ESPY Awards!!!!

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I do not see too many awards shows. I caught this one mostly on radio on purpose-especially since I was not at home. The only part that I saw is when Kobe Bryant and Derrick Fisher pick up the award for the Lakers.
Originally posted by pbla
Did Bootsy perform? I missed the show, got home real late.

It was crap, you didn't miss nothing. It should have been call "Snoopadellick" because they "performed" his song from "Undercover Brotha". It was a BIG let down for me.

The only thing that I really didn't like about the show was to see Serena Williams in long Blond straight hair. I could deal with her with the braids but to see her standing there with it straight and shoulder length made her look like a (don't need to say it).

It was also funny how some of the female athletes who won awards couldn't seem to walk in heels. It's like they had been in sneakers all their life. Lisa Leslie did fine.
Serena looks her best when she is on the court, not in heals and a dress.
(Im still waiting on her to grow locks).

The ESPY's were boring as hell. They could have left Samuel arse at home.

Steve Harvey & Ced the Entertainer send help!