Instagrammer shares genius hack for saving money on your water bill: ‘It’s just about getting the most out of your shower water’

Olde Hornet

Well-Known Member
This is a good idea!

In her video, Masiello explains an easy way she and her family save water. Whenever they start the shower, they collect the cold water as the temperature warms up.

They then add this water to a big glass container so they can use it for drinking, cooking, or watering plants. For the drinking water, Masiello simply adds a natural water filter to improve the taste and purity.

As a result, Masiello’s family saves on their water bill while also wasting as little water as possible.

“A very simple habit that makes a difference!” she wrote in her post’s caption.

As Masiello points out, the hack saves her family at least four liters (or about one gallon) of water per shower. In many households, that means saving hundreds of gallons per year.

Instagram commenters praised the tip, saying they couldn’t wait to try it.

“Such a great idea! Totally going to start doing this,” one user wrote.

“This is an awesome idea,” another agreed.