more dehydrated you are.

Weight Loss Tips --#13

Keep a food diary. This is one of the best ways to "interrupt" habitual binging and food addictions. Try it for a week.

Weight Loss Tips --#14

Don't shop when you're hungry. You'll end up buying all kinds of things you know you shouldn't.

Weight Loss Tips --#15

Make a shopping list before you go...and stick to it.

Weight Loss Tips --#20

Exercise first thing in the morning. When you start your day with exercise, it increases your metabolic rate throughout the day. Also, there is more of a chance of you putting it off, or something getting in the way if you exercise later on.
This time 2 years ago I was 342lbs....now I am 250lbs.

It was slow and gradual.....I basically made a lifestyle change.

BTW, I got these tips from another site......

Weight Loss Tips --#1

Do NOT eat LATE AT NIGHT. Dinner should be light and eaten as early as possible, preferably at least 3 hours before bedtime. You will sleep easier and your body will be re-energizing itself rather than digesting a meal.

Weight Loss Tips --#2

Never UNDER EAT (less than 1200 calories per day). Eating less than is required to support your basal metabolism will slow it down.

Weight Loss Tips --#3

Eat small, frequent meals and snacks (5 or 6 a day). The pattern of eating has been shown to raise metabolism and keep blood sugar levels stable. It also helps to prevent binging because you never feel famished. Your body keeps burning calories all day long.

Weight Loss Tips --#4

Do 5 minutes more activity than the day before. It does not have to be an exercise session. Walking to the shops, mowing the lawn, taking the stairs at work all count and it should be spread througout the day. After a week or two, you will have to get creative!!

Weight Loss Tips --#5

Train with weights 2 or 3 times per week. Because muscle tissue requires m ore calories than fat tissue, your metabolism will increase. Don't worry... you don't have to become big and bilky for this to have an effect.

Weight Loss Tips --#6

Drink 10 eight ounce glasses of water a day. Carry a bottle of water with you and drink frequently throughout the day.

Weight Loss Tips --#7

When eating meats remember the less legs the better." More complex meats such as beef and pork are higher in bad fats and take longer for the body to break down. Chicken and fish are more simple proteins. Fish also contains fatty acids that help with hair, nails and brain functioning.

Weight Loss Tips --#8

your plate should look very colorful. Veggies and fruits help with digestion, metabolism and are healthy carbohydrates. Steam your vegetables rather than frying them in butter or oil.

Weight Loss Tips --#9

Cut right down on alcohol. A grain of alcohol contains 7 calories or 150 calories in a bottle of beer. Instead of a glass or wine with every evening meal, go for flavored, sparkling water.

Weight Loss Tips --#10

Replace sweet snacks like candy bars with dried fruit or tropical mixes. Candy contains processed sugars that increase blood sugar levels. This spikes your energy and you crash, feeling tired throughout the day.

Weight Loss Tips --#11

Replace all full fat milk with low fat milk.

Weight Loss Tips --#12
Drink a glass of water before you eat. It will fill you up. you may not even be hungry, just thirsty. Also water helps you open the metabolic pathways. Check your urine color. The darker it is, the more dehydrated you are.

Weight Loss Tips --#13

Keep a food diary. This is one of the best ways to "interrupt" habitual binging and food addictions. Try it for a week.

Weight Loss Tips --#14

Don't shop when you're hungry. You'll end up buying all kinds of things you know you shouldn't.

Weight Loss Tips --#15

Make a shopping list before you go...and stick to it.

Weight Loss Tips --#16

Chew your food 10-2- times. you feel fuller with less food...and it aids digestion.

Weight Loss Tips --#17

Write down tomorrow's meals the night before, as well as the times you plan to eat. That way you are eating "matter-of- factly" rather than on impulse.

Weight Loss Tips --#18

If you binge eat during the week, write down precisely what you did, and how you felt just before you did. After a few weeks, you should find out what triggers that behavior. If you are stressed, for example, maybe you could go for a walk, do some deep breathing exercises, or listen to your favorite CD.

Weight Loss Tips --#20

Exercise first thing in the morning. When you start your day with exercise, it increases your metabolic rate throughout the day. Also, there is more of a chance of you putting it off, or something getting in the way if you exercise later on.

Weight Loss Tips --#21

Fats that are solid in room temperature are killers. Fats that are liquid in room temp. are healthy fats: olive oil, flaxseed oil, canola oil, sunflower, safflower, etc.

Weight Loss Tips --#22

Do Not Eat or add anything that contains Partially Hydrogenated ingredients such as margarines (ex Country Crock). Your body shoves it into your arteries and clogs them.

Weight Loss Tips --#23

If the food or drink contains High Fructose Corn Syrupin the first three ingredients, you want to stay away from them. Sugar loads the body with extra empty energy calories called glycogens, which are converted to fats. Concentrated juices contain this, so not all juices are good for you. Instead of concentrated juices, try organic, or freshly squeezed.*

Weight Loss Tips --#24

Chew gum. Doing this activity plus other small, continuous movements such as twiddling your thumbs, waggling your fingers, jiggling your leg(s) and tapping your feet all burn calories and increase your metabolic rate.
I just copied and pasted all this, into a Word document...these are great! :tup: Thank you, Mak...you lost a lot of weight. Keep up the good work...that's wonderful!
Makaho 2.0 said:
Weight Loss Tips --#2

Never UNDER EAT (less than 1200 calories per day). Eating less than is required to support your basal metabolism will slow it down.

Weight Loss Tips --#3

Eat small, frequent meals and snacks (5 or 6 a day). The pattern of eating has been shown to raise metabolism and keep blood sugar levels stable. It also helps to prevent binging because you never feel famished. Your body keeps burning calories all day long.

So many people think that eating one meal a day or skipping a meal is the way to lose weight. This does just the opposite.

Good tips all over this thread. :tup:
I ain't reading all this sh@t!! :mad:
This time 2 years ago I was 342lbs....now I am 250lbs.

It was slow and gradual.....I basically made a lifestyle change.

BTW, I got these tips from another site......

Weight Loss Tips --#1

Do NOT eat LATE AT NIGHT. Dinner should be light and eaten as early as possible, preferably at least 3 hours before bedtime. You will sleep easier and your body will be re-energizing itself rather than digesting a meal.

Weight Loss Tips --#2

Never UNDER EAT (less than 1200 calories per day). Eating less than is required to support your basal metabolism will slow it down.

Weight Loss Tips --#3

Eat small, frequent meals and snacks (5 or 6 a day). The pattern of eating has been shown to raise metabolism and keep blood sugar levels stable. It also helps to prevent binging because you never feel famished. Your body keeps burning calories all day long.

Weight Loss Tips --#4

Do 5 minutes more activity than the day before. It does not have to be an exercise session. Walking to the shops, mowing the lawn, taking the stairs at work all count and it should be spread througout the day. After a week or two, you will have to get creative!!

Weight Loss Tips --#5

Train with weights 2 or 3 times per week. Because muscle tissue requires m ore calories than fat tissue, your metabolism will increase. Don't worry... you don't have to become big and bilky for this to have an effect.

Weight Loss Tips --#6

Drink 10 eight ounce glasses of water a day. Carry a bottle of water with you and drink frequently throughout the day.

Weight Loss Tips --#7

When eating meats remember the less legs the better." More complex meats such as beef and pork are higher in bad fats and take longer for the body to break down. Chicken and fish are more simple proteins. Fish also contains fatty acids that help with hair, nails and brain functioning.

Weight Loss Tips --#8

your plate should look very colorful. Veggies and fruits help with digestion, metabolism and are healthy carbohydrates. Steam your vegetables rather than frying them in butter or oil.

Weight Loss Tips --#9

Cut right down on alcohol. A grain of alcohol contains 7 calories or 150 calories in a bottle of beer. Instead of a glass or wine with every evening meal, go for flavored, sparkling water.

Weight Loss Tips --#10

Replace sweet snacks like candy bars with dried fruit or tropical mixes. Candy contains processed sugars that increase blood sugar levels. This spikes your energy and you crash, feeling tired throughout the day.

Weight Loss Tips --#11

Replace all full fat milk with low fat milk.

Weight Loss Tips --#12
Drink a glass of water before you eat. It will fill you up. you may not even be hungry, just thirsty. Also water helps you open the metabolic pathways. Check your urine color. The darker it is, the more dehydrated you are.

Weight Loss Tips --#13

Keep a food diary. This is one of the best ways to "interrupt" habitual binging and food addictions. Try it for a week.

Weight Loss Tips --#14

Don't shop when you're hungry. You'll end up buying all kinds of things you know you shouldn't.

Weight Loss Tips --#15

Make a shopping list before you go...and stick to it.

Weight Loss Tips --#16

Chew your food 10-2- times. you feel fuller with less food...and it aids digestion.

Weight Loss Tips --#17

Write down tomorrow's meals the night before, as well as the times you plan to eat. That way you are eating "matter-of- factly" rather than on impulse.

Weight Loss Tips --#18

If you binge eat during the week, write down precisely what you did, and how you felt just before you did. After a few weeks, you should find out what triggers that behavior. If you are stressed, for example, maybe you could go for a walk, do some deep breathing exercises, or listen to your favorite CD.

Weight Loss Tips --#20

Exercise first thing in the morning. When you start your day with exercise, it increases your metabolic rate throughout the day. Also, there is more of a chance of you putting it off, or something getting in the way if you exercise later on.

Weight Loss Tips --#21

Fats that are solid in room temperature are killers. Fats that are liquid in room temp. are healthy fats: olive oil, flaxseed oil, canola oil, sunflower, safflower, etc.

Weight Loss Tips --#22

Do Not Eat or add anything that contains Partially Hydrogenated ingredients such as margarines (ex Country Crock). Your body shoves it into your arteries and clogs them.

Weight Loss Tips --#23

If the food or drink contains High Fructose Corn Syrupin the first three ingredients, you want to stay away from them. Sugar loads the body with extra empty energy calories called glycogens, which are converted to fats. Concentrated juices contain this, so not all juices are good for you. Instead of concentrated juices, try organic, or freshly squeezed.*

Weight Loss Tips --#24

Chew gum. Doing this activity plus other small, continuous movements such as twiddling your thumbs, waggling your fingers, jiggling your leg(s) and tapping your feet all burn calories and increase your metabolic rate.

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Just because I have a narrow azz don't mean I can't be concerned with the health and weight of others. I don't see a reason for you to be in the discussion either.

Robber with camera please post illustration. :devil2:
I've discovered that I can eat as I please, as long as I'm active, and still lose weight.

The thing is finding the time to be as active as I need to be.
I find that cutting out sugars, hydrogenated fats, excess salt, red meats, bread in moderation and EXERCISE helps. I also find that some medical conditions make it difficult for some persons to lose weight even when eating properly and exercising. But sitting on the couch with the remote does not help at all. :D
I have also found that working with a coach on your team (and others on your faculty) will kinda shame you into becoming more active. :lol:
Uhh Catdaddy :smash: :smash:
I was at the gym for 5AM this morning. It's something I MUST do.
You can say that Nita.

Time is not on my side. I'll be glad when daylight is longer so I can get outside and do what I need to do.