Looks like war has begun.


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Sirens going off in Bagdad. Welp, that's it,,, now we will see who was right, who was wrong.

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The sad part about this whole affair is that:

Innocent people will die so political leaders can save face.

This is true of political leaders on both sides. :smh:
True, but

Originally posted by TSU/BAMA
The sad part about this whole affair is that:

Innocent people will die so political leaders can save face.

This is true of political leaders on both sides. :smh:

That's true,, but this is a never ending saga,, we know this from Adam and Eve. There will always be leaders testing other leader's nutts just like in the lion kingdom.

Why da fugg can't male lions all come to an agreement on a peaceful transition of power and control of a pride and all dat "cat"???! :bump:

You can loosely apply the analogy to world affairs, oil/countries(err, "cat"), etc.
Re: True, but

Originally posted by Bartram

That's true,, but this is a never ending saga,, we know this from Adam and Eve. There will always be leaders testing other leader's nutts just like in the lion kingdom.

Why da fugg can't male lions all come to an agreement on a peaceful transition of power and control of a pride and all dat "cat"???! :bump:

You can loosely apply the analogy to world affairs, oil/countries(err, "cat"), etc.

"cat"??? :lmao:
But on the serious side, many a lives have been lost over, oil and other natural resources. Oh yes, and of course the all powerful "cat".
I thought the analogy was apro pos.

Originally posted by TSU/BAMA
But on the serious side, many a lives have been lost over, oil and other natural resources. Oh yes, and of course the all powerful "cat".

I can point-blank tell you,,,,, anytime I read the news from home and there is a killing involving blacks,,,, it almost always centers around three things:

"Cat"/domestic disputes/crimes of passion.

,,,, and the first two are ultimately about the THIRD! This will never change. It's not going to change, I don't care how much you pray, and go to church and all that stuff. likewise for the behavior of countries/leaders.