ALcorn & Jackson game called because of a fan


The second game of Friday's doubleheader ended when a fan got into an altercation with Alcorn shortstop Kevin Gaston.

How, if and when it'll be made up is anybody's guess.

"It depends on how that game draws out," Alcorn head coach Willie "Rat" McGowan said. "I don't think (Jackson) has second place. I'd like to go back up there, but I wouldn't like to go back to Jackson. I would like to go to a neutral site. If they don't have enough security (at JSU), the same thing might happen again."

McGowan said he asked the umpire to call the game after a spectator who had heckled Gaston for most of the day finally stuck his head into the field of play to continue his antics. That game was tied in extra innings after Jackson pounded Alcorn in the first game 14-0.
Did he acutally come onto the field or was he just talking to him?

It must have been pretty bad to call the game.

This doesn't make any sense to me... Seemes like all they had to do was have the police arrest the fan and keep playing.
Here's what ACTUALLY happened.


The NATCHEZ DEMOCRAT needs their arses kicked for this one. lol. They left out a GLARING detail....


During the top of the 8th inning, an incident transpired between an Alcorn State player (Gregory White) and a JSU fan. The fan, who reportedly ?heckled? the Alcorn players, was struck by the student athlete.
?I could not believe what I saw,? said JSU faculty member, *********.

****** a regular game attendee says that the fan, a JSU student, did, indeed ?heckle? the players, but that the behavior was not out of the ordinary for fans at collegiate sporting events. ?I didn?t hear anything that was just over the line offensive. The fan was trash talking the Alcorn players throughout the game.?

After striking out in the 8th inning Alcorn player, Gregory White allegedly struck the student with a baseball bat. ?Once he (White) struck out he called the student over to the net. They talked for a while. I thought they were friends or something. We couldn?t hear what they were talking about, but all of a sudden the fan was violently struck with the bat,? said ******.

?He just took the bat and bashed the guy right on the side of his face.?

The student was given medical attention by the JSU training staff.

Game officials and University Police discussed the matter and determined that White should be removed from the game immediately. White did not leave the facility. The game proceeded for approximately 20 additional minutes. At no point was White instructed by his coach to leave the game. The player in fact returned to his position when the Braves returned to defense.

Play was suspended after eight and a half (8 ?) innings. Coach McGowan sited the safety of his team as grounds for leaving the contest.

It should be ruled a forfeit for Alcorn. The situation was not dangerous. Lucky for Alcorn...most of the fans at the game didn't even see the incident when it went down...because it wasnt the center of attention... The game was still going on. That was just the quickest thing he could come up with to get out of dodge. The majority of the fans were asking..."what's going on".... cause they had no idea. lol...

The student didn't try to go on the field or a matter of fact he didn't even want medical attention.... We insisted that he get it though....he had a huge gash on the side of his face....

White needs to be punished. Thing is "RAT" thinks he (and his players) can say and do any dayum thing. smh. We will not be re-playing this game. There is no need for it.

He got beat to sleep in the first game....and he didn't have a replacement for WHITE when he was asked to remove him from the game... bottom line.

Is Southern this good that Rat would go through this much trouble to try and STEAL 2nd place. lol.

p.s. There are 2 games missing from our series with Alabama State.... both of which we won.... once those games are reported... IF EVER..smh... We will have a 3 game lead on Alcorn.
Jag Voice said:
This doesn't make any sense to me... Seemes like all they had to do was have the police arrest the fan and keep playing.

I would agree from reading that article....but they left out a MAJOR detail.

... and i've seen more hecklin at a little league game than what this guy was doin. lol. The worst I heard was.... " aint done sh*t all day....why dont you just give up..."

If he said "yo momma sucked my d*ck last night and she liked it"..... it still wouldnt havent warranted the kid swingin a bat at a fan...smh. would be interesting to find out whether or not G. White and C. White are related. :jump:

you can never justify responding to WORDS like that...... okay maybe if a white man called you n*gg*r ...but other than
NOISE TALKA said: would be interesting to find out whether or not G. White and C. White are related. :jump:

Damn took the words right outta my
I would agree from reading that article....but they left out a MAJOR detail.

... and i've seen more hecklin at a little league game than what this guy was doin. lol. The worst I heard was.... " aint done sh*t all day....why dont you just give up..."

If he said "yo momma sucked my d*ck last night and she liked it"..... it still wouldnt havent warranted the kid swingin a bat at a fan...smh. would be interesting to find out whether or not G. White and C. White are related. :jump:

you can never justify responding to WORDS like that...... okay maybe if a white man called you n*gg*r ...but other than

Noise Talka...........
I realize that I was not there and can not say what happened and I do understand that this is the Sports Board, I do have a few of questions that puzzle me?

1. Why is it that jsue seems to always be involved when there is a fight during a SWAC Sports event where the 'tiny tiggers' are involved or where they are just present? The jsue 'tiny tiggers' are always involved in some sort of negative bull$nit?

2. Why is it that The Natchez Democrat needs their azzes kicked for reporting this most embarrassing situation the way they did and "it has to be that 'they' reported it all wrong.......YET, when a story appears in the local papers that reports on the rest of The SWAC Teams.......according to most of you 'tiny tigger' supporter......IT"S ALWAYS THE GOSPEL???

3. Why is it that every action by jsue that has caused some kind of negative
publicity is always somebody else's fault according to you jsue people with a myopic view of the world?
LOL! For some reason Robber was the 1st name that came to mind when I saw the title of this thread. :D
Noise Talka...........
I realize that I was not there and can not say what happened and I do understand that this is the Sports Board, I do have a few of questions that puzzle me?

1. Why is it that jsue seems to always be involved when there is a fight during a SWAC Sports event where the 'tiny tiggers' are involved or where they are just present? The jsue 'tiny tiggers' are always involved in some sort of negative bull$nit?

2. Why is it that The Natchez Democrat needs their azzes kicked for reporting this most embarrassing situation the way they did and "it has to be that 'they' reported it all wrong.......YET, when a story appears in the local papers that reports on the rest of The SWAC Teams.......according to most of you 'tiny tigger' supporter......IT"S ALWAYS THE GOSPEL???

3. Why is it that every action by jsue that has caused some kind of negative
publicity is always somebody else's fault according to you jsue people with a myopic view of the world?
If you wanna smack, just do it. Don't pretend to "have a few questions that puzzle" you. With all them "tiny tigger" comments, you ain't interested in a thang.

NT said the Democrat left out some facts about what happened. He pointed those facts out as he saw the situation unfold. The article made it sound like the game was called due to the fan heckling Alcorn players, and not because the Alcorn player went up side the fan's head with a bat.
Here's what ACTUALLY happened.
Game officials and University Police discussed the matter and determined that White should be removed from the game immediately. White did not leave the facility. The game proceeded for approximately 20 additional minutes. At no point was White instructed by his coach to leave the game. The player in fact returned to his position when the Braves returned to defense.
ummmm, you mean the player had been ejected and still was allowed to play?

btw, lol@ Straw

Game officials and University Police discussed the matter and determined that White should be removed from the game immediately. White did not leave the facility. The game proceeded for approximately 20 additional minutes. At no point was White instructed by his coach to leave the game. The player in fact returned to his position when the Braves returned to defense.

Play was suspended after eight and a half (8 ?) innings. Coach McGowan sited the safety of his team as grounds for leaving the contest.

So after he was supposedly ejected but didn't leave, J-State's coach didn't say anything. Now if a player is ejected and the other coach and officials there allow him to play whose fault is it? Not McGowan. I can't really speak on the matter because I wasn't there. But there is more to the story than we are letting on.

First of all he should've been escorted out of the facility then right on to the school security or police department. That's assault. :confused:
The Umpire should have instructed the head coach to restrict the player to the dugout and if the player comes on the field. The player should be sent to the bus by game administration.
Robber said:
If you wanna smack, just do it. Don't pretend to "have a few questions that puzzle" you. With all them "tiny tigger" comments, you ain't interested in a thang.

NT said the Democrat left out some facts about what happened. He pointed those facts out as he saw the situation unfold. The article made it sound like the game was called due to the fan heckling Alcorn players, and not because the Alcorn player went up side the fan's head with a bat.

lol...Thank you Robber....

smh@ Strawdog....
it's amazing at the hate some folks have for JSU. lol.

SD wanted Charlie White to be sentenced to the State Prison....
A fan gets busted in the face with a bat and it's the fan's school's fault. lol.

I saw everything and I'm an Alcornite. I was sitting by the heckler and was laughing and talking with him. The heckler was hard and funny but it was nothing but good clean heckling. The Alcorn player name was Gaston No. 11 and he called the heckler over to the fence and hit him through the net after a brief conversation. He opened a small gash on side of his face. I talked to the heckler after he was hit and he told me he would get the Alcorn Player back in his own way. The heckler told the police he wasn't pressing any charges and he wasn't going to sign anything. The player played the next day and went 2 for 5. I got some connections with Alcorn and I passed this information on to them. I think Gaston should be suspended for the season if not the rest of the career.
folkdog said:
I saw everything and I'm an Alcornite. I was sitting by the heckler and was laughing and talking with him. The heckler was hard and funny but it was nothing but good clean heckling. The Alcorn player name was Gaston No. 11 and he called the heckler over to the fence and hit him through the net after a brief conversation. He opened a small gash on side of his face. I talked to the heckler after he was hit and he told me he would get the Alcorn Player back in his own way. The heckler told the police he wasn't pressing any charges and he wasn't going to sign anything. The player played the next day and went 2 for 5. I got some connections with Alcorn and I passed this information on to them. I think Gaston should be suspended for the season if not the rest of the career.
I know this poster well. He is as true an Alcornite as there is. Matter of fact, he played baseball for Alcorn back in the day. And he gives me hell about our current football situation. But he's honest. He calls it like he sees it. His story is no different than Noise Talka's.

Now, maybe Scraw won't be so "puzzled".:rolleyes:
Alcorn State / Jackson State Suspended Baseball Game Remains A Tie

SWAC Office officials have ruled that the suspended baseball contest between Alcorn State University and Jackson State University on Friday, April 29th, will not be replayed and shall be recorded as a 8-8 tie.

After a review of the game reports sent to the SWAC Office following the suspended game, the conference issues the following ruling:

-- In the bottom of the ninth inning, the umpires at the contest deemed
there was a safety issue to players in continuing the contest. We defer to
their judgment and rule that the game is complete and does not need to proceed past being a tied contest. --

The two institutions have completed their conference playing schedule with identical 14-9-1 records and both have earned berths in the Southwestern Athletic Conference Baseball Tournament, May 18-23, 2005 at Birmingham, Alabama historic Rickwood Field. The top three teams from the East and West Divisions earn berth in the tournament.

Using the conference tie breaker (head-to-head, then runs scored), Jackson State will receive the #2 seed and Alcorn State will be seeded #3. The first round match ups are yet to be decided as Texas Southern and Southern are still in contention for the first and second seed in the West Division.
Alcorn, Jackson State await official word on tie for second

LORMAN - Alcorn State will wait on an official ruling from the Southwestern Athletic Conference on that weekend series with Jackson State and how the suspended game will figure into the standings.

Alcorn head coach Willie "Rat" McGowan said he filed a report with ASU athletic director Robert Raines on the incident when a fan got into an altercation with Alcorn shortstop Kevin Gaston while Gaston was in the on-deck circle in Game 2 of Friday's doubleheader that caused for the game to be suspended in the ninth inning with the score tied 8-8.