College Athletics getting paid

Never forget that these "physically gifted Black males" were/are ours first. Why didn't we EDUCATE them properly to be loyal to Black people/institutions FIRST. We must bare a large portion of the blame. Malcolm taught........."only a fool allows his enemy to educate his children".
Brother, I'm still searching for that ONE Jewish descendant who succumbs and submits to a German education.

Make it make sense. Only SOME, a few, dysfunctional black people can accomplish the feat of making something which doesn't make sense make sense to themself. smh

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They have been doing this illegally for years. Now the money making schools was getting caught and instead of punishing them like they did everyone else. Now it is legal. Whenever they change rules, it is for the rule breaking elites and not for us small fry. We still are trying to play the game that you will never win.
Paying players was only made illegal because the NCAA didn't want to pay injured football players workers' compensation. Go read the story of Ray Dennison. The NCAA created the term student-athlete so athletes couldn't make money in exchange for their labor (despite everyone around them being able to).

But going further back, the only reason athletic scholarships were created was because the NCAA wanted to ensure an athlete was enrolled in a school to participate on a team. Before then, coaches would pull athletes off the street to compete and compensate them in food and lodging. It was akin to the current transfer portal we have now. One week, you could play for Michigan. Another week, you could play for Michigan State.

Because the money in major college athletics had gotten so big, eventually, the players would have to be compensated financially related to their value. All of this could have happened sooner if the NCAA had not tried to prevent the widow of a dead athlete from getting death benefits for dying on the job.
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I think there is two sides to that coin. Did we want inclusion, or did we want equality?
Equality would've been hbcu's getting the same treatment as the pwi's. Not wanting your kids to be able to go to THOSE schools instead of only yours. That's inclusion.
I think there is two sides to that coin. Did we want inclusion, or did we want equality?
Equality was the goal because separate but equal was never equal. Unfortunately, some didn't know the difference and confused inclusion/access with equality.

Realizing an error had been made, MLK and others were planning to address the equality issue with The Poor People's Campaign. Some believe King's assassination had more to do with his planning to lead the Poor People's Campaign than any thing he did prior.

In the eye's of white America letting black folks remain in their current social standing, and spend money they already had was a win-win for them. Integration simply became okay once white capitalist realized it meant more for them. Equality, on the other hand, meant spreading the wealth. That is something white capitalist only do to a certain extent even with other white people, and continue to do to a very small extent with black people.

Going forward, it is going to be interesting to see how much of the pie black athletes in the revenue generating sports get. Especially, when considering nearly all athletic programs claim they operate in the red.
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In the eye's of white America letting black folks remain in their current social standing, and spend money they already had was a win-win for them. Integration simply became okay once white capitalist realized it meant more for them. Equality, on the other hand, meant spreading the wealth. That is something white capitalist only do to a certain extent even with other white people, and continue to do to a very small extent with black people.
separate but equal was too expensive so they knew the fight for integration was cheaper and more beneficial in the long run

you give me what they have with the same funding? hell no
separate but equal was too expensive so they knew the fight for integration was cheaper and more beneficial in the long run

you give me what they have with the same funding? hell no
Court decisions ended segregation not the expense of it. White folks practiced segregation from Plessy to Brown with very little care for expenses because they underfunded everything for blacks or didn't fund it all. A prime example of that is how well they underfunded land grant and other public HBCUs.
I can remember some of segregation. I’m pretty sure as unfair as it is today, you want no parts of legalized segregation. After being physically and mentally treated heinously for centuries, in no way will desegregation become a panacea even roughly after 50 years. Many people look at the aftermath of slavery and segregation every day and have no clue of what they are viewing. I’ll leave it there, but one has to be a special type of sick to believe multiple types of reparations aren’t past due. Repairing problems begins at home, not in Israel, Ukraine or anywhere else.
I can remember some of segregation. I’m pretty sure as unfair as it is today, you want no parts of legalized segregation. After being physically and mentally treated heinously for centuries, in no way will desegregation become a panacea even roughly after 50 years. Many people look at the aftermath of slavery and segregation every day and have no clue of what they are viewing. I’ll leave it there, but one has to be a special type of sick to believe multiple types of reparations aren’t past due. Repairing problems begins at home, not in Israel, Ukraine or anywhere else.

Good to see someone bring up reparations on this board after it has crept into the national convo the past few years.

And when we are talking about repartions, we are talking about cash payments to the descendants of chattel slavery in the US and not these deflections politicians have thrown out that aren't reparations. And that would also include properly funding HBCUs