ALcorn & Jackson game called because of a fan

smh...more shotty reporting. It's i can understand.

p.s. the SWAC has already made their ruling.

JSU is the #2 seed.... Alcorn is #3.

"That heckling stuff is a no-no. Spectators shouldn't be allowed to get that close to ball players while a game is going on.....

Gaston played in Saturday's game without incident at Alcorn. McGowan said the junior infielder was the focus of ridicule for almost the entire day until the spectator stuck his head into the playing field while Gaston was waiting his turn at bat.

The spectator was not injured, and McGowan requested the game be suspended.
Robber said:
I know this poster well. He is as true an Alcornite as there is. Matter of fact, he played baseball for Alcorn back in the day. And he gives me hell about our current football situation. But he's honest. He calls it like he sees it. His story is no different than Noise Talka's.

Now, maybe Scraw won't be so "puzzled".:rolleyes:

Like you or the 'supposed' Alcorn poster can't or won't lie?????? All of us know that there are many 'laughfia' ex-posters out there under assumed names! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Like you or the 'supposed' Alcorn poster can't or won't lie?????? All of us know that there are many 'laughfia' ex-posters out there under assumed names! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

..... ? wow
I tell you one thing though Coach McGowan screwed himself out of the second seed...they may have won that they have to play either Texas Southern or Southern in the first round...not too smart on his regards to the incident from what I know the fan first of all was an injured JSU player who should not have been permitted to heckle in the first place as a member of the team. That's shere negligence on the JSU coaching staff...then again they don't have too much regard for respect of rules being that their head coach was suspended three times this season, including the first game of the ASU-JSU series. Secondly, if JSU had campus police at the game the incident may have never happened in the second place. All in all JSU benefited from the quick thinking of the man known as RAT.

Charles Sidman
sidman said:
first of all was an injured JSU player who should not have been permitted to heckle in the first place as a member of the team.


first of all... YOU SHOULD NEVER HIT SOMEONE IN THE HEAD WITH A BASEBALL BAT...on or off the field.

?...what is complex about that?..... lol.

And you wanna talk about...."regard for respect of rules"


Well i guess there is no rule that says SPECIFICALLY....
Article Idiot: Student Athletes Striking Fans with Bats Policy
Students are not to bust fans up-side the head with a fu**in bat like a dayum idiot.
Double standard? :lol: :lol:

So it's NOT OK to HECKLE............... :idea: .....................BUT IT'S OK TO BUST SOMEONE IN THE HEAD WITH A BAT?!? :look:

OK ..................... :xeye:
Will there be any suspensions or penaltys here? Hitting someone with a baseball bat seems pretty serious to me. What did the SWAC oficce say about that?
Like you or the 'supposed' Alcorn poster can't or won't lie?????? All of us know that there are many 'laughfia' ex-posters out there under assumed names! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Dude, please refrain from addressing me again. I have no need or desire to deal with silliness such as this. Waaaayyyyyyyyyyyy beyond sad. :smh:
sidman said:
I tell you one thing though Coach McGowan screwed himself out of the second seed...they may have won that they have to play either Texas Southern or Southern in the first round...not too smart on his regards to the incident from what I know the fan first of all was an injured JSU player who should not have been permitted to heckle in the first place as a member of the team. That's shere negligence on the JSU coaching staff...then again they don't have too much regard for respect of rules being that their head coach was suspended three times this season, including the first game of the ASU-JSU series. Secondly, if JSU had campus police at the game the incident may have never happened in the second place. All in all JSU benefited from the quick thinking of the man known as RAT.

Charles Sidman
For argument's sake, I will agree with you that the JSU player should not have been allowed to heckle. Injured JSU players should have been in the dugout and or quiet in the stands. Now, what words can be said or names used to justify Caston hitting the guy in the face with an aluminum bat???

folkdog gave me the real low down. He saw it all go down. The ASU player was simply wrong.
The JSU and ASU players should have both been ejected.

The game should have been forfeited. If it was safe to continue the game for 20 minutes, it should have been safe to continue the game.

If fans were that out of control, the umpires could have ejected the spectator. If the home team can't remove the spectator, they could have been forced to forfeit the game anyway.
b8sball17 said:
The JSU and ASU players should have both been ejected.

The game should have been forfeited. If it was safe to continue the game for 20 minutes, it should have been safe to continue the game.

If fans were that out of control, the umpires could have ejected the spectator. If the home team can't remove the spectator, they could have been forced to forfeit the game anyway.

This is J-State. Always out of control.

ASU2002 said:
This is J-State. Always out of control.
This was a simple case of an ASU player losing his damn mind. Dude can't handle heckling. Nobody attempted to remove the heckler because he was doing nothing but heckling. folkdog told me, it was so funny to him, he kept reminding the heckler when Caston was coming up to bat just so he could laugh at the heckling. And again, folkdog hates loves Alcorn and hates JSU just as much as any Alcornite.

Heckling vs. bat to the head??? Y'all can't be serious.
Robber said:
This was a simple case of an ASU player losing his damn mind. Dude can't handle heckling. Nobody attempted to remove the heckler because he was doing nothing but heckling. folkdog told me, it was so funny to him, he kept reminding the heckler when Caston was coming up to bat just so he could laugh at the heckling. And again, folkdog hates loves Alcorn and hates JSU just as much as any Alcornite.

Heckling vs. bat to the head??? Y'all can't be serious.
So Which one is it? Love or Hate. It kinda looks like folkdog joined this board just to say his lil bit about this situation.
ASU2002 said:
So Which one is it? Love or Hate. It kinda looks like folkdog joined this board just to say his lil bit about this situation.
He just might have done that. He been lurking for years. I guess he wanted to tell his side of the story. He was right on top of all of it. Some people there didn't know what was going on. Guy sat right next to folkdog and didn't know that Caston hit the JSU guy with a bat until folkdog told him about it the next day (the guy left right after the incident. he thought they just talked).

Who knows what was said while Caston and the JSU player talked through the loose netting. But whatever it was, Caston shouldna played tee ball with him.
Robber said:
He just might have done that. He been lurking for years. I guess he wanted to tell his side of the story. He was right on top of all of it. Some people there didn't know what was going on. Guy sat right next to folkdog and didn't know that Caston hit the JSU guy with a bat until folkdog told him about it the next day (the guy left right after the incident. he thought they just talked).

Who knows what was said while Caston and the JSU player talked through the loose netting. But whatever it was, Caston shouldna played tee ball with him.

Naw he should not hit the dude with the bat. But for something to come to that magnitude there had to be some disagreement bad words throwned. Something,anything before he was popped with that "bat". And if folkdog was so heroic in comng on here to tell the truth (or so u, he says) he would've known if something was heating up between the two. :shame: on him for allowing that guy to be popped liked that.
Lets set the record straight because I was one saw the incident AT became a scene when the heckler said he got hit with a wasn't like the kid took a swing and everyone saw it...NO ONE SAW IT...the fact that the game was called was a sham...NO ONE KNEW ANYTHING...the kid ran and got campus police...that's when it became a scene...then we played another inning and all of a sudden RAT decided to not prolong the game :shame:

No...the ASU player should have not hit the kid with a bat or so he claims...but what no one has said is that he flung his bat after striking out and the kid just happened to be in the wrong spot at the wrong time along the fence.

It worked out for JSU so you guys should be probably lose that game and then the seeding would have been reversed...Coach Salter didn't argue the protest because he knew the SWAC would not make the teams make up the game.

It should be a fun tournament...don't be suprised to see one of the Miss. schools walk away with the title...

Charles Sidman
sidman said:
Lets set the record straight because I was one saw the incident AT became a scene when the heckler said he got hit with a wasn't like the kid took a swing and everyone saw it...NO ONE SAW IT...the fact that the game was called was a sham...NO ONE KNEW ANYTHING...the kid ran and got campus police...that's when it became a scene...then we played another inning and all of a sudden RAT decided to not prolong the game :shame:

No...the ASU player should have not hit the kid with a bat or so he claims...but what no one has said is that he flung his bat after striking out and the kid just happened to be in the wrong spot at the wrong time along the fence.

It worked out for JSU so you guys should be probably lose that game and then the seeding would have been reversed...Coach Salter didn't argue the protest because he knew the SWAC would not make the teams make up the game.

It should be a fun tournament...don't be suprised to see one of the Miss. schools walk away with the title...

Charles Sidman
It's funny how "NO SAW IT" and "NO ONE KNEW ANYTHING", and then you turn around and say the ASU player threw his bat after striking out and that's when the JSU player got hit. Someone did see it. And he told y'all what really happened. He ain't gotta speculate, because he witnessed it. I know the guy and trust what he says. Just say that you didn't see it and leave it at that.
ASU2002 said:
Naw he should not hit the dude with the bat. But for something to come to that magnitude there had to be some disagreement bad words throwned. Something,anything before he was popped with that "bat". And if folkdog was so heroic in comng on here to tell the truth (or so u, he says) he would've known if something was heating up between the two. :shame: on him for allowing that guy to be popped liked that.
folkdog stated that Caston called the JSU player to the net, and the player went. They talked for a few and it didn't look like anything was wrong. And then OOPS, UPSIDE THE HEAD!!! At that point, it was too late.
sidman said:
no one saw the incident AT ALL...

it became a scene when the heckler said he got hit with a wasn't like the kid took a swing and everyone saw it...


the fact that the game was called was a sham...


the kid ran and got campus police...that's when it became a scene...

then we played another inning and all of a sudden RAT decided to not prolong the game :shame:


let me try my hand at this....


such and such happened...then such and such happened...then such and such happened.


such and such wen over there and then such and such did this... i SAW IT with my own eyes...


lol...only an alcornite...