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Should gay and lesbian Couples be allowed to adopt?

Should heterosexual couples who are not married be allow to adopt?

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1. No - because scripture said be fruitful and multiply. It also preaches again homosexuality. This concept cannont be taught by same sex parents. Children model what they see, no matter what you say to them.

2. No - an unmarried heterosexal couple is probably doing all of the things that married people do - sleep in the same bed, have sex, etc. This teaches the child that this lifestyle is okay. According to scripture, a man and a woman should be married before engaging in sexual intercourse. When it is just the man and woman, that is their choice as adults. When children become involved, they take on the responsibilty of modeling scriptural behavior and they can't do that if they are not legally married, not just calling each other "husband" and "wife".
Originally posted by vertojsu
1. No - because scripture said be fruitful and multiply. It also preaches again homosexuality. This concept cannont be taught by same sex parents. Children model what they see, no matter what you say to them.

2. No - an unmarried heterosexal couple is probably doing all of the things that married people do - sleep in the same bed, have sex, etc. This teaches the child that this lifestyle is okay. According to scripture, a man and a woman should be married before engaging in sexual intercourse. When it is just the man and woman, that is their choice as adults. When children become involved, they take on the responsibilty of modeling scriptural behavior and they can't do that if they are not legally married, not just calling each other "husband" and "wife".

PREACH FRE!!!! :tup:
well, maybe if more of the self-righteous types would come down off of their high horses and actually become foster parents and/or adoptive parents, this would not be an issue

if folks spent so much time trying to be all self-important sitting in church with fine suits and big-arse hats and try to actually do some real Jesus-like ministering to the poor and downtrodden, this would not be an issue

the way i see it is (and i recruited, trained, and licensed foster parents, shelter parents, house parents, and adoptive parents for almost ten years) that so long as i find an good, kind, decent, honest, caring, loyal, trustworthy, nurturing adult(s) that wants to care for the children that too many other people are "too good" to be bothered with, i dont care what they do in the privacy of the bedroom
yes the truth is that there are TOO many children languishing in foster "care" for any one to so dadburn holier-than-thou

if you dont like the idea of homosexuals caring for "unwanted" children, then spend less time judging others and more time opening your home, your life, your heart to some really great children that need permanence
God's plan seems to be that children have a father and mother who are married. People's plan is to do whatever they want (be gay, have sex with whoever) which is one of the reasons we have unwanted children in the first place.

My wife is a nurse and 99% of the people who come to her unit are black gay men dying of aids.

Anyways, unwanted children is a direct result of people following their own plan. Not a judgement, just a fact.

Hassan, if you're going to represent as a christian on this board, then please watch your language, man. If not, disregard the last statement.
Speaking of Christianity....

Here's my take...what's makes anyone think just because you have a male/female that the child is automatically better off...
Keep it real...I think anyone who is capable of loving and giving a child love and a home is worthy. Just because a gay/lesbian couple wants to adopt doesn't mean the child will be gay/lesbian.

"L" when you get right down to it...a great majority of gays/lesbians are from heterosexual homes! Everyone's entitled to their opinions...SO HERE's mine!

It just freak'n killz me when people want to pick and choose what's relevant as it relates to the Scriptures. A sin is a sin is a sin...IS A SIN! Don't be a's not okay to have sex before marriage...but you do it! IT's a SIN...the Bible and God I know...teaches against well, as stealing, cheating, lying...etc..etc...I could go on and on...

Bottom line...if there's a child to be adopted...let it be...A parent is better than no parent anyday..and considering I don't have either parent living...I'm always going to be for matter what a person's sexual preference is...that's just plain arse shallow. If our str8 parents can teach us right from wrong...and you make the decision to be gay/lesbian...why can't a gay/lesbian couple teach what's Biblically right/wrong and have that child make their own decisions also?:idea:

Thank you Jesus'''''I'm so glad I don't have to count on us humans to make it to Heaven.
Originally posted by nevaehinvesting

Anyways, unwanted children is a direct result of people following their own plan. Not a judgement, just a fact.

A very true statement. Anytime we do it our way and not GOD'S way, you will have consequences that are not good.

Isn't it amazing that we can read all the books on black history, read all newspapers, and believe all the statistics created by man and believe them as FACTS, but when it comes to the Bible, a book that has been the same yesterday, today and forever we don't believe exactly what it says. :smh:

Funny how simple it is for people to trash God... and then
wonder why the world's going to hell!

Funny how we believe what the newspapers say,
but question what the Bible says.
Funny how everyone wants to go to heaven provided
they do not have to believe, think, say, or do anything the Bible says.

Funny? Or is it scary?
Funny how someone can say "I believe in God"
but still follow Satan (who, by the way, also "believes in God).

GOD'S WORD means exactly what it says. I would much rather believe that now, and find out on the last day that it was wrong, than not to believe it, and find out that it was right.

Feel me.....;)
Originally posted by hassan
yes the truth is that there are TOO many children languishing in foster "care" for any one to so dadburn holier-than-thou

if you dont like the idea of homosexuals caring for "unwanted" children, then spend less time judging others and more time opening your home, your life, your heart to some really great children that need permanence

I know of many Christian couples that have chosen to adopt. The question is not one of judgement; rather, it is acknowledging what God's truth is and living by it.

A better tactic for you would be to go to churches and sponsor workshops to educate people on adoption rather than criticizing them for adhereing to the Bible. More Christians might consider adoption as an option.
Everyone's entitled to their opinions...SO HERE's mine!
The important thing is to submit your opinion, to God?s Will.

A sin is a sin is a sin...IS A SIN! Don't be a's not okay to have sex before marriage...but you do it! IT's a SIN...the Bible and God I know...teaches against well, as stealing, cheating, lying...etc..etc...I could go on and on...
A sin is a sin, is a sin? BUT there are different consequences for different sins.

Lying is a sin. Telling your mother that you went to a movie, when you really went to a party, is a sin. That lie may cause you to be punished next weekend, or spanked when you get home.

Fornication is a sin. Having sex with someone you?re not married to (shacking increases the likelihood) may produce a child between two people with no real commitment to each other, AND no real commitment to the child. That sin may cause an unwanted baby to be born, or, it can cause an unwanted baby to be killed!

Homosexuality is a sin. Choosing to have sex with your same gender distorts God?s plan for a man and woman to unite, reproduce, and be a Christian family. God?s model for the family is not to be twisted by people to please thir own fleshly desires. The sin of homosexuality has caused 99% of my wife?s patients at the hospital to be black men dying from aids.

I'm always going to be for matter what a person's sexual preference is...
This is what people have come to. It?s almost like when I hear people say, go ahead and fornicate, just make sure you use a condom; when God says don?t do it all, we say do it ?safely?. We all have to take blame for the state of the world. This world is falling further away from God?s outline for living, and a lot of people, even Christians, don?t care.

Today, it?s like the ?C? in ?Christianity? stands for Compromise. One day, we?ll realize that God?s plan is superior to our own will & opinions.

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Originally posted by nevaehinvesting
The important thing is to submit your opinion, to God?s Will.

A sin is a sin, is a sin? BUT there are different consequences for different sins.

Lying is a sin. Telling your mother that you went to a movie, when you really went to a party, is a sin. That lie may cause you to be punished next weekend, or spanked when you get home.

Fornication is a sin. Having sex with someone you?re not married to (shacking increases the likelihood) may produce a child between two people with no real commitment to each other, AND no real commitment to the child. That sin may cause an unwanted baby to be born, or, it can cause an unwanted baby to be killed!

Homosexuality is a sin. Choosing to have sex with your same gender distorts God?s plan for a man and woman to unite, reproduce, and be a Christian family. God?s model for the family is not to be twisted by people to please thir own fleshly desires. The sin of homosexuality has caused 99% of my wife?s patients at the hospital to be black men dying from aids.

This is what people have come to. It?s almost like when I hear people say, go ahead and fornicate, just make sure you use a condom; when God says don?t do it all, we say do it ?safely?. We all have to take blame for the state of the world. This world is falling further away from God?s outline for living, and a lot of people, even Christians, don?t care.

Today, it?s like the ?C? in ?Christianity? stands for Compromise. One day, we?ll realize that God?s plan is superior to our own will & opinions.

Thank you for that!
"adhering to the Bible"???

How in the heck is not taking a child in need of love into your home because of what his/her parents did/didnt do "adhering the Bible"???

It should not matter WHY a child is need of a good, loving foster and/or adoptive home - all that DOES matter is that they DO need one

that is ALL that matters

like i said, if you dont like the thought of homosexuals and/or unmarried cohabitating heterosexuals caring for these children,then do something about it other than complaining, judging, and/or manipulating the Scripture and ADOPT AT LEAST ONE OF THEM

God Himself know that there are LOTS of them to go around

*btw nevae', why do you assume that I am Christian?
Originally posted by jelli
What about a single person?
ALL adoptions by non-natural parents should be outlawed and strictly forbidden. These abhorent lifestyle are a bad influence on impressionabe minds and worst of all endanger the health and well being of the children being adopted. Therefore I say nay to gays, singles AND marred couples who can't have kids of their own and want to adopt. They should have their own kids naturally like the rest of us and if they can't, well then that's just TOOOO BAD.
Sincerely, Susan Smith :mad:

after dropping that ball at Wrigley Field, you TRIPPIN

ok, overlooking Bart's tongue-in-cheek reply (i HOPE that is what it was) i have to say that if we start reducing the number of good people that can adopt based on limited and reactionary self-righteousness, then we reduce the chances of permanency for these children - most of whom are BLACK
DANG Hassan!

You're ruining the intended effect. You're supposed to "get it" and laugh. Surely we all know Susan Smth the "great" natural mother of those two now murdered kids in South Carolina. It's round-about way of using third person to lampoon one extreme aspect of the arguments presented hear; who's best suited to adopted and why or why not? the nerve of a "responsble parent" like Susan blasting/singling out a group and banning them from adopting. The irony of susan Smith "weighing in" shoulld cause us to ponder, just who exactly is fit to take care of children and how do we know? "loving moms" like Susan Smith? Single people? Gays? Married couples? Who knows. One thing we learned from the Susan Smith murders is that not all natural parents are fit to have children much less adopt. I'm sure there are examples of suposed "unfit" people adopting and raising kids just fine, so the answer is somewhere in the middle. I think the whole gays having/adopting kids gets into a gay agenda though.
Should whites be allowed to adopt non-white kids/
should blacks be allowed to adopt non-black kids? This goes for other races as well.
Originally posted by jelli
Should whites be allowed to adopt non-white kids/
should blacks be allowed to adopt non-black kids? This goes for other races as well.
Why are you starting all this mess?????

You know these subjects are contraversal!!
Should whites be allowed to adopt non-white kids/
should blacks be allowed to adopt non-black kids? This goes for other races as well.
I say sure, but people need to hear from God about these and other matters.

1) I may be in a perfectly functional christian marriage, and God still tell me not to adopt.

2) I may be in 'not the best' marriage and God tell me to adopt a child of another ethnicity.

The good thing about being a christian is that we don't have the worry about using the same formula for different situations like this, we simply seek God.

If God says "adopt that child", then adopt that child.

If God says "don't adopt that child", then don't adopt that child.

That's how I see it.