Favorite/Least Favorite

Least Favorite: Abs/Mid-section.

Favorite: Quads and Hamstrings (legs) b/c I see quicker results with them then any other part of the body :noidea:

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Favorite: Chest/Arms

Least: Abs Abs Abs

Ok I need to update. Since I've been doing different abs routine, now I hate leg work, and it's mainly quads, not calves, or hamstrings, QUADS!!
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Favorite: is Back and now that my bodybuilding coach has taught me how to really get my Legs to Fire and Grow Legs is
my favorite to train...

Least Favorite: Chest
I don't mind doing leg workouts, I am addicted to the hack squat machine but I have tendinitis and sometimes, I pay the price after a grueling leg workout.

My absolute favorite is shoulders and back.