Cador Retires

Well, JR said in post 55 that Cador's assistants were doing all the coaching.
If JR's wrong, then I'm wrong, but JR's supposed to have the inside information, so he couldn't have been making stuff up.....or could he? Which is it sujagtilidie?

JR saying that his assistants were doing the coaching does not mean he was pimping the school. LOL. Alot of assistants do the coaching. Nothing new. That goes back on your assumption that Cador had not groomed anyone. LOL. You always try to turn what I post to divide the Jag Nation. LOL. It has been posted many times by folks that the issue Cador had later in his coaching years were the loss of his good assistants. That happens to the best of them. Jagtillidie and I are on the same page with the same information. He has even posted in the past that Cador misses certain assistants. Nothing new. Even C-Leb knew that.

Cador has earned his money at SU with all that he has done for the program. But it was time for him to step aside. Been time. That has always been a consensus feeling amongst Jags.
Cador has earned his money at SU with all that he has done for the program. But it was time for him to step aside. Been time. That has always been a consensus feeling amongst Jags.
Is that why y'all cussed me for saying in public what y'all were saying in private?
Lol...counting Vasquez and Bama State out I see. Vasquez had the freshman player of the year and a team loaded with young talent. Melendez left the program in good shape and nothing I've seen indicate there will be drop off in the future. Our problem this year was pitching and counting on signees who went the minor league route instead of playing for the Hornets.

He forgot about JSU too. Maybe he meant in the West.

I didn't forget anyone. TSU returns a bulk of their team next year only losing 3 seniors. And, the catcher was the only starter. Also, Coach Rob is now the most tenured coach in the SWAC. That makes him the new general of the conference for baseball. He has four SWAC titles under his belt, and several title game appearances. Omar and Vasquez do not currently match that resume. And, I see Coach Rob continuing his success for a few years until other programs can get a strong hold to take over what he's been doing since he made his way up the ranks from Forest Brook High School, Prairie View A&M, and now Texas Southern.
I didn't forget anyone. TSU returns a bulk of their team next year only losing 3 seniors. And, the catcher was the only starter. Also, Coach Rob is now the most tenured coach in the SWAC. That makes him the new general of the conference for baseball. He has four SWAC titles under his belt, and several title game appearances. Omar and Vasquez do not currently match that resume. And, I see Coach Rob continuing his success for a few years until other programs can get a strong hold to take over what he's been doing since he made his way up the ranks from Forest Brook High School, Prairie View A&M, and now Texas Southern.
TSU is solid, not super talented but solid.

Things will be back to normal shortly. Do you realize how many MLB Scouts, player personel directors, and special assistant to the GM that are SU alums. SU has a system in place. How you think SU was getting all those diamond in the rough players before.

So is this new coach one of them?