Since it was stated by several JSU members that it is not all about DRILLs but it is about entertainment..... we shall be expecting the new and improved JSU
Reporter: Dr. Liddell, how do you feel about "The War on Terrorism"?
This how I feel about Afaganiskane...They need ta get Bin ladin and take him to da hole. Bush got ta use da sledge hamma on em. All he got ta do is get some crackheads and sinam ova der. In conclusion....snfubnjbguiowvboajsbvjakerogsvasv....bla bla bla bla bla bla
Dude holding the stand: Dude you're conducting is 3 but they're playin in 4/4.
Dude directing: You just hold the stand smart arse. Let me do this, aight.
Girl holding wires: Dayum, he told you! *sniker*