Creflo Dollar Tells Eddie Long’s Former Church Members “Go Backâ€￾

I think this is all people wanted you to say on the first page but, as usual, you went too far with a simple situation/answer and turned folks off.

Sometimes us "simple folks" just want you all (Pastors, Church Leaders) to just keep it real and stop with all the confusing talk. We are not as stupid as you think...:tup:

Sorry about that. Post #31 does occur on Page 2.

Frankly, I consider this a very astute audience. However, we (that includes me) sometimes let our emotions get the better of us and look right past what is there.
Stand strong, Dac. Be wise as a serpent, but harmless as a dove. Remember, some would vote you out the church if you was preaching something contrary to their lifestyle. Be strong.

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Stand strong Dac.
Like I told JayRob earlier, there really isn't any fire here.

I think that it might finally be an appropriate time to ask this question:

Are there any others reading this thread who have served on or been the subject of a restoration council? If so, was the process that you experienced significantly different from what I have described?
Sorry about that. Post #31 does occur on Page 2.

Frankly, I consider this a very astute audience. However, we (that includes me) sometimes let our emotions get the better of us and look right past what is there.

I think I skipped page 2 and went from 1 straight to 6 since I started reading today. But didn't you reply on page 1?!?

I apologize for skipping page 2 and that post...I guess I expected the statement about Long "stepping aside" to be the first thing to come out of everyone's mouth.

But you keep teaching though...
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And thats all we were basically saying. He should set aside but will his prideful manner allow him too?? If not, and i was a memeber of his congregation, I would leave as others have chosen to do.
I think I skipped page 2 and went from 1 straight to 6 since I started reading today. But didn't you reply on page 1?!?

I apologize for skipping page 2 and that post...I guess I expected the statement about Long "stepping aside" to be the first thing to come out of everyone's mouth.

But you keep teaching though...
I have two posts on Page 1. The subject of the thread is what "Creflo Dollar" said, so that is what I responded to. The rest of the discussion about how Creflo Dollar arrived at such a position, how big money preachers (and no money preachers) protect each other and all of the hoo-hah surrounding it all evolved from there.

Thanks for the encouragement.
3 days, 4 pages, and plenty of disillusioned readers...:smh: Preachers, I hope this tells you we want y'all to get to the "meat" and avoid driving us to the market to buy it along with the side dishes. Just get to the meat.
Thanks for the encouragement.

What you are saying is well-placed and exactly the kinds of elements that are examined in the restoration process. That is what I am advocating and asking for. We are in complete agreement. That is exactly what the process is about. Don't skip to running away without engaging the process. If the subject is confronted with the process and refuses to take part in it, then you have the answers that you need in order to see that subject removed from the position. The Scriptures will support such a decision and the corporate laws of the State and United States of America will require and/or assist in that enforcement.

Restoration Process?

okay I understand what you're saying BUT I've heard of
lots of churches of many different races and denominations
"get rid of" their pastors or "reassigning" them.

I haven't heard of many "restoration processes"
3 days, 4 pages, and plenty of disillusioned readers...:smh: Preachers, I hope this tells you we want y'all to get to the "meat" and avoid driving us to the market to buy it along with the side dishes. Just get to the meat.
CT, that was done. The statements were made, the Scriptures given, and the process outlined in support of it.

I look to the graduates and those who hold advanced degrees here on TSPN who are members of a local church to be much more well-rounded than the average church member; to want to lend their skills, knowledge, and diversity to their church or non-profit involvement to ensure things like its corporate compliance; to be involved in the study of the Scriptures and understand our federal government expects to find said processes and procedures in their corporate documents. I expected to find that reflected in their responses.

It could be that I need to adjust my approach. Thanks for the heads-up.
Restoration Process?

okay I understand what you're saying BUT I've heard of
lots of churches of many different races and denominations
"get rid of" their pastors or "reassigning" them.

I haven't heard of many "restoration processes"
I know of organizations that execute those reassignments without engaging the process. What results is a spreading of the disease. (Where is kendrick?) This is precisely why the Scriptures give us the process: to avoid the disease being spread, even to those who would be closely involved in the restoration process.

While this is hypothetical at this point, let me go ahead and make this statement. A person of the experience of a fully-restored Eddie Long can be extremely valuable to the Body of Christ. Such a person might not be suitable to return to placement as a direct leader over a congregation or organization, but can be an invaluable resource to thousands of churches and millions of people to advance the Kingdom of God. That kind of thing could be what comes out of such a restoration council.

I hope this helps.
I know of organizations that execute those reassignments without engaging the process. What results is a spreading of the disease. (Where is kendrick?) This is precisely why the Scriptures give us the process: to avoid the disease being spread, even to those who would be closely involved in the restoration process.

While this is hypothetical at this point, let me go ahead and make this statement. A person of the experience of a fully-restored Eddie Long can be extremely valuable to the Body of Christ. Such a person might not be suitable to return to placement as a direct leader over a congregation or organization, but can be an invaluable resource to thousands of churches and millions of people to advance the Kingdom of God. That kind of thing could be what comes out of such a restoration council.

I hope this helps.

Well before Long can get to the "restoration process" would you agree that he must first step aside?

You talk in circles. :lol:It's like you can't just make ONE statement and leave it at that, it's like you have to give 3 sub-answers/statements to that one statement.
1. Long should step aside
1a. There should be a restoration process in place for Long
1b. Long should be able to stay in leadership position at that Church
1c. Long is my brother but JayRob isn't


Let's just take it one step at a time. :tup:
dacontinent; [QUOTE said:
I do regret that you don't understand my purpose. For the record:

  1. [*]Eddie Long should step aside as pastor of New Birth and any other groups of which he has been leading except for his family. The by-laws of those groups should be clear and cover such matters;

  1. if you had said this from the start, you would've saved yourself from a lot of criticism. That other stuff you posted is secondary.

    [*]There are some people who might not be spiritually mature enough to remain at New Birth during the restoration process. That is not a knock against those people, but a simple matter of them knowing where they are spiritually. If that is the case, they need to explain that to the ministry to which they go so the ministry team there understands and delivers the kind of care that is needed for them. Those former New Birth people need to submit themselves to the care offered to them by the new ministry.

    Why do you say that they're "not spiritually mature" simply because they want to leave a church lead by deceit? You're making as if they're weak-minded for leaving. That's irrational, but being in religion allows one to be irrational, but rational.:emlaugh:

    The people of the world should be able to look to the Church and all of its entities as living above reproach. The Lord is there to enable us to avoid falling (Jude 24), and He is there to raise us when we do.

    Dude, if the world looked to the church, especially the Catholic church, there'd be pedophiles on every corner.
if you had said this from the start, you would've saved yourself from a lot of criticism. That other stuff you posted is secondary.
I did say this some 130+ posts ago. It was my third post in this thread. It did not save me criticism and that does not bother me.

Why do you say that they're "not spiritually mature" simply because they want to leave a church lead by deceit? You're making as if they're weak-minded for leaving. That's irrational, but being in religion allows one to be irrational, but rational.:emlaugh:
Please pardon me while I quote myself with emphasis:
dacontinent said:
7.There are some people who might not be spiritually mature enough to remain at New Birth during the restoration process. That is not a knock against those people, but a simple matter of them knowing where they are spiritually. If that is the case, they need to explain that to the ministry to which they go so the ministry team there understands and delivers the kind of care that is needed for them. Those former New Birth people need to submit themselves to the care offered to them by the new ministry.
What I did say is that some people don't need to be in that restoration environment because they are not mature enough for it and they know it. Those people should leave and they should be open about that specific need of care in their lives wherever it is they land. I have further stated that those who are spiritually mature should stay and help with the healing and restoration process of New Birth. Once that is complete, they should prayerfully consult the Lord about placement and follow His direction. I am sure that I have said this at least 3 times now.

Dude, if the world looked to the church, especially the Catholic church, there'd be pedophiles on every corner.
And while Catholic priests have been the most visible subjects, there are lots of others out there. No matter how those persons are affiliated, abject actions bring a reproach on the Church and on everyone who calls on Christ as Savior.
Well before Long can get to the "restoration process" would you agree that he must first step aside?

You talk in circles. :lol:It's like you can't just make ONE statement and leave it at that, it's like you have to give 3 sub-answers/statements to that one statement.
1. Long should step aside
1a. There should be a restoration process in place for Long
1b. Long should be able to stay in leadership position at that Church
1c. Long is my brother but JayRob isn't


Let's just take it one step at a time. :tup:
I made one statement in my very first post.

I made another in Post #31 saying Eddie Long should step aside.

I made a hypothetical about what the restoration council might recommend.

I made a statement about JayRob not being my brother where SUJagFan gave the Scripture reference for it in the post to which I was responding.

None of these statements were subtopics of each other. Each was in a separate step ... yet you say I am talking in circles.

I'm sorry. That was not my intention.

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A person has the right to leave any church at any time for any reason.

That is all.

And there you have it. If I'm not being spiritually fed for whatever reason, then why stay at the church. This thread is exactly why I have had issues with churches in the past. I will continue to work on my relationship with God, but there are so many flaws with religion.
Add pimp to that Cee.

Whenever you can screw a person's kid for years and the parents never think to ask about trips, cars and apartments...
Whenever you can get your "followers" to fight back the masses vehemently in your crooked defense over innocent kids...
Whenever you can then get the parents to PAY you for the screwing of their child and calling it offerings/love donations etc...
Whenever you can take these same folks money and give to these kids you are screwing AND the families of the kids don't leave the church...
Whenever you can be morally convicted of crimes against nature in your role and others at your level don't immediately toss you from your throne and onto the street...

if that ain't pimping, it aint been none. Use to be women, now ain't nobody really mad cause its homosexual...

Christianity has gotten to the point where their followers are quick to tell folks they going to hell for being another religion, yet you can't distinguish them from the secular masses in thought, words, dress or deeds. Hmmmm
The world is more criticual of a straight male for liking women, something he is suppose to do, than being mad at a rump roaster who is sick in the head. If long had sleep with women he would have been asked to step down. Since he is doo doo sticking no one is mad at him. Ain't that a bytch.
I'm still waiting ....

My faults are wide open for everyone to see and I'll willingly confess to them. But, I'm not a "bishop" and no one is putting me over their church. Unlike your beloved Eddie Long ....

Can you give me one example or not?
How you gonna use Eli as an example to prove your point, and then tell me I can't use the same priest to prove my point?

YOUR example of God removing people from positions after sin was Eli. For the 3rd or 4th time I'm telling you Eli was not removed from his position. You said he eventually died. Ok, when did he loose his priesthood?

Interesting you now admit to not being a christian. You and JayRob at least keep it real. Many others on here who are offering opinions are in the same boat.

These threads are fine, because per scripture 2 or 3 christians versus 20 or 30 'other's is just about right. So kool.
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I don't have a problem w/ Long or his followers. If Long wants to screw men in the butt and his congregants think it acceptable, well, god bless'em. :) The <b>only</b> issue I've had w/ the pulpit is how sheepish ppl are and their ability not to use what god blessed them w/, a brain. :retard: All can read, write, and discern for themselves because god gave us all the same 5 senses and some of us possess the power of the 6th sense. So, why in sans hell are most so prone to <b>follow</b>, like dumb sheep :lol:, some spineless, thoughtless, jelly-fish, <b>dummy</b> whooping and hollering yelling @ them from an elevated platform on something they should discern for themselves? :emlaugh:
