Goree Island


Well-Known Member
Can you guys help me understand how George W. can take a tour of Goree Island, Senagal (one of the last stops for slaves before being shipped to America), and then express in his speech how tragic and horrendous the institution of slavery was but yet still feels there's no need to apologize to African-Americans for it? :rolleyes:
It's political talk. All of the politicians do it, it's just that Bush needs to brush up on his acting skills. I watched part of his speech and all I could do was :( . He has no clue.

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Originally posted by FAB5
Can you guys help me understand how George W. can take a tour of Goree Island, Senagal (one of the last stops for slaves before being shipped to America), and then express in his speech how tragic and horrendous the institution of slavery was but yet still feels there's no need to apologize to African-Americans for it? :rolleyes:

Ohhhhhhhh my goodness! I said this very thing to my wife this morning after watching the news. :(
i think the president is doing a good job of tryin to straddle the fence....

you know appease the african-americans but at the same time save face with the good ole boys!

basically anything to pick up all the votes for the 2004 election!
Originally posted by FAB5
Can you guys help me understand how George W. can take a tour of Goree Island, Senagal (one of the last stops for slaves before being shipped to America), and then express in his speech how tragic and horrendous the institution of slavery was but yet still feels there's no need to apologize to African-Americans for it? :rolleyes:

WTF will an apology do???? Heck who is he apologizing for???? You can't change the past.
I say that it is politics. If he apologized, then it would give the reparations movement more momentum. He would not want to do that. BTW Clinton did not formerly apologize either. Although he was criticized for expressing "deep regret" (or whatever he said) in Africa.
Re: Re: Goree Island

Originally posted by Dr. Sweet NUPE
WTF will an apology do???? Heck who is he apologizing for???? You can't change the past.

Mmmmmmmmm, how bout.... it would at least be an official acknowledgement from the U.S. gov't. of the wrongs done to the ancestors of African-Americans. Bill did come close, he gets my respect for that. It's been done for Japanese-Am., Native Am., etc. plus they got reparations. We all know we won't get reparations. They won't and can't pay for all the atrocities. You can't change the past but slavery, the middle passage and robbing a whole race of people of their culture, language, etc. shouldn't be brushed off like some incidental event in history.
More than likely... nothing. But at least there will be an official statement recorded (say in the Congressional records) of an American president speaking on behalf of the gov't. and the people.
Originally posted by FAB5
More than likely... nothing. But at least there will be an official statement recorded (say in the Congressional records) of an American president speaking on behalf of the gov't. and the people.

Ok...one President has done...why be redundant? I guess every President should place on their agenda to apologize for slavery. My point with all this is.....we all know slavery is wrong. Slavery ended....then there was segregation...now we have unseen racist. Let's capitalize on pushing rascism out of peoples minds.
Originally posted by Dr. Sweet NUPE
Yet the apology is just that an apology. What happens after that?

An apology is an acknowledgement that wrong was done. We know that they aren't going to do anything because "WE" don't hold them accountable.
Man I tell you, you people kill me with the apology for slavery stuff. What exactly is an apology going to do? What is it going to change, and how exactly is it going to help anyone? When you all can tell me that, then I will jump on the bandwagon with you and protest and demand an apology too.

Everytime a pres. goes to Africa all of black america jumps up and starts yelling about how we want an apology for slavery, as if that will make us all heal and feel better for what slavery was. And that by apologizing, we as well as white america is going to let go of its racist mentality. And yes I said we have racist mentality as well......but that is another thread in itself.

But yall march and protest on. All you will end up with is strained vocal cords and foot pains..........for what?
Originally posted by northern tiger
An apology is an acknowledgement that wrong was done. We know that they aren't going to do anything because "WE" don't hold them accountable.

Who are WE going to hold accountable? Name some people.....post their picture.....their addresses......Clinton did an apology. Yes slavery was wrong...the situation was addressed when slavery ended. Then segregation became prevalent.....then it was addressed....now we have other issues....the root of this problem is slavery but there is nothing we can do to change that history. We must focus on the present issues which is how people think about each other.
Originally posted by Suge

Everytime a pres. goes to Africa all of black america jumps up and starts yelling about how we want an apology for slavery, as if that will make us all heal and feel better for what slavery was.

My point exactly.....an apology will not do anything. When has an apology done anything for a person....
Black folks have more than enough economic power to bring this country to a stnd still. But "WE" let every injustice slide. Slavery should have been resolved a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time ago, but we still suffer from its affects. Thats why "WE" sweatin' about affirmative action. Every other race in this country as a whole prospers but ours. An apology is just a start not the end. Hold the country accountable. They hook up everybody else but us.

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Originally posted by Dr. Sweet NUPE
So do the Jews, Asian Americans, and now the Arabs.

Man the jews and asians got paid shortly after there situations ended. The US rebuilt Japan after they got nuked. Asians got reperations(spelling) after WWII for being held in concentration camps in California, and Arabs own all the liquor stores in the inner city. Arabs have money before they come over hear. They all just family. The U.S. is rebuilding Iraq. We didn't get our 40 acres and a mule. And if we ever do, I want the interest too.
Originally posted by northern tiger
Man the jews and asians got paid shortly after there situations ended. The US rebuilt Japan after they got nuked. Asians got reperations(spelling) after WWII for being held in concentration camps in California, and Arabs own all the liquor stores in the inner city. Arabs have money before they come over hear. They all just family. The U.S. is rebuilding Iraq. We didn't get our 40 acres and a mule. And if we ever do, I want the interest too.

I still say a redundent apology will not do anything.
Originally posted by northern tiger
Man the jews and asians got paid shortly after there situations ended. The US rebuilt Japan after they got nuked. Asians got reperations(spelling) after WWII for being held in concentration camps in California, and Arabs own all the liquor stores in the inner city. Arabs have money before they come over hear. They all just family. The U.S. is rebuilding Iraq. We didn't get our 40 acres and a mule. And if we ever do, I want the interest too.

I will cosign this. It is time we hold people accountable.
Originally posted by EB
I will cosign this. It is time we hold people accountable.

Who are we going to hold accountable? The government....who...and first....now if you want to get to the grass roots of it all...we need to hold the African Tribes accountable first. Slavery was prevalent in Africa long before America was thought....it was just a continuation in America with different people.
Originally posted by Dr. Sweet NUPE
Who are we going to hold accountable? The government....who...and first....now if you want to get to the grass roots of it all...we need to hold the African Tribes accountable first. Slavery was prevalent in Africa long before America was thought....it was just a continuation in America with different people.

Yes, the government. Like I said, they hooks everybody else up. They do not want us to be perceived as equal. Why do you think state supported HBCUs are substandard. I ought to know, I went to one. Any improvements that are normally made are to attract other races. The only time we are considered to be americans are when we are incarcerated or when there is a war and they need troops. If everything was so smoove, this thread would have never been started.
Originally posted by Dr. Sweet NUPE
Who are WE going to hold accountable? Clinton did an apology. Yes slavery was wrong...the situation was addressed when slavery ended.

Who? The perpatrators(sp)---The U.S. gov't. For the record, Clinton didn't apologize...he just went as far as he could w/o white America freaking out. And they still did somewhat. Man, I just don't get how any black person can find something wrong w/the U.S. making an official acknowledgement that slavery was wrong(an apology) and the whole country moving on. Diff. strokes....:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
For the record Clinton apologized......furthermore......there are some black who feel that an apology won't do squat. Change is created from home and generations need to learn that our country was built off of hatred and groups of people taking advantage of others and this must end.

But I am not going to harp off of someone apologizing. I would rather focus my efforts on exploring options to aid in each ethnic groups being happy about their race and not downing another. Slavery happened....but it is over....we can never change the past...but we can concentrate on the future.
I mean there is no problem concentrating on the past....yet...sometimes some African Americans focus so much on the past that the future is slipping by....we need to concentrate on present day problems and how they can be solved.

Honestly if Bush gave a public apology most of you on here would say he's doing it for the Black vote and not because he genuinly feel that slavery was wrong.
Originally posted by Dr. Sweet NUPE
Who are we going to hold accountable? The government....who...and first....now if you want to get to the grass roots of it all...we need to hold the African Tribes accountable first. Slavery was prevalent in Africa long before America was thought....it was just a continuation in America with different people.

EVERYONE that benefited should play a role in the healing of the dreadful deed.

For the record, the form of slavery that was practiced in the Americas was far different than that which was practiced in the east and the ancient world.