Dr H..

Active Member

Do you recall the subject concerning the human body? You said that the human body is composed of energy and it continues to generate a frequency although the body is dead. I said, that once the body is dead, cellular activity ceases and the body does not generate a frequency.

However, you were saying regardless of how long a body has been it continues to generate a frequency / have celluar ativity.

I contacted some experts and this is what they had to say:


Not an easy question to answer but studies have shown that the human body can emit frequency for up to 4 hours from the moment of death . At which point Rigor Mortis, blood pooling, and purpling of skin occurs which lasts an additional 8 hours (full Rigor Mortis after 12 hours).

After 24 hours, body returns to a limp state, and any residual cellular activity has ceased.


Interesting question, and one with a less than definitive answer. Soon (but not immediately) after death, it is true that most metabolic processes (such as electrical signaling in nerve, aerobic metabolism in muscle, etc.) cease. However, it is important to keep in mind that decay processes begin soon after death. Since these are energy-dependent processes, they too have the capacity to generate signals in the RF spectrum.

Do you recall the subject concerning the human body? You said that the human body is composed of energy and it continues to generate a frequency although the body is dead. I said, that once the body is dead, cellular activity ceases and the body does not generate a frequency.

However, you were saying regardless of how long a body has been it continues to generate a frequency / have celluar ativity.

I contacted some experts and this is what they had to say:


Not an easy question to answer but studies have shown that the human body can emit frequency for up to 4 hours from the moment of death . At which point Rigor Mortis, blood pooling, and purpling of skin occurs which lasts an additional 8 hours (full Rigor Mortis after 12 hours).

After 24 hours, body returns to a limp state, and any residual cellular activity has ceased.


Interesting question, and one with a less than definitive answer. Soon (but not immediately) after death, it is true that most metabolic processes (such as electrical signaling in nerve, aerobic metabolism in muscle, etc.) cease. However, it is important to keep in mind that decay processes begin soon after death. Since these are energy-dependent processes, they too have the capacity to generate signals in the RF spectrum.

One question for you to research that may clear this up once and for all. Does each mineral have it's own individual frequency? Hint: Think back to your chemistry class if you can.

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Ok, we have moved from the human body to geology, Why!

The human body is composed of flesh and blood and their elements, not a freaking rock.
Since you obviously don't seem to know the answer, I'll show you.

By mass, human cells consist of 65–90% water (H2O), and a significant portion is composed of carbon-containing organic molecules. Oxygen therefore contributes a majority of a human body's mass, followed by carbon. 99% of the mass of the human body is made up of the six elements oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus."
Source and further information:

Can water be destroyed?
Can carbon be destroyed?
Can oxygen be destroyed?
Finally you guys are moving towards a discussion about
Something that might have some eternal consequences

Some one may argue
In favor of the idea that people are never really
Destroyed, unless you could destroy an atom

Can you destroy an atom?
Can you make an atom?


They can be made through either fusion or fission.

Through fusion, atoms with lower molecular numbers can combine to make one atom of a higher molecular number. This process occurs in stars when hydrogen is fused into helium.

In nuclear fission, an atom with a high molecular number, looses neutrons and protons to become an atom with a lower molecular number. It is said to be radioactive, and this happens naturally as uranium turns into lead. When it happens naturally the rate at which it goes through fission is called a half-life. When it is used in a nuclear reactor it can release energy as it undergoes fusion and produce a lot of energy over a long period of time.

When it is used in an atomic bomb, the fission undergoes a chain reaction where all the energy is released in a fraction of a second and creates a huge explosion.

When it is used in a nuclear bomb, an atom bomb explodes under nuclear fission and then triggers hydrogen to fuse into helium in a secondary explosion. This type of bomb releases even more energy.

So. Yes, atoms can be made and destroyed, in both cases huge amounts of energy are released in the process.

a better question would be Can man make the electrons, protons, and neutrons that comprise an atom? Can we create a whole new peridic chart?

But back to this Energy thing;

can you destroy Energy?

The law of conservation of energy is an empirical law of physics. It states that the total amount of energy in an isolated system remains constant over time (is said to be conserved over time). A consequence of this law is that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it can only be transformed from one state to another. The only thing that can happen to energy in a closed system is that it can change form, for instance chemical energy can become kinetic energy.

In thermodynamics, a closed system can exchange heat and work (for example, energy), but not matter, with its surroundings. In contrast, an isolated system cannot exchange any of heat, work, or matter with the surroundings, while an open system can exchange all of heat, work and matter. For a simple system, with only one type of particle (atom or molecule), a closed system amounts to a constant number of particles. However, for systems which are undergoing a chemical reaction, there may be all sorts of molecules being generated and destroyed by the reaction process. In this case, the fact that the system is closed is expressed by stating that the total number of each elemental atom is conserved, no matter what kind of molecule it may be a part of.

So are humans an open, or isolated system?

In the natural sciences an isolated system, as contrasted with an open system, is a physical system that does not interact with its surroundings. It obeys a number of conservation laws: its total energy and mass stay constant. They cannot enter or exit, but can only move around inside. An example is in the study of spacetime, where it is assumed that asymptotically flat spacetimes exist.

Truly isolated physical systems do not exist in reality (except perhaps for the universe as a whole), because, for example, there is always gravity between a system with mass and masses elsewhere. However, real systems may behave nearly as an isolated system for finite (possibly very long) times. The concept of an isolated system can serve as a useful model approximating many real-world situations.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that "in all energy exchanges, if no energy enters or leaves the system, the potential energy of the state will always be less than that of the initial state."

This is also commonly referred to as entropy. A watchspring-driven watch will run until the potential energy in the spring is converted, and not again until energy is reapplied to the spring to rewind it. A car that has run out of gas will not run again until you walk 10 miles to a gas station and refuel the car. Once the potential energy locked in carbohydrates is converted into kinetic energy (energy in use or motion), the organism will get no more until energy is input again. In the process of energy transfer, some energy will dissipate as heat. Entropy is a measure of disorder: cells are NOT disordered and so have low entropy. The flow of energy maintains order and life. Entropy wins when organisms cease to take in energy and die.

So Now knowing all that

would it seem rational to believe that atleast the energy in our Bodies will exists forever Somewhere?


Do I control that somewhere?
Doggone JR

I posted that on the previous topic, I thought you had something new. You are just rehashing what I previously posted.

Did you not say that the body was composed of energy and I introduced the Theory of Thermodynamics.
Doggone JR

I posted that on the previous topic, I thought you had something new. You are just rehashing what I previously posted.

Did you not say that the body was composed of energy and I introduced the Theory of Thermodynamics.

Uh I'm not JR, I made the previous post,

and I don't read the majority of post over here, because most of them don't
have anything to do with getting to heaven.

and most adults have already made up their minds to believe or not,
so debating about it is as useful as watching grass grow

I'll give my praise to God, and maybe, just maybe comment on
some of the foolish trivial pursuits that occur here from time to time.
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Tony; [SIZE="4" said:
So Now knowing all that

would it seem rational to believe that atleast the energy in our Bodies will exists forever Somewhere?[/SIZE]


Do I control that somewhere?

Thanks for the post, however I still think it went over "H's" head.
Anyhow, that's all I was basically saying is that the human body, changes into a different state, but that energy and frequency is never destroyed.
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Doggone JR

I posted that on the previous topic, I thought you had something new. You are just rehashing what I previously posted.

Did you not say that the body was composed of energy and I introduced the Theory of Thermodynamics.

You posted this information, but you didn't understand the dynamics of what you were posting.

In other words, you contradicted your own argument and still don't realize that you're doing it now. LOL!! This is hilarious!!! Hahahahaha!!!

Energy cannot be destroyed or created. It merely transforms into a different state. How many times must I quote this?
Uh I'm not JR, I made the previous post,

and I don't read the majority of post over here, because most of them don't
have anything to do with getting to heaven.

and most adults have already made up their minds to believe or not,
so debating about it is as useful as watching grass grow

I'll give my praise to God, and maybe, just maybe comment on
some of the foolish trivial pursuits that occur here from time to time.

I don't totally agree with that. Most Christians have been afraid to do an extensive study on the origin of religions, including Christianity. If a person has an objective mind, they can learn a lot they never were taught about religions and why religions were created from one culture to the next.

Debating leads to thinking, leads to research leads to knowledge leads to evidence leads to a rational decision.

Note: Since you're over hear, can you tell me how you KNOW without a doubt that the biblical god is the ONE and ONLY true god? I keep asking, but no one has answered yet. I REALLY want to know. Thanks in advance.
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I don't totally agree with that. Most Christians have been afraid to do an extensive study on the origin of religions, including Christianity. If a person has an objective mind, they can learn a lot they never were taught about religions and why religions were created from one culture to the next.

Debating leads to thinking, leads to research leads to knowledge leads to evidence leads to a rational decision.

Note: Since you're over hear, can you tell me how you KNOW without a doubt that the biblical god is the ONE and ONLY true god? I keep asking, but no one has answered yet. I REALLY want to know. Thanks in advance.

You can show a woman all day that her husband is a dirty bastard
or you can show a person all types of despicable things about their mother
But if they have made up their minds to love them anyway you cannot change that.

Same as here no one has ever won someone over by what is typed here.
Whether it's believing, tithing or whatever, their minds are already made up
to do them, regardless of anything produced, therefore the pursuit has zero value

Here's the point; I have faith that the God of the Bible is God
and Jesus is His Son.

You say I'm wrong?

But check I'm willing to bet my eternal Soul that I'm right.

And guess what?

it's my Life,
My Soul,
My choice, and I have the freedom to do with it what I want.

Just like you.
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Tony [QUOTE said:
You can show a woman all day that her husband is a dirty bastard
or you can show a person all types of despicable things about their mother
But if they have made up their minds to love them anyway you cannot change that.

Same as here no one has ever won someone over by what is typed here.
Whether it's believing, tithing or whatever, their minds are already made up
to do them, regardless of anything produced, therefore the pursuit has zero value

You don't know this for a fact. It may or may not help another person learn to think for themselves and not gullibly believe what they've been taught from childbirth.

Here's the point; I have faith that the God of the Bible is God
and Jesus is His Son.

So faith is your evidence? Oh, okay.

You say I'm wrong?

But check I'm willing to bet my eternal Soul that I'm right.

I don't say you're wrong, I simply say you haven't proven to be right. Why? Because faith is not an absolute. It's abstact at best and offers nothing concrete.

And guess what?

it's my Life,
My Soul,
My choice, and I have the freedom to do with it what I want.

Just like you.

Some can learn from others more than others can learn from some, but he must have an objective mind.
yeah... lol!

I'm trying to help the Christian side by showing that energy, our energy will live on

my stance is that we can control where it goes.

Maybe "H" will listen to you because you're a Christian. He refuses to listen to me for some odd reason, no matter how much knowledge I direct his way.
You don't know this for a fact. It may or may not help another person learn to think for themselves and not gullibly believe what they've been taught from childbirth.

Well let's say I never read here where someone typed
"Oh now I see, I had it wrong, I will change from this point on."

So faith is your evidence? Oh, okay.

yep, my faith is the substance of things hoped for not the things seen

I don't say you're wrong, I simply say you haven't proven to be right. Why? Because faith is not an absolute. It's abstact at best and offers nothing concrete.

If it offered something concrete then it wouldn't be faith.

Some can learn from others more than others can learn from some, but he must have an objective mind.

Objectivity, has it's place
you say I haven't been proven right
I haven't been proven wrong also

Is there an absolute truth?

You will never escape the individual responsibility to make a choice
you will never be let off the hook
by having all the concrete evidence on either side
and even not choosing is a choice unto itself
I suggest you choose carefully
Tony [QUOTE said:
Well let's say I never read here where someone typed
"Oh now I see, I had it wrong, I will change from this point on."

I don't post to try and make people change, I post to try and generate thinking.

yep, my faith is the substance of things hoped for not the things seen

So, it's abstract, like I stated earlier. Faith is not evidence, it's something that's hoped to be evidence sometime in the future, but you don't know when.

If it offered something concrete then it wouldn't be faith

Then, you must admit that it's not evidence, it's hope that evidence will be found at some point and time.

Objectivity, has it's place
you say I haven't been proven right
I haven't been proven wrong also

Actually the bible has been proven to be wrong in hundreds of places, especially when it comes to the following subjects: prophecies, morality, justice, slavery, theft, unscientific statements, historical inaccuracies, outright plagiarisms from other religions and much more.

If I made a claim that Santa Clause was "real", the burden of proof would be on me to prove such. The skeptic wouldn't have to prove a thing.

Is there an absolute truth?

One doesn't need absolute truth to be proven right, one only needs show that the other person's point is flawed, while his isn't AS flawed.

You will never escape the individual responsibility to make a choice
you will never be let off the hook
by having all the concrete evidence on either side
and even not choosing is a choice unto itself
I suggest you choose carefully

I agree with the individual responsibility statement. This is why I'm now even more careful of what I accept and what I reject, especially when it comes to religion and politics. I try my best to base nothing on faith alone.
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Maybe "H" will listen to you because you're a Christian. He refuses to listen to me for some odd reason, no matter how much knowledge I direct his way.

Negative, you do not direct knowledge toward me, you have your opinion and I have mine. Yours, is based on science and yes, I trust science to a degree, but as I have posted, science has been proven to be wrong.

You still refuse to explain how you got here or how the fish fossils were found on top of mountains. I posted someting about an "ancient flood" and th question was asked, do you agree there was a world wide flood.

Are you a product of:


you said that you do not believe in God. Therefore, you have to be a product of evolution. Now you have to explain, the process from where your ancestors started up to the date you were born.
Dr H. [QUOTE said:
Negative, you do not direct knowledge toward me, you have your opinion and I have mine. Yours, is based on science and yes, I trust science to a degree, but as I have posted, science has been proven to be wrong.

Dude, the only science you trust is when it agrees with the bible, other than that, you'll do or say anything against it, while at the same time presenting nothing to support your case. You do this over and over again.

You still refuse to explain how you got here or how the fish fossils were found on top of mountains. I posted someting about an "ancient flood" and th question was asked, do you agree there was a world wide flood.

Are you a product of:


you said that you do not believe in God. Therefore, you have to be a product of evolution. Now you have to explain, the process from where your ancestors started up to the date you were born.

There you go, lying again. I stated that I don't believe in a BIBLICAL....BIBLICAL, I'll say it one more time.....BIBLICAL god, which is the SAME god worshipped by the Egyptians, Hindu, Greeks, Jews, Muslims and others.

Keep diverting if that makes you feel better. It's you who can't even answer the question proving that your biblical god is the one and only true god. It's you who don't know who created your biblical god. It's you who accept words on faith without evidence. It's you who can't even prove that your god is who he says he is and you mysteriously avoid answering the question time and time again.
~and I'm out

you guys are back to posting about
things that won't help me get into heaven


Diverting what?

Regardless if you beleive in the bible or not "that's your problem" you still refuse to explain your existance.

This question is simple, were you created or the product of evolution. Since, you do not beleive in the bible, by default you are saying that you are the product of Evolution.

Ok, what did you evolve from, and what was the begining it "whatever you evolved from" where did it have it's beginning.

Select "A" if you were created
Select "B" if you were the product of evolution