"A Shotgun for Blood Clots"


Senior Troll
Heart disease may be a thing of the past according to this article...

A Shotgun for Blood Clots

by Krystnell A. Storr on 5 July 2012, 3:18 PM


Open up. This view of a blocked mouse artery shows illuminated nanoparticles accumulating around the clot.

Credit: Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering

Think of it as Liquid-Plumr for the circulatory system. Researchers have designed a clump of tiny particles that rides the current of the bloodstream, seeks out life-threatening blood clots, and obliterates them. The approach works in mice and could soon move on to human trials.

Blood clots are bad news for the brain, heart, and other organs. These masses of blood cells can grow big enough to choke off veins and arteries, preventing oxygen from flowing to critical organs. One of the chief obstacles to dealing with blood clots is finding where they have lodged in the body. Even if doctors locate clots, they're hard to get rid of. Doctors often prescribe blood thinners that slow down the time it takes a clot to form, but such medication can also cause excessive bleeding.

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