CEE DOG said:
For the married dudes reading this thread who don?t post, saying, ? I never paid for the laffy taffy.? Stop lying to yourself. If your wife drives a new car and you drive the old beat up car, you paid for it. You just convinced yourself that you drive the beat up car to save gas.
Shiiiiiii, I am married. Happily. But I'm George Steinbrenner. I got me a starter, but I can't win without a reliever and a closer. But my franchise can support it. Some teams can't. It works because my reliever and my closer has got to know - THEY WILL NEVER, AND I MEAN NEVER - have my starters job.
My starter can hurt her arm and be out the line up for weeks. My reliever can come in and get us to the World Series - but soon as my Starter can go - she back on the mound and that reliever is back in the bullpen.
My starter can get me to the 8th inning with a lead and start to lose her control - I'll bring my closer in - and it will be my Starter that gets the game ball.
Know your role and stay in your lane, and just like I already posted - don't to the deal hoping for the come up to the next level. It's all good. Starters, Relievers and Closers can all make it to the Hall of Fame - if the play "their" position!
I'm with you Cee Dog, always know and trust, that what you do can be done to you - and probably is being done. Leave emotion in that box (see previous post).
Furthermore, don't go looking for things you don't want to know the answer to. As long as I don't hear about, pick up on it (which means my needs ain't lacking), I don't give a phugg.
While I'm on it - NEVER, EVER-NEVER - pay your Reliever or Closer before you pay the Starter! Keep the pecking order straight. Keep the protocol in line. Don't change the roster.
You got to keep the lights on at home, before you put food in the fridge down the street. The doors of the church are open. If there is but one, let him come!