Flat Feet


Postmaster General!!!
I have issues running b/c of them. I like to brisk walk/jog daily, but can't due to these dog on feet of mind. I've had to cut my running time down to only 3-4 times a week.

The pain is terrible...I've had them x-ray'd but the tests always come back normal (thank GOD). Anyone else have flat foot issues?
Not flat feet but heel spurs....have you tried Brooks running shoes? You can go through stating what your problems are and they will recommend the best running shoe. I purchased a pair and I only work out in the gym in them....


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Not flat feet but heel spurs....have you tried Brooks running shoes? You can go through stating what your problems are and they will recommend the best running shoe. I purchased a pair and I only work out in the gym in them....


ok thanks, lemme check the site out...I was told I'd need to purchase a good running shoe for my "special" feet. :D They thought I had bone spurs or bursitis too, but so far so good. I just had to wear gel inserts in all my shoes. :shame:
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Spent years running on flat feet. Logged thousands of miles until my feet became PRONATED. No more running for me, the one activity I miss most in life.

Make sure you see a podiatrist and ask about getting orthotics for your feet. Be specific when you talk to him about your running regimen.
Spent years running on flat feet. Logged thousands of miles until my feet became PRONATED. No more running for me, the one activity I miss most in life.

Make sure you see a podiatrist and ask about getting orthotics for your feet. Be specific when you talk to him about your running regimen.

Thank you, dacontinent.
I used to deal with plantar fasciitis people may experience it differently, for me it felt like walking on small pebbles, each step I took, the pain was in the center of my foot, where the arch is.

The recommendation to help with this pain were orthotics that I still wear to this day. They were a life saver and the comfort more than out weighs the cost of $400 plus for a pair. The reason they are so high is that they are custom fit and cut for your feet and you have to get them as a pair, otherwise you'll have other foot issues.

The other option you can try is that Dr Scholls 'foot mapper' and see if you can get their inserts before going for the expensive orthotics.
I used to deal with plantar fasciitis people may experience it differently, for me it felt like walking on small pebbles, each step I took, the pain was in the center of my foot, where the arch is.

The recommendation to help with this pain were orthotics that I still wear to this day. They were a life saver and the comfort more than out weighs the cost of $400 plus for a pair. The reason they are so high is that they are custom fit and cut for your feet and you have to get them as a pair, otherwise you'll have other foot issues.

The other option you can try is that Dr Scholls 'foot mapper' and see if you can get their inserts before going for the expensive orthotics.

yes, the Dr. Scholls inserts do help...my feet don't look flat to me b/c a have a small arch, but these docs declare they are. :rolleyes:
Make sure you see a podiatrist and ask about getting orthotics for your feet. Be specific when you talk to him about your running regimen.

You or your primary care should have suggested that you goto a podiatrist for Orthotics. They make them for gym shoes and dress shoes. I have 3 pair of custom made Orthotics. Don't try and cheat by following the commercial and pick up a pair from walmart.