AAMU, the clock is ticking, and the Crats from Tenn St. are coming

Well... Im going to say it like I have said it in all these years past since AAMU and TnSU have been playing recently. It is like comparing apples with oranges.

Now, AAMU might not be on the musical level as some, but they are WAY better than a lot of HBCU bands out there. Same thing with TnSU. They might not be the loudest band out there, but they can out play a good majority (let's not forget who the top three HBCU bands once were).

This should be an interesting battle. I am not only looking forward to seeing my former band, but AAMU as well. I always have a good ol drunk time when I go to Hunstville... and I do not plan on this game being any different. I am sure in the 5th quarter, the old heads from both bands will be talking *ish to each other (and I am sure I will be right along with them), but when it all boils down to it... these two schools are just totally different in styles and concepts.

AAMU will be blowing.
TnSU will bring that book out and be musical.


Good luck to both and I hope that everyone has a good time while down in Hunstville. If you happen to see a guy in a navy blue band jacket with crat4life on the back... it's going to be me. Forgive me for my forcasted drunkeness. ;)

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Originally posted by crat4life
Well... Im going to say it like I have said it in all these years past since AAMU and TnSU have been playing recently. It is like comparing apples with oranges.

Now, AAMU might not be on the musical level as some, but they are WAY better than a lot of HBCU bands out there. Same thing with TnSU. They might not be the loudest band out there, but they can out play a good majority (let's not forget who the top three HBCU bands once were).

This should be an interesting battle. I am not only looking forward to seeing my former band, but AAMU as well. I always have a good ol drunk time when I go to Hunstville... and I do not plan on this game being any different. I am sure in the 5th quarter, the old heads from both bands will be talking *ish to each other (and I am sure I will be right along with them), but when it all boils down to it... these two schools are just totally different in styles and concepts.

AAMU will be blowing.
TnSU will bring that book out and be musical.


Good luck to both and I hope that everyone has a good time while down in Hunstville. If you happen to see a guy in a navy blue band jacket with crat4life on the back... it's going to be me. Forgive me for my forcasted drunkeness. ;)

make sure you call me when you get to Huntsville folk.
Originally posted by BlackCrat
You can't be serious......you really can't be serious!! You just proved our point playa. I want you to read your post again, and you will realize why BAMA A&M will never be invited anywhere. Take that high school sh%$ somewhere else. WE LOUD!! WE LOUD!! OUR ARRANGEMENTS ARE ELEMENTARY BECAUSE OUR STUDENTS ARRANGE THEM, BUT WE LOUD!! WE NOT 'BOUT THAT TECHNICAL SH#$. I would expect someone from high school to say this bull....not a grown up. Please, i beg you, for the sake of the reputation of HBCU bands, PLEASE DON'T REPEAT THAT CRAP IN PUBLIC!!. You will get laughed at. You should be too embarrassed to let that kiddie crap roll off yo tongue.

Oh, and let's not get on the high school field show you guys did. You know, the one where u marched to the middle of the field and didn't do sh$#, didn't drill sh$%. You know, the one you did for your homecoming, and your crowd barely even clapped (i was sitting on A&M side). If you want to be known as the loud band with elementary arse arrangements, and no attempts to produce a collegiate halftime show, then that's fine. Keep that mentallity my brotha, and keep wondering why your band will NEVER gain any national appeal. So, if you say that TnSU has "Meachish" mentallity just because we believe in quality music, then so be it. Unlike BAMA, we don't need a conference to lean on......we still get the national exposure your band wishes it had:) :)

So yo.......i want BAMA A&M to blow the hell outta those garbage arse arrangements on Saturday. I want them to blow as loud as they can, and while they standing in the middle of the field doing nothing, i want them to keep blowing. WE LOUD!! WE LOUD!!....so sad:( That mentallity is an embarrassement to Black bands.


Playboi....you d@mn right thats Meac jibberish. When you caint beat'em, you think of any excuse on why you lost; i.e. they play easy music, they just loud, they on steroids, blah blah blah. It aint the MMW fault yall been coming on the short end of the stick these past couple of battles. Tell your folks to have'a better strategy when yall face us cause playin the same shat, the same way year after year aint gone get it. Just as much as our fieldshow sucks...yalls been suckin even harder since god knows when...as far back as 1991...explain that mr collegiate halftime show man; that shat aint collegiate it'sa disgrace that yall use'ta be among the upper-tier bands but you done fell off and aint got up yet.....get up playboi!!

We gone continue to do what we do and what works for us, because we do have an audience that enjoys the sound.

Originally posted by PsiSnake
Playboi....you d@mn right thats Meac jibberish. When you caint beat'em, you think of any excuse on why you lost; i.e. they play easy music, they just loud, they on steroids, blah blah blah. It aint the MMW fault yall been coming on the short end of the stick these past couple of battles. Tell your folks to have'a better strategy when yall face us cause playin the same shat, the same way year after year aint gone get it. Just as much as our fieldshow sucks...yalls been suckin even harder since god knows when...as far back as 1991...explain that mr collegiate halftime show man; that shat aint collegiate it'sa disgrace that yall use'ta be among the upper-tier bands but you done fell off and aint got up yet.....get up playboi!!

We gone continue to do what we do and what works for us, because we do have an audience that enjoys the sound.


Oh lawd......if you say so playa. I'm not going to go any further. Like i said, if doing what you do works for your director....then go for it. Continue pleasing your local audience. Oh yea, and keep wondering why you'll never be invited anywhere outside of BAMA.:rolleyes: See ya in Huntsville, and i'll be expecting plenty of Suthun Hospitality....... :D

mabye you should try playing get ready and floating the jsu, then we probably could hear a crowd instead of cricketts.
TnSU I think yall must have a case of alzheimers because yall have forgotten about 98,99,01, and 02 what the fugg!!! I in 98 we blew yall out so bad on Yalls campus in yalls stadium that yall sent your campus police to put us out of the stadium b/c we were waxing yall so bad on your homecoming. And as far as you blackcrat TSU will never ever be respected for nothing more than your book...... you definately aren't impressive on the field and I'm so tired of hearing the same songs year in and year out from yall in the stands. So if yall are gonna do the same thing as usual we aren't in the least bit worried. As a matter of fact we have to see yall twice this weekend and we will take care of yall on Sat. and Sun. So bring the Aristicrap band on down here to the hill so we can "BLOW LOUD R&B tunes at yall" Just be quiet and take it b/c yall can't call for help in OUR stadium!!! Oh by the way yall will be taking two "L's" courtesy of the SWAC!! i.e. JSU & AAMU!! Well actually in that case # L's AAMU Sat. and Sun. and JSU next weekend!!!
Originally posted by BlackCrat
keep wondering why you'll never be invited anywhere outside of BAMA.:rolleyes: See ya in Huntsville, and i'll be expecting plenty of Suthun Hospitality....... :D


.....thought you had sense enough to know that being invited somewhere doesnt make you the best...refer to Grambling....but I guess you have none! :lol:

Speaking of going places; where are all these places yall been thats sooooo Grand? Honda BOTB?! :rolleyes: But really I dont give'a monkeys left nutt sack where yall been, that still doesnt change that your fieldshows been suckin for over ten years.

Originally posted by INsane Tre'
I in 98 we blew yall out so bad on Yalls campus in yalls stadium that yall sent your campus police to put us out of the stadium b/c we were waxing yall so bad on your homecoming. And as far as you blackcrat TSU will never ever be respected for nothing more than your book...... you definately aren't impressive on the field and I'm so tired of hearing the same songs year in and year out from yall in the stands.

We sent campus police over to put you out? Now u at least made it to college, so i want you to try and use a little sense in your ignorant statements. Why would we put.....nevermind. We have our signature tunes, and guess what....we play plenty of other tunes to play along with our signatures, so don't front. Play a march negroes, play a ballet, or is that too much like "MEAChish thinking"? JSU had volume, but they at least had SUBSTANCE behind it, there selection is way more versatile than yours....you guys have nothing. I'm not going to entertain this anymore. All of this percieved popularity and notariety is tripping me out. I love the MMW. You guys have truly earned the right to be the Pride of Huntsville BAMA, and i hope you're content with that....See ya in BAMA!:D

*walks away whistling "I'm So Glad"*
lol i jus want u to spell ballad correctly...thats irking me...lol ok that is all:)
Originally posted by BlackCrat
You guys have truly earned the right to be the Pride of Huntsville BAMA, and i hope you're content with that....See ya in BAMA!:D

*walks away whistling "I'm So Glad"*

...and you earned the right to boast off of your Aristocrat predecessors accomplishments; a tradition the "present" Aristocrats aint doing!

Ya know, at first you were sounding "MEACish", but as you continue to speak, you are beginning to sound like someone from Grambling......sorry GSU I hate bringing yall up like this.

Whatever dude :rolleyes:...I guess I'll look forward to hearing "Word-up", "Fantastic Voyage", "Happy Feeling"(I love them bones on that), "Car Wash", "James Bond", "Coming To America", etc.

Originally posted by PsiSnake
.....thought you had sense enough to know that being invited somewhere doesnt make you the best...refer to Grambling....but I guess you have none! :lol:

Speaking of going places; where are all these places yall been thats sooooo Grand? Honda BOTB?! :rolleyes: But really I dont give'a monkeys left nutt sack where yall been, that still doesnt change that your fieldshows been suckin for over ten years.


Unlike Gram.....we didn't have the great Eddie Robinson and the great f-ball team to lean on. We don't have the most popular Black Conference to lean on. As matter of fact we don't have a blk conference period. So, what are we leaning on??? Oh yea, and unlike Gram.....WE CAN PLAY AND WE SOUND GOOD!! So continue leaning on your "i'm great 'cause i'm in the SWAC" high horse, and see where that leaves you........stuck in BAMA. Keep wishing and dreaming, "oh how i wish i was like the Juke box....they my heroes". "One day, just one day weez gon be louder than dem". Yea, just let that be your focus as a band....and continue being the Pride of Huntsville.

Pull out halftime tapes and look at our designs/drills, and compare them to yours.....oops, you guys don't drill worth sh$%, so nevermind. Oh, but i guess that's not important either. Nevermind.........i don't like this typing back 'n forward stuff.
I'm officially done with this thread.

See ya in BAMA!:D
You missed the point about Grambling but dont worry about it!

How long have the Sophisticated Ladies sucked wit they know dancing white stocking wearing azzes? :lol: What about your trumpet section...they still need help? Have the drum majors improve?...well I'll admit they did last year!

Boi gone somewhere. :lol:

Originally posted by PsiSnake
You missed the point about Grambling but dont worry about it!

How long have the Sophisticated Ladies sucked wit they know dancing white stocking wearing azzes? :lol: What about your trumpet section...they still need help? Have the drum majors improve?...well I'll admit they did last year!

Boi gone somewhere. :lol:


The Soph Ladies been sucking since the new coordinator ('92). It's no secret, we have i believe 24 trumpets. They sound good, but there just aren't enough of them considering the power of the lower brass. DM's....improved. Any more question? Oops, i forgot.....i'm done with this thread.

I'll be sure to ask one of your fellow band BAMites for "snake", so that i can shake your hand.

See ya in BAMA!:D
Originally posted by PsiSnake
Dont know where you've been, but you definately been outta the AAMU -vs- TSU loop. Off the top of my head...A&M got in that azz in 99, 01, & 02.


I agree 100%

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Originally posted by the MAD DRUMMAJOR
I'm here every day man :)

I'm just old enough to know not to stick my head in on "other folks " topics . So 99% of the time I just read untill somebody brings up TnSU.....

Thank You ! Thank You !! Thank You !!! Good Fella always adding his 2 cents and hardly ever have anything positive or constructive to say about another program!!!
Originally posted by Cojack
I expect such a comment coming from a lower tier swac school who has no rank in the swac what so ever. If the Crats have anywhere near 2 weeks of swac hell to go through which I doubt very seriously, then that must mean UAPB has an entire season of L's to take from the rest of the swac family. Lets not make dumb *ss assumptions of what the outcome will be until game time.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: ::lmao: :lmao: :slap: :retard:
Originally posted by the MAD DRUMMAJOR
I will say that AAMU was" blowing the sh*t" out of those "whole note ,quarter note , no counter melody , unison line arrangements last year.....:eek2:

But TnSU "" played and sounded better" (by a mile) and" out drilled" AAMU ( TnSU's show as a whole was way better).....:p

:nod: The more I read,... the more you sound like a man who comprehends my language!!!
Originally posted by BlackCrat
Unlike Gram.....we didn't have the great Eddie Robinson and the great f-ball team to lean on.
You was sounding good up to this point. And for the record,..... If you knew anything about the history here you would know that Mr. Conrad Hutchinson worked his butt off to achieve such fame. He was one of the main people who helped Coach Rob and vice versa. They were connected and didn't have an ego problem!
We don't have the most popular Black Conference to lean on. As matter of fact we don't have a blk conference period. So, what are we leaning on??? Oh yea, and unlike Gram.....WE CAN PLAY AND WE SOUND GOOD!!
Though I am insulted by this statement,.....out of respect for your program I'll move on.....:shame:
Originally posted by oreoqe
Don't blame that heat on whole notes! I know another SWAC band who gets MUCH LOVE and they do the same thing. You know who you are!

What band may that be??? I know SU plays alot technical stuff and gets a nice powerful sound. The same with JSU, UAPB, and P.V. Oh I get it u must be talking about TxSU or Bama St???
same argument EVERY year when TSU and AAMU are about to play. Its really getting old now... it will be WORST at the game tonight in the fifth quarter in the middle of the field. I still say AAMU will keep the crowd more entertained than TSU will. What they do may work in Nashville but it wont work here... nobody here wants to hear Word Up, Car Wash, Nicety, Fantastic Voyage, etc.... now I like the Bond Opener, Control, and Happy Feelings, just getting tired of hearing them every year. To me TSU's book is overated when they play the same songs every year. I will bet money tonight they start off the 5th quarter with Master Blaster.
Originally posted by Legend35
Thank You ! Thank You !! Thank You !!! Good Fella always adding his 2 cents and hardly ever have anything positive or constructive to say about another program!!!

Sorry dude , but I really wasn't taking a shot at Goodfella , I was just telling him why I don't post much over here......:cool: :D

Before you open your mouth again, know some history.

The GSU Marching Band never had to lean on Eddie Robinson or the football team.
Originally posted by DAHILL
same argument EVERY year when TSU and AAMU are about to play. Its really getting old now... it will be WORST at the game tonight in the fifth quarter in the middle of the field. I still say AAMU will keep the crowd more entertained than TSU will. What they do may work in Nashville but it wont work here... nobody here wants to hear Word Up, Car Wash, Nicety, Fantastic Voyage, etc.... now I like the Bond Opener, Control, and Happy Feelings, just getting tired of hearing them every year. To me TSU's book is overated when they play the same songs every year. I will bet money tonight they start off the 5th quarter with Master Blaster.

Listen to what you just said, if anything Tsu is not rated at all. We couldn't get props from the majority if we took on three Swac bands at the same time and won. And some of those songs that you listed are not played anymore, so get your s#!t before you post. And don't say nobody wants to hear.....just keep it as you don't want to hear because after all that is your opinion.:lecture: