Will Chicago ever get it together?

You think an administration under Biden that wants to invest MORE into policing would be better?

Trump has just proven to you he will snatch white citizens off the street and throw them in unmarked vans, have those same white citizens shot with rubber bullets and use riot control gas on the same white citizens and veterans regardless of gender or level of threat.

With that said, just what in the hell do you think he will do to a bunch of black citizens that even at least half of white liberals think are street thugs that need to be dealt with?

My former post is about right now, worry about Biden in 2021.
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You think an administration under Biden that wants to invest MORE into policing would be better?

You want to take your chances with Trump trying to fix Chicago?

With federal troopers? With some who are fed up with black folks? And who knows what else he could do behind closed doors.
You want to take your chances with Trump trying to fix Chicago?

With federal troopers? With some who are fed up with black folks? And who knows what else he could do behind closed doors.
No one should want the feds in Chicago terrorizing black people regardless of who is POTUS.
This is straight-up disgusting and embarrassing. One of the mayor's 1st orders of business should have been to get a handle on that corrupt police department and make sure they place more resources and policemen in high crime areas. Everything else is an uphill battle including the needed economic development without getting a handle on it. IMHO Rahn Emanuel didn't solve Chicago's issues and so far, I don't see Lightfoot even laying a foundation for radical change. The inmates are still running the windy house. When you start crying conspiracy theories, it may be a telltale sign that you're in over your head and feeling the pressure.

Like I stated earlier if the Feds put boots on the ground we may not like the way it will be handled. I will agree that they would be more civil under a Biden's administration though and waiting would be ideal. The rub with this is we have a nut in the White House and he doesn't give a damn about our preferences. Lightfoot has already given Trump permission for surveillance of Chicago and threats of legal action if it goes any further like that would be a deterrent.....LOL. She better hope that nut's plan isn't to get enough intel to wreak havoc on her streets. The problem is Chicago has had too many scary, coward, undedicated leaders without vision.
You don’t handle a corrupt police department by giving it a $95 million training facility.
Those resources could go into ... maybe depressed communities y’all want the feds to crack heads in.
I don't understand how some of us can see ourselves as that Frankenstein monster that others have created, basically giving them an excuse to blame the monster for all that is wrong in society, but not realizing their sheer ignorance and blatant disregard in humanity, which is the true monster from the start. Some of us on here wants the same people who originally created the monsters in Chicago's so-called jungles to come in with suppression tactics without any regards in humanity, which eventually becomes a life long economic job creation for mostly uneducated White folks. Like the old racist and ignorant White dude said in video I posted above concerning the Rodney King verdict, "the police is holding back the jungle." This is the exact reason why they are able to delusionally flip things around, such as turning Rodney King into the villain and the police officers as individuals scared for their life, even though not one police officer who left that scene had any bodily injuries. But law enforcement might be the only hope for some of us as a means of survival.
I don't understand how some of us can see ourselves as that Frankenstein monster that others have created, basically giving them an excuse to blame the monster for all that is wrong in society, but not realizing their sheer ignorance and blatant disregard in humanity, which is the true monster from the start. Some of us on here wants the same people who originally created the monsters in Chicago's so-called jungles to come in with suppression tactics without any regards in humanity, which eventually becomes a life long economic job creation for mostly uneducated White folks. Like the old racist and ignorant White dude said in video I posted above concerning the Rodney King verdict, "the police is holding back the jungle." This is the exact reason why they are able to delusionally flip things around, such as turning Rodney King into the villain and the police officers as individuals scared for their life, even though not one police officer who left that scene had any bodily injuries. But law enforcement might be the only hope for some of us as a means of survival.

It seems that we have a ton of commentary with no solutions. It’s sad what is happening in Chicago and I hear in my friend’s voices all the time. Me personally I don’t know what to do.

It’s like if you take it to the black community they state this is for years of oppression which I get. People hate police until they need them.

On. Smaller scale I remember the town of Lake Providence here in Louisiana. The police force and part of the sheriff’s department were dealing drugs. So they National Guard MP unit was called in and commended by 4 or 5 state troopers. They cleaned up the area.

The only difference is the community black and white welcomes them there and they maintained the temperament needed for change.

I honestly don’t think people in Chicago would be receptive to that. Moreover I think that a lot of people are really angry and have no ways to cope with this.
It's black folk's comments like this that urk the hell out of me. It's yall want Trump to win because you overly criticize the Biden/Harris ticket. I refer to guys as a "Herman"

So me not wanting areas where black people live to be flooded with the feds -- whom have historically never had the best interest of black people in mind -- is an endorsement for Trump?

How does that make sense?
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So me not wanting areas where black people live to be flooded with the feds -- whom have historically never had the best interest of black people in mind -- is an endorsement for Trump?

How does that make sense?

You think an administration under Biden that wants to invest MORE into policing would be better?

The comment above is what I was referring to.....see you are so wrapped in misc stuff that you are not paying attention.....yes by bashing Biden is an endorsement for Trump....why....because anything negative about Biden will be reinforced by Trump supporters....

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So why post the youtube video about the woman expressing why they are looting? you never said you didn't agree with it.

You asked what the purpose of looting.

She answered, with a historical perspective, why it occurred.

I don't endorse looting, but when people are pushed to the margins of society, no one should be surprised by the reaction to their condition.
The comment above is what I was referring to.....see you are so wrapped in misc stuff that you are not paying attention.....yes by bashing Biden is an endorsement for Trump....why....because anything negative about Biden will be reinforced by Trump supporters....

I didn't bash Biden. I was responding to the notion that it would be best for the feds to move into Chicago in 2021 (assuming Biden is POTUS then) when that outcome -- regardless of who is president -- does not favor the interest of black people and will not address the issues plaguing the city.

And saying any criticism of Biden equates to support for Trump is a bad faith sentiment. That's like saying because you want police reform you are anti-police and want lawlessness. That would be crazy, right? But people actually believe that.

Nah, the public is supposed to critical and closely examine the interests, stances, and decisions of people running for office. These folks aren't applying to be a shift manager at McDonald's. The decision they make while in office will impact all of us. So there is going to be, there has to be, a little bit of scrutiny there. The public deserves to know what kinds of leaders they're getting.
I haven't seen anyone say this, so let me be the first. Fixing the problems of a city like chicago, or new orleans or Montgomery isn't easy. The problems are long standing, complex & don't have clear cut solutions. I lived in Chi for 8 months doing an co-op for the dept of energy while i was in school at alcorn. first night there 8 people were shot to death in the freezer of a brown's chicken, and it never slowed down.
Any time the public education is bad, we will have a hard time. As bad as Katrina was for New Orleans, it literally washed away the school board and forced some changes. A general rule of thumb i keep in mind as a teacher. Everyone gets an education. The only real question is will it be in school resulting in an educated populace that has opportunity, hope, the ability to support their family & pay taxes or.. will it be on the street? Too many have gotten a street education. Smart brothers that could have been chemist & engineers are weighing out dime bags. It's hard to blame them though. Hope has been taken away & now it's just about survival. Heck, even Jean valjean stole bread to feed his family in les miserables.

parts of a solution:
fix the schools
provide a ubi
job and skills training
mental health counseling
prosecute straw gun sales in Indiana
public private partnerships with police/churches white & black
prenatal care
parenting classes
white people need to care about black people outside of violent events

Lastly Bill Cosby had a special called Brain Damaged, talking about how kids act. The truth is not far from his comedy. Many of the things we see happening are occurring because of adverse childhood events (ACE). A study has demonstrated that when this happens before birth it can cause the brain not to develop as it should. High levels of stress hormones (cortisol) affect mom & the developing baby. A high ACE score is predictive of educational attainment, smoking rates, marriage, income, cancer... basically nearly everything negative in life.
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Chicago can't be fixed. The problems are too deep-seeded and numerous.

At this point, all the working Black folks in Chicago that aren't knee deep into beef need to move back south and help politically flip red states. Let the hood eat itself alive.
Chicago can't be fixed. The problems are too deep-seeded and numerous.

At this point, all the working Black folks in Chicago that aren't knee deep into beef need to move back south and help politically flip red states. Let the hood eat itself alive.

This pretty much sounds like where things are headed. I know I wouldn't wanna put up with it. I'm reluctant to even visit again. It's sad because Chicago was one of America's great cities.