Coronavirus Thread 2

Virus choking off supply of what Africa needs most: Food

HARARE, Zimbabwe -- In a pre-dawn raid in food-starved Zimbabwe, police enforcing a coronavirus lockdown confiscated and destroyed 3 tons of fresh fruit and vegetables by setting fire to it. Wielding batons, they scattered a group of rural farmers who had traveled overnight, breaking restrictions on movement to bring the precious produce to one of the country’s busiest markets.

The food burned as the farmers went home empty-handed, a stupefying moment for a country and a continent where food is in critically short supply.

It was an extreme example of how lockdowns to slow the spread of the coronavirus may be choking Africa's already-vulnerable food supply.

Lockdowns in at least 33 of Africa’s 54 countries have blocked farmers from getting food to markets and threatened deliveries of food assistance to rural populations. Many informal markets where millions buy their food are shut.
Tax provision in coronavirus stimulus will mostly benefit wealthy: Study

One tax provision in the $2.2 trillion coronavirus stimulus package will overwhelmingly benefit wealthy Americans, according to a nonpartisan congressional analysis.

The measure allows taxpayers to use losses from certain businesses to reduce taxes owed on nonbusiness income, such as profits from investments.

Roughly 80% of the benefits of the provision will go to roughly 43,000 taxpayers who earn more than $1 million a year, according to the analysis conducted by the Joint Committee on Taxation, which was first reported by The Washington Post.

The provision reversed an element of the 2017 GOP tax law that allowed a married couple to use their first $500,000 in losses from businesses formed as pass-throughs -- entities that pass profits to owners and pay taxes through the individual income tax -- to offset taxes on nonbusiness income.

The economic data is even worse than Wall Street feared: 'The economy is clearly in ruins here'

Consumer and manufacturing reports for March showed the hit to the economy from the coronavirus was deeper in the early weeks of the shutdown than expected.
March retail sales fell 8.7%, the most ever in government data, and New York regional manufacturing activity hit an all-time low, declining a shocking 78.2%.
“The economy is clearly in ruins here,” said Chris Rupkey, chief financial economist at MUFG Union Bank.

Consumer and manufacturing reports for March showed the hit to the economy from the coronavirus was even swifter and deeper in the early weeks of the shutdown than expected.

March retail sales fell 8.7%, the most ever in government data, and New York regional manufacturing activity hit an all-time low, declining a shocking 78.2%. Industrial production slipped 5.4% and manufacturing was down 6.3%, a record reflecting in part the 28% decline in auto production as plants shut down.
Air conditioning appears to spread coronavirus—but opening windows could stop it, studies suggest

Opening windows in buildings, including our homes, may prevent the spread of the coronavirus, scientists believe

Experts in health, the built environment and microbiology at the University of Oregon and the University of California, Davis, made the recommendations by reviewing existing studies on germs including SARS-CoV-2 (the virus which causes COVID-19 disease).

They also looked at data on other members of the large coronavirus family of bugs which trigger severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). They published their findings in the journal mSystems.

The team hope their recommendations will help those tasked with deciding when and how to ease social distancing measures as the pandemic continues. According to Johns Hopkins University, 1.9 million people worldwide have so far been diagnosed with COVID-19, more than 126,700 people have died, and almost 494,000 have recovered.
The economic data is even worse than Wall Street feared: 'The economy is clearly in ruins here'

This country and these companies have money. The only ones who are suffering are the small businesses who can't afford the over pricing and price cuts of the big companies. I'm not an economist by any stretch of the imagination, but I know that the basic principle of capitalism is " maximum profit at minimum expense" and the profits of these big companies are through the roof. The overwhelming majority of big companies can survive a downturn for a couple of years. Got dayum predators!
Air conditioning appears to spread coronavirus—but opening windows could stop it, studies suggest

Opening windows in buildings, including our homes, may prevent the spread of the coronavirus, scientists believe

Experts in health, the built environment and microbiology at the University of Oregon and the University of California, Davis, made the recommendations by reviewing existing studies on germs including SARS-CoV-2 (the virus which causes COVID-19 disease).

They also looked at data on other members of the large coronavirus family of bugs which trigger severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). They published their findings in the journal mSystems.

The team hope their recommendations will help those tasked with deciding when and how to ease social distancing measures as the pandemic continues. According to Johns Hopkins University, 1.9 million people worldwide have so far been diagnosed with COVID-19, more than 126,700 people have died, and almost 494,000 have recovered.
Competence vs incompetence by agent orange

Although Taiwan has high-quality universal health care, its success lies in its preparedness, speed, central command and rigorous contact tracing.
Lesson #1: Be prepared

Taiwan's preparedness came largely from some hard-learned lessons from the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) outbreak in 2003, which killed 181 people on the island.

As a result, the island established a specialized Central Epidemic Command Center, which could be activated to coordinate a response in the event of an outbreak. In a sign of how Taiwan wanted to get ahead of the coronavirus, the center was activated on January 20, a day before the island even confirmed its first infection.

Because its authority was already established, the center was able to implement stringent measures without being slowed down by lengthy political processes. It put more than 120 action items into place within three weeks, according to a list published by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). That list alone could serve as a manual on exactly what to do during an outbreak.
The story has been told on international media sites for a few days, now american media is finally covering the story.

140-Plus Coronavirus Survivors Retest Positive For Disease In South Korea, Raising Questions About Immunity

141 COVID-19 survivors in South Korea have retested positive for the disease—the Korean Center for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) is investigating the cause—uncertain whether the second-time positive patients are actually again infected or victims of erroneous tests, says CNN.

Similarly, about 5-10% of recovered patients in Wuhan, China re-tested positive for the virus at the end of March, according to data NPR obtained from Wuhan quarantine facilities that house COVID-19 patients after hospital discharge.

The immune response to coronavirus, including the duration of immunity,is “not yet understood,” says the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

The FDA has given emergency approval to three antibody tests, which measure recovery from COVID-19, and are just becoming available, though experts have raised serious concerns about the available tests’ accuracy as they hit the market without rigorous clinical vetting.
Virus choking off supply of what Africa needs most: Food

HARARE, Zimbabwe -- In a pre-dawn raid in food-starved Zimbabwe, police enforcing a coronavirus lockdown confiscated and destroyed 3 tons of fresh fruit and vegetables by setting fire to it. Wielding batons, they scattered a group of rural farmers who had traveled overnight, breaking restrictions on movement to bring the precious produce to one of the country’s busiest markets.

The food burned as the farmers went home empty-handed, a stupefying moment for a country and a continent where food is in critically short supply.

It was an extreme example of how lockdowns to slow the spread of the coronavirus may be choking Africa's already-vulnerable food supply.

Lockdowns in at least 33 of Africa’s 54 countries have blocked farmers from getting food to markets and threatened deliveries of food assistance to rural populations. Many informal markets where millions buy their food are shut.
WTF??? That is was dumb, now the people will starve.
Air conditioning appears to spread coronavirus—but opening windows could stop it, studies suggest

Opening windows in buildings, including our homes, may prevent the spread of the coronavirus, scientists believe

Experts in health, the built environment and microbiology at the University of Oregon and the University of California, Davis, made the recommendations by reviewing existing studies on germs including SARS-CoV-2 (the virus which causes COVID-19 disease).

They also looked at data on other members of the large coronavirus family of bugs which trigger severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). They published their findings in the journal mSystems.

The team hope their recommendations will help those tasked with deciding when and how to ease social distancing measures as the pandemic continues. According to Johns Hopkins University, 1.9 million people worldwide have so far been diagnosed with COVID-19, more than 126,700 people have died, and almost 494,000 have recovered.
Man, it seems like everyday there is a new way of getting the virus. There is now way we are ready to open back up businesses.
The Republican Party has become the unsafe, unsanitized, unhealthy, unethical, and whatever nonsense they have created in order to make money. They are literally some nasty mofos (Republicans). I guess they give true meaning to the phrase FILTHY rich. The more money they make, the nastier things become. There's a reason why certain government agencies that they cut or eliminated were put in place to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Reagan shutdown a great deal of the country's mental health institutions. Now most inner cities, such as Los Angeles have become filthy camp grounds for individuals with mental illness. IMO, the fool currently occupying the WH is definitely not the most sanitized individual, especially when he actually raw dogs a prostitute. They would literally need to fumigate the WH for the next President.

The Republican Party has become the unsafe, unsanitized, unhealthy, unethical, and whatever nonsense they have created in order to make money. They are literally some nasty mofos (Republicans). I guess they give true meaning to the phrase FILTHY rich. The more money they make, the nastier things become. There's a reason why certain government agencies that they cut or eliminated were put in place to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Reagan shutdown a great deal of the country's mental health institutions. Now most inner cities, such as Los Angeles have become filthy camp grounds for individuals with mental illness. IMO, the fool currently occupying the WH is definitely not the most sanitized individual, especially when he actually raw dogs a prostitute. They would literally need to fumigate the WH for the next President.
Has become? They have been this certainly since Reagan.
COVID-19 patients may be most contagious one to two days before symptoms appear, study finds

COVID-19 patients may be most infectious in the days before they began showing symptoms, a new study from researchers in China found.

Researchers examined "viral shedding" in 94 patients with COVID-19 admitted to Guangzhou Eighth People’s Hospital, according to small study published Wednesday in the peer-reviewed journal "Nature."

Scientists took throat swabs from the patients and found that viral loads were highest when symptoms began and gradually decreased towards the detection limit at about day 21. This finding is consistent with other small studies done at two hospitals in Hong Kong and with patients in Zhuhai, Guangdong, China.

The study also modeled COVID-19's infectiousness from a separate sample of 77 pairs of people in which one had infected the other with coronavirus.
Kudos for great leadership! Its wonderful to see those governors do whats best for the constituents!

Keep it up!

They can afford those medical bills.

Heartland hotspots: A sudden rise in coronavirus cases is hitting rural states without stay-at-home orders

Washington (CNN)The test results came back on Easter Sunday. Tammy had been feeling "kind of crappy" when she went to her doctor in rural southeastern Oklahoma last week. A sign of possible pneumonia prompted her to get a coronavirus test later that day at the McCurtain County Health Department in Idabel.

When it came back positive, Tammy, who spoke on the condition that CNN not use her last name to protect her privacy, had already quarantined herself. Isolated, she decided to write her governor, Kevin Stitt, the first-term Republican and one of just 8 governors in the US to resist issuing a statewide stay-at-home-order. Tammy had voted for Stitt but she didn't agree with his decision.
Her message to him was simple: "Shut this mess down."

Just as cases are starting to plateau in some big cities and along the coasts, the coronavirus is catching fire in rural states across the American heartland, where there has been a small but significant spike this week in cases. Playing out amid these outbreaks is a clash between a frontier culture that values individual freedom and personal responsibility, and the onerous but necessary restrictions to contain a novel biological threat.
Yes, I love to see them out there protesting without masks and close to each other, I want more of them out there on the line, they can send their bills to the RNC.

This is great news, I support the right to protest!

Follow the orange devil
their new god...

Americans React In Horror After Trump Calls Upon His Supporters To Rise Up Against Democratic Governors: “He Has Lost His Mind”

President Donald Trump is unleashing his hardcore supporters upon Democratic states through a series of tweets calling upon them to “liberate” them from Democratic governors who are following social distancing and stay-at-home recommendations to fight the coronavirus.

Several states across the nation have put measures in place to keep the virus from spreading and killing more people. But protesters organized by a group connected to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos swarmed the Governor’s mansion in Michigan this week in an effort to pressure her to re-open the state early, blocking streets and preventing first responders from doing their jobs along the way.

Trump himself expressed support for the protests in remarks at his press briefing on Thursday.
Yes, I love to see them out there protesting without masks and close to each other, I want more of them out there on the line, they can send their bills to the RNC.

This is great news, I support the right to protest!

Follow the orange devil
their new god...

Americans React In Horror After Trump Calls Upon His Supporters To Rise Up Against Democratic Governors: “He Has Lost His Mind”

President Donald Trump is unleashing his hardcore supporters upon Democratic states through a series of tweets calling upon them to “liberate” them from Democratic governors who are following social distancing and stay-at-home recommendations to fight the coronavirus.

Several states across the nation have put measures in place to keep the virus from spreading and killing more people. But protesters organized by a group connected to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos swarmed the Governor’s mansion in Michigan this week in an effort to pressure her to re-open the state early, blocking streets and preventing first responders from doing their jobs along the way.

Trump himself expressed support for the protests in remarks at his press briefing on Thursday.
LOL that Rona about to sweep through these redneck protestors like the rapture...natural selection in 5 4 3 2 1 Supriiiiise!