Any reason for concern over the cloning of humans?


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What's the big deal? Is somebody going to use cloning for the wrong reason like, say, a modern day Hitler to create a "master race"?

All the opposition seems to be on moral/religious grounds. What's the moral issue if you clone an organ for a person that needs an organ replacement?

Welp, let's take an example; what if you did clone a loved one that is dead? Clearly the clone would not be the loved one,,,,, right? I mean,,, it may LOOK like the loved one, but the clone would have a totally different soul/personality wouldn't it? It couldn't possibly be the exact same person; certainly not have the same soul.

Boy, talk about a Pandora's Box,,,,, GOOD GOSH!:confused:
Man, man, man...

This here cloning issue is a mess. I personally feel that it should be limited only to treat disease that require a new organ. That is, if we just have to have cloning. Other than that....kill it. The use of cloning for the purpose of making total human beings would be chaos. I really believe that someone will end up masterminding a monster that no one will be able to handle. I think we should stop tampering with the nature of life altogether. You know how we as people do. You give us one inch, and we'll go a mile. I said that to say....If we allow cloning, you're bound to have just that one super scientist with a laboratory established somewhere out in the Indian Ocean just having his way. I'm sure that the results would be disastrous.

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Originally posted by TSU/BAMA
Well, my queston is, whats wrong with making humans the old fashion way?

Couldn't have said it better myself........!!!
Imma tell why, they wanna clone

If you look at the demographics of this country...African Americans make up about 13% of the population, Hispanics about 12%, and other about &%. But the 77% white population of the united states is currently at 0% population growth...which means for every white baby thats born on older person dies. Hispanics have the highest population growth..which means by the year 2050 they will be the majority in this country. So now you see all the hooplah about cloning...and which community is the one pushing for it....hmmmmm?
I don?t have a problem with cloning for medicinal purposes only. From what I read, it can be used to help fight all sorts of diseases and medical anomalies like those of cancer, paralysis, Parkinson?s disease and diabetes. But of course it will be abused like every other medical discovery.
Originally posted by Bartram

Welp, let's take an example; what if you did clone a loved one that is dead? Clearly the clone would not be the loved one,,,,, right? I mean,,, it may LOOK like the loved one, but the clone would have a totally different soul/personality wouldn't it? It couldn't possibly be the exact same person; certainly not have the same soul.

Boy, talk about a Pandora's Box,,,,, GOOD GOSH!:confused:

Here's a moral question for you.
Where does the soul of the cloned person come from.
Assuming we got our souls from God...Where would a
man made person aquire a soul?

That alone scares me.

I'm against this cloning thing. It's a little too much tinkering with God. It reminds me of the tower of babel (When humans constructed a tower to reach heaven, and subsequently were banished and made to be unable to communicate with each other, hence the different languages).
I am for medical purpose cloning it will benefit a great deal of people in need.
I sit around and watch the tube but nothings on...I change the channel or two twiddle my thumbs just for a bit sick of all the same old isht locked the door to my hotel and lost the key. GREEN DAY Longview