Healthcare passes

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It's not perfect...but it's a start! We will NEVER have a perfect bill. if you actually think that by waiting/delaying this vote to try to "work on the bill" and make it better was really going to happen...nope...I KNOW you dont' think that b/c you are not stupid and you KNOW the folks that were saying "what's the rush...let's delay it" weren't really planning on working on the bill to make it better!

These same folks had over 40-50 years to work on the healthcare system in America and they didn't...b/c they didn't want to.

:tup: I agree. This bill is not perfect at all but what would killing the bill do?? It took 100 years for this to past so obviously killing it or delaying it aint helping no one. I have yet heard an alternative to not passing the bill. All i keep hearing is that it will raise taxes. Well come up with a solution that it wont raise taxes.
How about they take the taxes they ALREADY taking.. you know that 35-40% they already snatching from us and look into the programs that ain't working and the money they flat out stealing and use that for this reform......

MORE taxes mean that 35-40% will rise to 45-50%...... What incentives is that to make you work harder are even pursue a college degree?

I can feel that as well...

i switched up medicare/ check my corrections! LOL

J-Lo you already know I agree with you that trifling folks like that need to get the boot!!

But this bill is NOT about them...they already on Medicaid/receiving govt. assistance we already paying for them :lol: She was probably watching the healthcare reform debate like "daymn...they don't have that kind of coverage yet"!! :lol:

This bill is about folks like you and I, who had good jobs but then lost them and couldn't afford Private healthcare coverage out of pocket AND at the same time didn't qualify for medicare (or at least not yet anyway).

This bill is about folks like you and I that ended up getting sick/catching a disease/etc and the private healthcare company that we have being paying our monthly premiums to for YEARS would drop us or not cover our bills b/c of a loophole created by their company that would save THEM money...not us.

This bill will help those college graduates that can't find a job (b/c of the past problems not being solved) but would have to be dropped from their parents coverage at the age of 23. So they can't find a job BUT they have to get their own coverage...that they can't afford. Lord help them if they have a pre-exisiting health condition. Under this new will be extended until the age of 26...which is great since more people are going back to school b/c the job market sucks and is non-existent in some areas.

We are already covering the trifling folks that don't work, get govt. assistance, etc. through medicare (and that needs to be reformed so those trifling folks will get the heyal on).

It's not perfect...but it's a start! We will NEVER have a perfect bill. if you actually think that by waiting/delaying this vote to try to "work on the bill" and make it better was really going to happen...nope...I KNOW you dont' think that b/c you are not stupid and you KNOW the folks that were saying "what's the rush...let's delay it" weren't really planning on working on the bill to make it better!

These same folks had over 40-50 years to work on the healthcare system in America and they didn't...b/c they didn't want to.

J-Lo...I feel where you are coming from...but I'd rather have my taxes go up so people like my Soror who couldn't find a job for over 2 years after being LAID OFF (just got a job last week working part time :clap:) can have affordable healthcare coverage with her pre-exisiting condition.

to give an example of the insurance companies not providing coverage where they should...
When i went to Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr's townhall meeting on healthcare reform there was a retired educator that spoke. She said she had paid monthly into her healthcare coverage consistently, never missing a payment. When she was diagnosed with Cancer, the doctor told her NO STRESS. The stress came from her healthcare provider that tried to DENY her claims eventhough she did what she was supposed to do for decades. She said she couldn't wait until she turned 65 years of age so she could apply for Medicare. While she was speaking I thought her name sounded was after that I realized she was my grade school prinicipal, Sharon Hamilton. She was a great principal...prior to her becoming an educator she was a professional Opera singer that had travelled the world. Each morning she would teach us worlds/phrases in German b/c she knew the importance of exposing kids to different cultures/languages. I share all of that to say it's not just dumb/uneducated folks caught up in that healthcare mess...people were doing what they were supposed to do!

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How about they take the taxes they ALREADY taking.. you know that 35-40% they already snatching from us and look into the programs that ain't working and the money they flat out stealing and use that for this reform......

MORE taxes mean that 35-40% will rise to 45-50%...... What incentives is that to make you work harder are even pursue a college degree?

I see that you continue to reference the hard working college degree. You do know that there are plenty of college graduates who are recieving goverment assistance right? Just like there are plenty of people who haven't stepped a foot in a college classroom making large paychecks and being taxed to support the college graduate with low income. Nothing is full proof, there will always be someone that is trying to hustle the system but there will always be someone who actually needs assistance and will utilize it to get on there feet.
This bill will help those college graduates that can't find a job (b/c of the past problems not being solved) but would have to be dropped from their parents coverage at the age of 23. So they can't find a job BUT they have to get their own coverage...that they can't afford. Lord help them if they have a pre-exisiting health condition. Under this new will be extended until the age of 26...which is great since more people are going back to school b/c the job market sucks and is non-existent in some areas.


I have seen this happen to a few of my friends.
I see that you continue to reference the hard working college degree. You do know that there are plenty of college graduates who are recieving goverment assistance right? Just like there are plenty of people who haven't stepped a foot in a college classroom making large paychecks and being taxed to support the college graduate with low income. Nothing is full proof, there will always be someone that is trying to hustle the system but there will always be someone who actually needs assistance and will utilize it to get on there feet.

I'm only using college grads as a reference because most of us in here are just that.... Most of us in here feel into debt after leaving college...

I know there are folk that didn't finish college who are working harder than any of us....

Let's do something about the job market first than get these SKILLED grads employment.....

The problem is this country has been living off of credit for so long this country got FAT and LAZY and is no longer the innovative country we once were...

This country created this lazy ass attitude of wanting the government to do for us... because it was all set up by the government like that...
It's a BULLSHYT concept mam...

You mean to tell me that "GET a College Degree" gimmick was for us to go to college get in debt with "sista Sallie" to get a piece of paper to go out and work only to give most of our pay check back to the government so they can help those who choose not to continue their education so they can enjoy the same things we (who bust our ass) enjoy? Wow... talk about feeling like a duck...smh...

J, until the day you leave this earth(and even after that if you have kids that MAY get your pension if you have it set up that way), you will be paying for others lazy I stated before.....we're paying now for decisions made by politicians that came before us and every generation will pick up another's tab. Is it right....maybe not, but it is what it is.......but in that same token, there are some that ARE using the system to better themselves and get off of it.....:tup:

Mam......:lol: I'mma get you for that one!
J, until the day you leave this earth(and even after that if you have kids that MAY get your pension if you have it set up that way), you will be paying for others lazy I stated before.....we're paying now for decisions made by politicians that came before us and every generation will pick up another's tab. Is it right....maybe not, but it is what it is.......but in that same token, there are some that ARE using the system to better themselves and get off of it.....:tup:

Mam......:lol: I'mma get you for that one!

If any system that needs an overhaul it would be the government....

We take it in the arse way to easy...... all because we just take what the government say as gold...
Let's be honest, we all have used the system once in our lives. If you are an American citizen, some how, some way, you used a bill or law or what ever it is to benefit you in life. We only have the system after we have gotten what we wanted out of it. Just like if you didn't sit at those lunch counters and get hit in the head or had a water hose turned on you, you benefited from the system.
Let's be honest, we all have used the system once in our lives. If you are an American citizen, some how, some way, you used a bill or law or what ever it is to benefit you in life. We only have the system after we have gotten what we wanted out of it. Just like if you didn't sit at those lunch counters and get hit in the head or had a water hose turned on you, you benefited from the system.

What an Fed up system it is...

our black people were a better people when we were going through those times... we might not have had much but what we had was ours and we ain't get nothing from the government then.. We looked out for each others...cared for each other more....

Now we living the life...."If the government can do this for me.....I can go get these rims.. I can go get this car....I can just get a part time job.."

I don't think MLK dreamed of this...
How about they take the taxes they ALREADY taking.. you know that 35-40% they already snatching from us and look into the programs that ain't working and the money they flat out stealing and use that for this reform......

MORE taxes mean that 35-40% will rise to 45-50%...... What incentives is that to make you work harder are even pursue a college degree?

My incentive to work harder is seeing how those Katrina Folks got treated. They were left to die for a REASON-why save folks that are happy to do the things you said-sit around and collect a check. I might not make the money that I want or deserve as an educator but it's better than sitting at home waiting for a handout-I deal with enough kids whose parents are doing that and teaching that to thier kids.

As for looking at the programs that don't work. While that NEEDS to be done. Remember someone is benefitting from that program.

Look at No Child Left Behind-it has KILLED the school system especially the black schools, but someone is making money off of collecting that data.

Where do you think all these charter schools are popping up for? Get a grants/funding from Uncle Sucker and pick and choose your kids-you get top rated charter schools because you weeded out the bad ones. Even the badest kid will shape up if he's around kids that want to learn.

And the programs that do work are the main ones they are trying to ax.
My incentive to work harder is seeing how those Katrina Folks got treated. They were left to die for a REASON-why save folks that are happy to do the things you said-sit around and collect a check. I might not make the money that I want or deserve as an educator but it's better than sitting at home waiting for a handout-I deal with enough kids whose parents are doing that and teaching that to thier kids.


Thats a very ignorant statement. Thats just like white folks are all black people lazy and want welfare
J-Lo you already know I agree with you that trifling folks like that need to get the boot!!

But this bill is NOT about them...they already on Medicaid/govt. assistance we already paying for them :lol: She was probably watching the healthcare reform debate like "daymn...they don't have that kind of coverage yet"!! :lol:

This bill is about folks like you and I, who had good jobs but then lost them and couldn't afford Private healthcare coverage out of pocket AND at the same time didn't qualify for medicaid (or at least not yet anyway).

This bill is about folks like you and I that ended up getting sick/catching a disease/etc and the private healthcare company that we have being paying our monthly premiums to for YEARS would drop us or not cover our bills b/c of a loophole created by their company that would save THEM money...not us.

This bill will help those college graduates that can't find a job (b/c of the past problems not being solved) but would have to be dropped from their parents coverage at the age of 23. So they can't find a job BUT they have to get their own coverage...that they can't afford. Lord help them if they have a pre-exisiting health condition. Under this new will be extended until the age of 26...which is great since more people are going back to school b/c the job market sucks and is non-existent in some areas.

We are already covering the trifling folks that don't work, get govt. assistance, etc. through medicare (and that needs to be reformed so those trifling folks will get the heyal on).

It's not perfect...but it's a start! We will NEVER have a perfect bill. if you actually think that by waiting/delaying this vote to try to "work on the bill" and make it better was really going to happen...nope...I KNOW you dont' think that b/c you are not stupid and you KNOW the folks that were saying "what's the rush...let's delay it" weren't really planning on working on the bill to make it better!

These same folks had over 40-50 years to work on the healthcare system in America and they didn't...b/c they didn't want to.

J-Lo...I feel where you are coming from...but I'd rather have my taxes go up so people like my Soror who couldn't find a job for over 2 years after being LAID OFF (just got a job last week working part time :clap:) can have affordable healthcare coverage with her pre-exisiting condition.

to give an example of the insurance companies not providing coverage where they should...
When i went to Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr's townhall meeting on healthcare reform there was a retired educator that spoke. She said she had paid monthly into her healthcare coverage consistently, never missing a payment. When she was diagnosed with Cancer, the doctor told her NO STRESS. The stress came from her healthcare provider that tried to DENY her claims eventhough she did what she was supposed to do for decades. She said she couldn't wait until she turned 65 years of age so she could apply for Medicare. While she was speaking I thought her name sounded was after that I realized she was my grade school prinicipal, Sharon Hamilton. She was a great principal...prior to her becoming an educator she was a professional Opera singer that had travelled the world. Each morning she would teach us worlds/phrases in German b/c she knew the importance of exposing kids to different cultures/languages. I share all of that to say it's not just dumb/uneducated folks caught up in that healthcare mess...people were doing what they were supposed to do!

Why do you even try? :retard:

I see your point. It seems you get penalize for being productive. I can take it even further. I am getting ready to send my son to Southern this fall. He is not going to get any federal assistance. I will have to foot the bill myself. The only thing I can afford to pay is tuition, room and board, and books. I told him some of his friends going with him are going to have new clothes, cars, and all kinds of stuff compliments of the taxpayers. I know you know some people who got that money and f’d it off. But what can I do about it…nothing. It was like that when my father sent me to Southern. The only reason it was not like that for my father when he was attending Southern is because only the white folks were getting federal assistance back then. Do I want to stop it….no. Because with out that federal assistance, we may not have had a Barack Obama or some other productive person who is getting ready to foot the bill for their child just like me.
In a nutshell people complain about the part of the system that we don't use while we ride high on the part we do. Seeing as how this is the SWAC page we all used the system called public college. Now we could have gotten off the tax payer dime and went to private college so as not to be hypocritical if we don't believe in paying for others but we didn't.

I agree its frustrating to pay for folk thats just milking the system. But I'd be a fool to pretend thats the only place my tax dollars go. I think the idea that being taxed is a disincentive to work is retarded. How do you think you are going to even get to work if you didn't have public roads? Would you be able to smell decent at work if you didn't have public water works? I know not too many of us know how to dig a well. Face it. I've never seen a strategy where everybody does their own thing work for a team.
In a nutshell people complain about the part of the system that we don't use while we ride high on the part we do. Seeing as how this is the SWAC page we all used the system called public college. Now we could have gotten off the tax payer dime and went to private college so as not to be hypocritical if we don't believe in paying for others but we didn't.

I agree its frustrating to pay for folk thats just milking the system. But I'd be a fool to pretend thats the only place my tax dollars go. I think the idea that being taxed is a disincentive to work is retarded. How do you think you are going to even get to work if you didn't have public roads? Would you be able to smell decent at work if you didn't have public water works? I know not too many of us know how to dig a well. Face it. I've never seen a strategy where everybody does their own thing work for a team.


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In a nutshell people complain about the part of the system that we don't use while we ride high on the part we do. Seeing as how this is the SWAC page we all used the system called public college. Now we could have gotten off the tax payer dime and went to private college so as not to be hypocritical if we don't believe in paying for others but we didn't.

I agree its frustrating to pay for folk thats just milking the system. But I'd be a fool to pretend thats the only place my tax dollars go. I think the idea that being taxed is a disincentive to work is retarded. How do you think you are going to even get to work if you didn't have public roads? Would you be able to smell decent at work if you didn't have public water works? I know not too many of us know how to dig a well. Face it. I've never seen a strategy where everybody does their own thing work for a team.

Great post
I prefer "you" people that want the government to take care of them to go to places that already do that... Now scat....

Well since you're directing this at me I'll reply.

Clearly you don't understand how demoracy works (one reason that you may want to move). It's not base off of what you or I prefer but what the majority wants, so my suggestion to all those that can't accept the fact that they didn't get their way in a fair democracy, they should move else where, somewhere that pratice a philosophy more in tune with their view points so they can live a full and happy life.
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In a nutshell people complain about the part of the system that we don't use while we ride high on the part we do. Seeing as how this is the SWAC page we all used the system called public college. Now we could have gotten off the tax payer dime and went to private college so as not to be hypocritical if we don't believe in paying for others but we didn't.

I agree its frustrating to pay for folk thats just milking the system. But I'd be a fool to pretend thats the only place my tax dollars go. I think the idea that being taxed is a disincentive to work is retarded. How do you think you are going to even get to work if you didn't have public roads? Would you be able to smell decent at work if you didn't have public water works? I know not too many of us know how to dig a well. Face it. I've never seen a strategy where everybody does their own thing work for a team.

Public college...riding high off of public college?!?!?

Unless it's folk in here that went to school for "FREE" I have no idea why you brought that up....

Most folk in here are paying "interest/taxes" on top of what the cost of public school was....

"Income Tax" do not PAY for roads my friend... property taxes pay for that..

Ohh Casey... tell that chic let me and you debate.... it was an A and B convo... tell her to C her dumbass out.... She is one of those stupid folk me and you talked about not long ago...:tup:
INCOME tax goes towards..

Section 8


Where have that gotten us?? How is Medicare doing? How is Social Security doing?
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Great post

Look here if you can do my job-


In fact I'll give you a heads up on jobs-

It's easy to take shot at us because we are the ones fixing the mess some yall caused by not doing your jobs to prepare kids to learn. It starts at the house not at school.

If you enjoy your taxes going to build new jails for us instead of new schools and creating new jobs for us. Or enjoy getting called to jury duty constantly to put one of US in jail for the tenth time.

Please carry on.

Otherwise shut the F**K up talking to me.
In a nutshell people complain about the part of the system that we don't use while we ride high on the part we do. Seeing as how this is the SWAC page we all used the system called public college. Now we could have gotten off the tax payer dime and went to private college so as not to be hypocritical if we don't believe in paying for others but we didn't.

I agree its frustrating to pay for folk thats just milking the system. But I'd be a fool to pretend thats the only place my tax dollars go. I think the idea that being taxed is a disincentive to work is retarded. How do you think you are going to even get to work if you didn't have public roads? Would you be able to smell decent at work if you didn't have public water works? I know not too many of us know how to dig a well. Face it. I've never seen a strategy where everybody does their own thing work for a team.

Great post. What I can't understand, folks chose to attack everything that is public funded because they see a few people abusing it. The private sector wouldn't take the initiative to maintain our vital parts of the system unless there’s profit in it for them. Attacking and destroying the whole system is the main reason why bridges are falling, water lines are coming apart, and the health care system is in shambles. If folks feel this strongly about public funded things, they need to stop driving on public streets and roads, stop cooking, cleaning, and washing their nasty behinds with public water, and stop allowing their human fecal matter from being flushed into public funded wastewater treatment systems. If they do all of the before-mentioned, then they might have a case, but otherwise what they should do is work on fixing that part of the system that they see is broken. It makes no sense to trash the entire system when only parts of it are broken.
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Okay let's not stop using the public wastewater treatment systems...b/c that's where I work!!!

as long as y'all shyt...I gets paid!!

Thank you,
Wastewater treatment employee

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Look here if you can do my job-


In fact I'll give you a heads up on jobs-

It's easy to take shot at us because we are the ones fixing the mess some yall caused by not doing your jobs to prepare kids to learn. It starts at the house not at school.

If you enjoy your taxes going to build new jails for us instead of new schools and creating new jobs for us. Or enjoy getting called to jury duty constantly to put one of US in jail for the tenth time.

Please carry on.

Otherwise shut the F**K up talking to me.

Uhhh I think he was talking about your statement on Katrina evacuees. Which is why he only quoted that part of your statement:retard: :lol::lol:

Aint nobody thinking about your job...we know, we's hard work!! :lol:
Well since you're directing this at me I'll reply.

Clearly you don't understand how demoracy works (one reason that you may want to move). It's not base off of what you or I prefer but what the majority wants, so my suggestion to all those that can't accept the fact that they've lost in a fair democracy, then they should move else where, somewhere that pratice a philosophy more in tune with their view points so they can live a full and happy life.

A democracy?

Since when have being "forced" to purchace a product "health care" or have the IRS come after you is called "democracy"?

Good thing our State is going to fight this dumb isht...

Uhhh I think he was talking about your statement on Katrina evacuees. Which is why he only quoted that part of your statement:retard: :lol::lol:

Aint nobody thinking about your job...we know, we's hard work!! :lol:

Don't forget to tell that...:retard: what I said.. umm K..

Look here if you can do my job-


In fact I'll give you a heads up on jobs-

It's easy to take shot at us because we are the ones fixing the mess some yall caused by not doing your jobs to prepare kids to learn. It starts at the house not at school.

If you enjoy your taxes going to build new jails for us instead of new schools and creating new jobs for us. Or enjoy getting called to jury duty constantly to put one of US in jail for the tenth time.

Please carry on.

Otherwise shut the F**K up talking to me.

you mad huh???? lol poor kids; i feel bad for those kids gotta hear a teacher say ignorant statements all the times; what u said about katrina folks; nobody wants to save people who dont wanna do nothing; smh; poor kids

anyway what does building jails instead of school have to do with healthcare. im still not seeing a way to reform healthcare by killing the bill. all im seeing is people who would rather do nothing and go another 100 years without it
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