Leading Dem Presidential Candidate.

What Sharpton is saying????

Originally posted by JSU*Toi
Have you looked at what Sharpton is saying? Have you researched his campaign? Have you even been to his website? Please say yes!!! If not ... :rolleyes:


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Re: Re: What Sharpton is saying????

Originally posted by JSU*Toi
I take that as a NO? ( insert middle finger smilie here):rolleyes:

WOOOOOOO!!,,,, the middle finger,,,,, how profound. :|

Re: Re: Re: What Sharpton is saying????

Originally posted by Bartram
WOOOOOOO!!,,,, the middle finger,,,,, how profound. :|


Just as profound as your comment about Sharpton. It makes since to know his stands before you condemn it.

Regardless of how you feel about him, you should take time to read what his motivations are.

Do I support Sharpton? Yes and the one of the main reason why is because I have seen with my own eyes him get the inter city people to register to vote. I have heard black people who would not normally care about politics talk about how they wanted to know more about Sharpton running for President. SO excuse me if I am happy, at least one black person in politics is getting people talking and caring about the upcoming election.

Of all these people running have you even took the time up to read up on even one of them or go hear them speak?

For the record I have, Kerry, Sharpton, Braun, and Lieberman, and you better believe I will be in the front row of the YDA convention asking questions and taking names.

You ramble about how black people need to do this and do that, but what kind of example are you setting by making off the cuff remakes without researching the present NOT the past???
Re: Re: Re: Re: What Sharpton is saying????

Originally posted by JSU*Toi
Just as profound as your comment about Sharpton. It makes since to know his stands before you condemn it.

Regardless of how you feel about him, you should take time to read what his motivations are.

Do I support Sharpton? Yes and the one of the main reason why is because I have seen with my own eyes him get the inter city people to register to vote. I have heard black people who would not normally care about politics talk about how they wanted to know more about Sharpton running for President. SO excuse me if I am happy, at least one black person in politics is getting people talking and caring about the upcoming election.

Of all these people running have you even took the time up to read up on even one of them or go hear them speak?

For the record I have, Kerry, Sharpton, Braun, and Lieberman, and you better believe I will be in the front row of the YDA convention asking questions and taking names.

You ramble about how black people need to do this and do that, but what kind of example are you setting by making off the cuff remakes without researching the present NOT the past???

Gee, no more fingers huh???? :| Well, at least you have some takes. And please,, spare me all the, "you ain't" this/"you don't do" that/"activist rebel" commentary above. :sleep2:

Give me your top three or five issues WHY you support Sharpton and WHY you think he can win. :|
I respect Al Sharpton but could never vote for him as president. He is an excellent community activist making strong changes at the grass roots level but not the national level.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What Sharpton is saying????

Originally posted by Bartram
Gee, no more fingers huh???? :| Well, at least you have some takes. And please,, spare me all the, "you ain't" this/"you don't do" that/"activist rebel" commentary above. :sleep2:

Give me your top three or five issues WHY you support Sharpton and WHY you think he can win. :|

You are a waste of time. :rolleyes:

You with your 5 page commentaries about nothing can't even take the time to research before you make statements. And you want me to prove myself.

You sir are a joke. :smh:
Can we have disussion without peps taking stuff personal. This is a good thread but with all the pissing matches it has turned out to be simple.
Again Toi is making some sense.

B, you should not have started something. :eek2:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What Sharpton is saying????

Originally posted by JSU*Toi
You are a waste of time. :rolleyes:

You with your 5 page commentaries about nothing can't even take the time to research before you make statements. And you want me to prove myself.

You sir are a joke. :smh:

Message read. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by EB
Again Toi is making some sense.

B, you should not have started something. :eek2:

Right EB. So EB, you telling me you gonna vote for Sharpton? Someone put it very clear above. They put it perfectly. Sharpton is a good rabble-rouser and aggitator, good to be in the system and be an "ACTIVIST", but beyond that, the guy's a joke as presidential material. Are you telling me that the masses of Americans are going to listen to this guy, have a great awakening and vote for him? You can't tell me that with a straight face; you and everybody else knows it. The guy is nothing more than a demogogue just like George Wallace in his hay-day,, only he's on the left. :idea:

Originally posted by Dr. Sweet NUPE
Can we have disussion without peps taking stuff personal. This is a good thread but with all the pissing matches it has turned out to be simple.

:idea: that would be a "no" I believe. I would simply like a plausible take, someones view, on why they or anybody is going to vote for Al Sharpton as president if this is the guy you see as the top Dem candidate,,, which was the original focus,, top dem candidates. :lecture:
Originally posted by Bartram
:idea: that would be a "no" I believe. I would simply like a plausible take, someones view, on why they or anybody is going to vote for Al Sharpton as president if this is the guy you see as the top Dem candidate,,, which was the original focus,, top dem candidates. :lecture:

The thread direction changed when you started to bash people. I ask you if had taken the time out to see what type of direction Rev. Sharpton was going and you make jokes. I didn't see the humor, but maybe it is just me.

And as Might Dog stated

Rev Al, is the best candidate because he is the most truthful. All other candidates are not concerned about the welfare of the people. They keep telling us that things are ok, but Americans are losing jobs by the thousands. Credit card debt is up, folks losing houses, the standard of living is down for white American and the supreme court is worried about AA and gay rights.
While many may like Rev. Sharpton's message, I don't think even his staunchest supporters believe he could actually win the White House, let alone the Democratic nomination.....

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Originally posted by JSU*Toi
The thread direction changed when you started to bash people. I ask you if had taken the time out to see what type of direction Rev. Sharpton was going and you make jokes. I didn't see the humor, but maybe it is just me.

And as Might Dog stated

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I would never classify Sharpton as a Wallace. Sharpton has never preached (or shown by actions) any type of segregationist or Black supremacy type of talk. He has not acted like a Maddox or Thurmond. So I would not classify Sharpton as a New York type of southern segregationist.

The "masses" of people may not vote for him. But he can make an impact. If the democratic party is smart, the impact will be positive.

I have not decided who I will vote for in the primary next year. I doubt that I will even consider Lieberman, who acts like a republican. To me he is against affirmative action until he gets in front of Black folks.

If democrats learn the lesson from 2002, they will know that they must act like democrats. If they did more of them would have won in November. Too many dems like Lieberman act like republicans. It may take a person like Sharpton to get the party acting like it is supposed to act.
Originally posted by EB
I would never classify Sharpton as a Wallace. Sharpton has never preached (or shown by actions) any type of segregationist or Black supremacy type of talk. He has not acted like a Maddox or Thurmond. So I would not classify Sharpton as a New York type of southern segregationist.

The "masses" of people may not vote for him. But he can make an impact. If the democratic party is smart, the impact will be positive.

I have not decided who I will vote for in the primary next year. I doubt that I will even consider Lieberman, who acts like a republican. To me he is against affirmative action until he gets in front of Black folks.

If democrats learn the lesson from 2002, they will know that they must act like democrats. If they did more of them would have won in November. Too many dems like Lieberman act like republicans. It may take a person like Sharpton to get the party acting like it is supposed to act.

I would classify Sharpton as a Wallace, a Maddox, a Thurmond and a David Duke (a Rush, a Savage, a Neil Bortz, etc) because he knows PRECISELY how to push the emotional buttons of black people, his core constituency. THAT'S why I put all of them in the same bucket, demogogues. These guys are all MASTERS at polarizing their respective races/constituency which is part of the reason they will NEVER be presidents.

Ok, Sharpton can make an impact if we have another hanging chad episode.

If the democratic party acts more like Sharpton, the Republicans will be VERY HAPPY is all I will say on that one.