As a black man, you can only hear you're trifling, tired, worthless, good for nothing, you ain't schit, and that you're not NEEDED but for so long from black women, before you start to believe that you're not wanted, and needed by women of your own race before start to look elsewhere.
I don't think sisters are scaring brothers off, but more so running them off.
I don't have problems with sisters, never have, and never thought about seriously being with a woman from another race (mainly white) other than sexual, but I do have a problem with sisters who won't let me recognize them for the women that they are.
Sweetheart, I can marvel at your accomplishments, and I'm more than man enough to compliment, and congratulate you on your accomplishments, but when it comes to a point that you can't let me compliment you on it, because every 5 minutes you're reciting your accomplishments to me, over, and over again, then you don't need a man, you need a classroom.
I'm fully aware that you've gone to college, and grad school, and you did it all by yourself. I can recognize the fine house that you own, the fancy car that you drive, and the career field you're in which allows you to pay for all that you have, and allows you to have the nice bank account, but does it make you feel better to demean me as a black man because you've achieved so much?
As a black man, why should I want to be with a woman who constantly tells anybody within a listening ear, radio, television show, magazine, that you don't NEED me?
I'm not picking a fight with you black woman, but dayum, society kicks us in the arse enough, even when we're law abiding, educated, tax paying, hard working, decent people, why do you have to join in on the fight?