Andrew Body out for the season

sadly his career is tied to that fumble in Huntsville in 2022 - that changed a lot of folk's lives
I’ll always think of that damn fumble when thinking of him. I commend him for being tough and trying to thug through his injury over the last couple of years. My hope is he can come back and torch it for whatever team he’s playing for. He has a lot to prove whenever he comes back to prove his seasons at TSU were not a fluke.
I still keep in touch with my dude. He was like a nephew to me. It really bothered me to see him get hurt again. My twins were really hurt to see him leave 3rd Ward. They even wrote him a letter asking him to stay.

I sincerely hate this for my guy.

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I still keep in touch with my dude. He was like a nephew to me. It really bothered me to see him get hurt again. My twins were really hurt to see him leave 3rd Ward. They even wrote him a letter asking him to stay.

I sincerely hate this for my guy.
Heckuva athlete and young man overall.
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Body's shoulder was not healed.
Sounds like he opted to not do the surgery after tsu. also came off the field w/ an apparent wrist injury (was actually already wrapped before he left hurt). those 2 things together would explain why he wasn't throwing down field at all. If healthy, I Body had been healthy I don't think you'd have see O'Brian play at all.