IRS rebate/refund checks


Postmaster General!!!
What are you guys going to do with the money? And for those of you that have received theirs already, what did you do with the money?

Imma buy me a tv and dvd player....and I guess I'll finally get me some cable.


Do the right thing............

Either get my save on, or knock down some bills.

Maybe I'll use it to finance some road trips. Of course, some of it is going to be put toward some new shoes after I come back from Mudford :D
Well this is what I'm doing with mine..........

Getting High!!!!!!!

Re: Well this is what I'm doing with mine..........

Originally posted by Crazier Jag
Getting High!!!!!!!



Will you smoke an entire rebate check? Weed's more expensive than I thought.

Originally posted by D-NICE
Warnd....errr...D-Town, how much of a refund are you getting to buy a TV, & DVD Player?


Unlike some of you black people, I shop for bargains and I know where to shop.;)

DVD's aren't expensive at all....
I want to punch a bill in the eye... and I want to splurge on me and my honey... What to do? What to do? The week of Sept. 4 can't get here fast enough!

mo' money, mo' money, mo' money !!!

Mine gets here the week of August 27th and I'm going to spend it on furnishing my new apartment! :D
Just got mine!!!

I have to pay some bills and save the rest for my annual road trips in the coming months. :p :p

* I come! (evil laugh)*
IRS Check

Received my check and it is already gone. Bought a DVD Player and furniture for the baby on the way.

Dtown, I got my DVD Player from Best Buy for 119.00. Pretty good deal if you asked me.
Walmart got an Apex dvd for 98 bucks... it plays dvd,vcd, and audio cds....

Sams has a Daewoo dvd for 99 (not sure of specs)