Cynthia McKinney**Democrat Implies Sept. 11 Administration Plot


New Member
By Juliet Eilperin
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, April 12, 2002; Page A16

Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-Ga.) is calling for an investigation into whether President Bush and other government officials had advance notice of terrorist attacks on Sept. 11 but did nothing to prevent them. She added that "persons close to this administration are poised to make huge profits off America's new war."

In a recent interview with a Berkeley, Calif., radio station, McKinney said: "We know there were numerous warnings of the events to come on September 11th. . . . What did this administration know and when did it know it, about the events of September 11th? Who else knew, and why did they not warn the innocent people of New York who were needlessly murdered? . . . What do they have to hide?"

McKinney declined to be interviewed yesterday, but she issued a statement saying: "I am not aware of any evidence showing that President Bush or members of his administration have personally profited from the attacks of 9-11. A complete investigation might reveal that to be the case."

Bush spokesman Scott McLellan dismissed McKinney's comments.

"The American people know the facts, and they dismiss such ludicrous, baseless views," he said. "The fact that she questions the president's legitimacy shows a partisan mind-set beyond all reason."

In the radio conversation, McKinney delivered a stinging attack on the administration. In 2000, she charged, Bush forces "stole from America our most precious right of all, the right to free and fair elections." With the September attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and in Pennsylvania, McKinney said, "an administration of questionable legitimacy has been given unprecedented power."

She suggested that the administration was serving the interests of a Washington-based investment firm, the Carlyle Group, which employs a number of high-ranking former government officials from both parties. Former president George H.W. Bush -- the current president's father -- is an adviser to the firm. McKinney said the war on terrorism has enriched Carlyle Group investors by enhancing the value of a military contractor partly owned by the firm.

Carlyle Group spokesman Chris Ullman asked: "Did she say these things while standing on a grassy knoll in Roswell, New Mexico?"

During her five terms in office, McKinney has often given voice to radical critiques of U.S. policy, especially in the Middle East. She defied the State Department to investigate assertions that international sanctions are brutalizing innocent Iraqis.

With her comments concerning Sept. 11, McKinney, 47, seems to have tapped into a web of conspiracy theories circulating during the past six months among people who believe that the government is partially -- or entirely -- to blame for last year's attacks, which killed more than 3,000 people.

"What is undeniable is that corporations close to the administration have directly benefited from the increased defense spending arising from the aftermath of September 11th," McKinney charged. "America's credibility, both with the world and with her own people, rests upon securing credible answers to these questions."

None of McKinney's colleagues has embraced her allegations, but a few said they are familiar with the theories.

"I've heard a number of people say it," said Rep. Melvin Watt (D-N.C.), who quickly added, "I can't say that it would be a widely held view" among lawmakers.

Some lawmakers have a less charitable view of McKinney's penchant for publicity. Rep. Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.) said McKinney is simply trying to impress her constituents.

"She's demonstrated at home an ability to win," he said, "and she's demonstrated in Washington a total lack of responsibility in her statements."

Rep. Jack Kingston (R-Ga.), a friend of McKinney's, said the Georgia Democrat is adept at seizing on "red-meat" issues that resonate with her political base and have helped her fend off a series of GOP challengers.

"She's not as random as people think," Kingston said. "People always want to hear a political conspiracy theory."

Staff writer David Von Drehle contributed to this report.
Only in America

Originally posted by JSU*Toi

"What is undeniable is that corporations close to the administration have directly benefited from the increased defense spending arising from the aftermath of September 11th," McKinney charged. "America's credibility, both with the world and with her own people, rests upon securing credible answers to these questions."

How true this is....this is what's been said all along. Someone had to know something. There was just too much that doesn't add up....and of course, these corporations would benefit from all the madness.

This information does not surprise nor shock me one bit....SAD.


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If yall actually think that Bush or someone in his administration had prior knowledge of the events of Sept. 11, please show some proof. Other than Cynthia McKinney running off at the mouth. She's gon talk her way right outta Congress. This aint the first time she's said some dubious stuff.

Bomb Bin Laden

99% of the super patriotic members on this board acted very surprised when I told them that they should be just as mad at the government as they were at Bin Laden. Strangely enough I was criticized and treated like a Benedict Arnold. Thats cool though, I aint tripping.

I don't know if the conspiracy of Dubya knowing exactly what time the planes were gonna hit the tower is true. But you gotta believe that he had been warned of several threats against America. And the CIA had knowledge of the techniques terrorist use to cause harm to large masses of people. You also gotta believe that Dubya's close friends are making billions of dollars in the aftermath of this tragedy. If you don't believe that then you need prayer.
Originally posted by mighty hornet
If yall actually think that Bush or someone in his administration had prior knowledge of the events of Sept. 11, please show some proof. Other than Cynthia McKinney running off at the mouth. She's gon talk her way right outta Congress. This aint the first time she's said some dubious stuff.


I don't see that happening because the people in her district, which is like 85% black beleive her and that is all that matters....

I for one do believe her and will vote for her each time she runns... and there has been a lot of things said that done to make one believe that someone know about this before it happen.... shoot they didn't know who bombed centenniel park for 3 weeks after the event... but an hour after the WTC they knew and had troops already over there... please.... I don't buy that crap one bit.

But that is just me
Re: Bomb Bin Laden

Originally posted by Mr. Matriculation
But you gotta believe that he had been warned of several threats against America. And the CIA had knowledge of the techniques terrorist use to cause harm to large masses of people.
I agree, but that doesn't rise to the level of knowing how, when, and where the terrorists would attack.

By noooooo stretch of anybody's imagination am I a fan of Bush and his admistration (Makaho is though :D ), but I think it's a real stretch to point the finger at him on this one.
Originally posted by JSU*Toi
I don't see that happening because the people in her district, which is like 85% black beleive her and that is all that matters....
I'm not so sure that McKinney will have an easy election next time. There was a story about another Democratic candidate (black female) who's running against her. She'll definitely take some votes from her. And will probably have the backing ($$$) of the Democratic Party. Even the Democratic governor, U.S. Senators and just about everybody blasted McKinney for her comments. And like I said, this aint her first time saying something off the wall.
During the week of 9/11 people were wondering about the intelligence failure. I myself have questions for the INS, FBI, CIA, and NSA. But understand that I am just a man in the street-not an expert. But I think that there should be somekind of an investigation, especially since one of the suspected highjackers got some papers in the mail from the INS just a couple of months ago.

Now, as for McKinney, I have followed her father, brother and her for years. I do not know much about her brother, but her father, Billy, and she have made controversial statement for years. At times it was against other Black people. For instance during the start of the Gulf War, Cynthia McKinney called the was naked aggression against Iraq on the floor of the Georgia house. When she first ran for congress, her campaign said that the other two Black opponents sold out during re-apportionment. To put a long story short I think that McKinney ran a dirty campaign (Walker and Thurmond, her opponents, were not sellouts.) with the help of her father.

Also, I now remember McKinney greeting Bush and Clinton before their State of the Union Speeches. So she went from doing that to saying this. Also, where was she when Barbara Lee was getting death threats after voting against the resolution giving Bush the broad powers to use force? Where was her out spokeness then? Barbara Lee needed some support; but I wonder if McKinney and other CBC members gave her any.

Again I too have serious questions. So I do not mind someone making controversial statements against Bush on the 9/11 attacks. McKinney maybe right on target. But with her making these statements, I will have to dig a little deeper to find some information. She would help herself to have some proof.
Originally posted by EB

Also, I now remember McKinney greeting Bush and Clinton before their State of the Union Speeches.
There was an editorial in the Constitution about that very thing. As much as she blast Bush, she made it a point to arrive to the House early for his state of the union speech, to ensure that she got an aisle seat. (Read: to esure that the cameras would pick her up). No sooner than Bush entered, there she was skinning and grinning and kissing Bush. :rolleyes:

Her lil unfounded statements (without any proof)about 9/11 are out of place for a Congresswoman.

Like I said, if she keeps running off at the mouth, she's gonna find it extremely hard to get reelected.
From Inside The Beltway.....

And across the street from the Pentagon where several fellow soldiers I've served with were killed, I doubt very seriously that anyone knew of the September 11 Attacks on American soil. However, soldiers deployed overseas in Korea, Japan and the Middle East wear placed on alert based on information received of attacks on American Servicemen/women overseas.

Now McKinney is one of the least respected Black Congressional Caucus Members here in DC. Word on the street is that sometimes "She Just Don't Get It"

Also as a member of the Senate Arms Service Committee, I think she voted to allow women to serve in frontline combat units.
Someone mentioned that on the MEAC page, but I could not remember it. But after a while I do.

Anyway, I do not mind a Black politician being controversial. I wish more of them were. But the McKinneys pop off at the mouth far too many times. I think that Eugene Walker would have been a better congressperson for that seat.

I have a few opinions on them, and will share them later.
France is with McKinney

One of our closest allies, France seems to believe ole Dubya planned the whole thing with the help of the CIA. France has been pro-Arab since 911 but they might have reasons that we aren't aware of fueling their anti-american sentiment. Afterall they are our Allies. The following book is the most popular book in France right now. It goes into detail about a conspiracy theory regarding our government and 911. Since I can't read French and don't know about an English version I can't comment on the content.

Re: France is with McKinney

Originally posted by Mr. Matriculation
One of our closest allies, France seems to believe ole Dubya planned the whole thing with the help of the CIA.
It's crazy enough that Mckinney (with no proof) said Bush had prior knowledge of the tragedy, but to say that he planned it is downright ridiculous!!! :smh:
I don't know if there was an administration plot, but when it happened I had hoped no one from within the U.S. helped. Though I would not be surprised. IT makes me think of this movie where this guy had planned bombings all over the country. He had hoped it would cause panic and chaos, thus causing the government to put police and possibly national guard on high alert. He thought it would lead to people rioting and revolting against the thought of too many police and guards on the streets. He hoped to start a revolution. It kinda makes me wonder if someone helped them do this hoping to start a war to boost the economy.

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----sorry for the dual post. I went back thinking it didn't go through.
Has Cynthia McKinney said anything in the last couple of weeks on this issue? Or has she gone on to something else?
I have not heard any rumblings, so I guess she left it alone.
Originally posted by Sonic98
I have not heard any rumblings, so I guess she left it alone.

I hope that she has not left this alone. I hope that she does not expect this to die down. Then again maybe the big boys have told her to keep quiet. Also, Cynthia should learn a thing or two more about politics from her father.

If one make statements like these, they should pursue the issue. Then again is Cynthia McKinney capable of doing so? Also, I wonder where was she when Congresswoman Barbara Lee was getting death threats.
Originally posted by mighty hornet
If yall actually think that Bush or someone in his administration had prior knowledge of the events of Sept. 11, please show some proof. Other than Cynthia McKinney running off at the mouth. She's goin talk her way right outta Congress. This ain't the first time she's said some dubious stuff.


Who do you believe now?
Bush standing in New York with Firefighters at Ground Zero after
September 11, that's sad. He didn't act on information he had before September 11, 2001.
Well, the election is tomorrow and polls indicate that Cynthia McKinney and Denise Majette are in a close one. I think McKinney will win, but this is her toughest challenge by far.
Her campaign has been real negative. And I'm not surprised.
I saw the debate over C-SPAN last week.

I was not overly impressed with Cynthia McKinney. I have to wonder how much has she brought to the district. But I am not impressed at all with Denise Majette. To me she lacks a lot of knowledge on the issues. I wonder how much she has flip-flopped recently.
It's bout to be all over for Cynthia McKinney. Looks like she's out the door!!!!! Majette has 60% of the vote. Surprising!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, Cynthia's daddy, Billy, got massacred in his state house race

btw, in another surprise, Bob Barr got his arse royally whooped!!!
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: