NFL players want month dedicated to activism

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I am not into telling people how to spend their money....just stop playing the fool. The NFL has NO love for them.
Instead of a month of activism how about they put their money together and fund Black Lives Matter. Say each athlete donates 5% of their salary to the BLM.

Why would anyone do that? For a bunch of folks who want to cry victim hood forever and shoot down ANYONE who tries to explain what the movement SHOULD be about.

How about they all get together and from a program that does all that?

The NFL would never do that and risk alienating its relationships with law enforcement.

If you make it CLEAR you are fighting CORRUPT cops and judges unlike BLM that wants everyone dead who wears a badge. They should have nothing to complain about. Part of the reason why most cops don't talk is because of retaliation-if the public supports those who are willing to expose the truth more will TALK.

Then we have to stop tossing out the race card every five minutes. If whites are the main ones getting killed by cops according to data-someone in the black community needs to figure out how to use that to their advantage. If white guys are dying the same way as Freddie Gray & Alton Sterling-what was the outcome of those cases if they went to trial. If not why didn't they? Use the white man's data against them.