Brittney Griner has been found guilty! (She's now free)

Hell Yeah, she could have played in Australia or something right? Anywhere but a communist country that don't give a damn about the USA.
Where ever she went you have to abide by that country's laws. That doctor's note was dumb. As Cee said...our kids are just too naive. When my son was taking his first flight I told him in no uncertain terms DO NOT GET IN THAT AIRPORT MAKING DUMB COMMENTS AND JOKES ABOUT AIRPLANES. He, like me, likes to have fun and sometimes say dumb stuff. I told him those airlines do not play that.
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Where ever she went you have to abide by that country's laws. That doctor's note was dumb. As Cee said...our kids are just too naive. When my son was taking his first flight I told him in no uncertain terms DO NOT GET IN THAT AIRPORT MAKING DUMB COMMENTS AND JOKES ABOUT AIRPLANES. He, like me, like to have fun and sometimes say dumb stuff. I told him those airlines do not play that.
Oh I agree Herb abide by the counties rules, PERIOD. And folks gotta know Russia and other communist countries are the worst when it comes to the law.
Joe Biden Oops GIF by The Democrats
It's funny, a law-abiding black man would have never tried this situation. Because, we already know The Criminal Justice in America are not in our favor.

@CEE DOG and @Founder

What is her wife going to do for the next 10 years? I'm willing bet that her wife will get pregnant, and start back liking men.
You are preaching to the choir.

My point is she could have played anywhere but chose Russia because of the money. Why go to a country that is hostile to the U S of A and with contraband too? Griner bears some responsibility in this matter.

I can't believe you had to explain that.
I b

I agree with and understand part of that CEE but more than just black people get locked up over there. You see they haven't released that other dude over there either. Very few of "us" go over there anyway. I'm surprised she hasn't already been released because like Dave Chappelle said , black folks is bad bargaining chips. :)
Here's my fear for Griner...............we have sanctions against Russia right now and we have supplied Ukraine with weapons. What if the Ruskies say "ease your sanctions and stop supplying Ukraine and then we can talk trade"............she's done if that happens because the U.S. ain't doin that for nobody and then she's stuck for a long time.
You are right and if she has to stay there the whole sentence, no telling what they will do to her.

Yes, they have other people locked up over there, I guess customs didn't scare her as much as it scared me when I went to foreign countries. I was always scared that they would see something in my bag that I didn't know was bad and now I'm stuck.

Lavrov says Russia is ready to discuss prisoner swap with US after Griner conviction​


Lavrov says Russia is ready to discuss prisoner swap with US after Griner conviction​

That's good news. Hopefully it doesn't get muddied up and they can get her back in a month or so.
That is on the WNBA. 70% of your players have to play overseas and year round.

That is on the WNBA. 170 players and you can't pay them at least a million?

Women's basketball is bigger overseas than it is here in the USA.
We are not ready for a war with Russia.

Yes we are. My son completed basic, jump school, and air assault school at Ft. Benning earlier this year. They had him training with the 10th Mountain Division for 2 months in cold weather training.

Russia cannot handle the Ukraine. The reason they are invading the Ukraine is to have a Naval Base. Russia’s best warship was sunk by the Ukrainians.
Yes we are. My son completed basic, jump school, and air assault school at Ft. Benning earlier this year. They had him training with the 10th Mountain Division for 2 months in cold weather training.

Russia cannot handle the Ukraine. The reason they are invading the Ukraine is to have a Naval Base. Russia’s best warship was sunk by the Ukrainians.
Noticeable that the LGQBT and feminist community are not raising holy hell to get Brittany out. But once Brittany gets back and the movie is made they will be front and center to support, claim victory and garner all of the publicity. Where are the LGQBT and feminist leaders?
Its like the Uyghurs in China, Muslims don't say a word about the mass conversions of Muslims out of Islam. If that was happing in the west, they would scream bloody murder and be marching in the streets.