Did Baton Rouge Cops Kill an Unarmed Man?

law-abiding Blacks need to be the main ones at gun shows, having subscriptions to gun magazines, etc.

:D This is the game. But some don't wanna' play this one though. They'd rather do that elementary level and remedial PS3/xbox shit. F'ing pathetic. "Game of thrones" "black ops" and whatever else remedial online shit there is to play. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D I'm finna' walk a few paces from the front door and squeeze off 17 rounds just because... it's legal and in an unincorporated area, for those of you who like to snitch :D . Shit like this makes my blood curl. smh
You mean what have black women DONE??? Your attempts at demonizing are expected...it's what black folks do well--demonize their own instead of getting to the real answers.

#1, I'm not demonizing anyone or anything but the truth, something most will have a problem w/ since they're mentally incapable of differentiating truth from lie; 1 from 0; 0.5[1] from 0; and #2, I don't "own" 'their own'. I OWN what is MINE and MINE alone, unless it is shared w/ another in singleton. My children don't belong to you or anyone else lol but me and THEIR mother. I don't "own black women." WTF is wrong w/ you? lol

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When Black Folks realize the 2nd Amendment is there to help us, things will get better.


Tamir Rice was killed by the police while in possession of a gun in an open carry state.

John Crawford was killed by the cops while in possession of a gun in an open carry state.

No charges in either circumstance.

The whole 2nd Amendment rights thing don't apply to us at all the time.
Was trying to add to my last reply but an error on the page stopped it, so I will post it here.

The selling of CDs in moot, IMO, although I believe it will be used as the rallying cry ("He was shot for selling CDs"). In reality, he was shot for resisting (which he clearly was), and for ALLEGEDLY reaching for a gun, which is OBVIOUSLYdebatable. I think the cops made a mistake, IMHO, by rushing in and forcing a physical confrontation when the whole call was a man with a gun. The ONLY caveat I have to that is that we don't see the moments right before the video to know how Exactly what happened in the moments leading up to what we saw. As the video begins, I can already hear a taser going off.

In my mind, that is the same type of issue from the Tamir Rice thing. If I am dispatched to a subject with a gun, time and distance are my friend. When you go rushing in, you (as the officer) create a confrontational situation that can end up with dire consequences. Same thing that got that rookie fired up in the Dallas area with the ex college football player at the car dealership.

So you mean to tell me the police would have handled a black man the same as this guy? Not sure on that one

Time to push for them to be fired...and if the chief can't do it, he needs to be fired also. Let a thousand black men show up and demand justice...powerful indeed.

Fired??? Fired???? Them getting fired would be the best thing for them, the next racist will pull them in and reward them just like this guy.....

Phoenix, Arizona — In a controversial decision made today, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio announced that he has hired former McKinney police officer Eric Casebolt to head up his SWAT unit.

Casebolt, who is best known for his antics in the McKinney pool video where he was seen slamming a bikini-clad girl to the ground,drawing his gun on unarmed children and barrel rolling, resigned on Tuesday from the McKinney....

So you mean to tell me the police would have handled a black man the same as this guy? Not sure on that one

If it were a black male, he would've had 200,000 rounds piercing his body simultaneously as every cop, including those in the helicopter, unloaded in him.

I'll do you one even more close to home. White dude had a 12-gauge, went to his wife's job @ the bread store, and the white cop BEGS him to put the gun down. The officer went OVERBOARD and actually lost his left eye as he allowed the shooter to shoot first. So, what would you have done in this situation when all you see is a gun pointed @ you. Obviously the first officer didn't want to shoot the assailant. Can't have it both ways, black or white. What would you have done? If you're giving someone orders and they DO NOT COMPLY AND THEY HAVE A WEAPON ON THEM, what do you do? Beg? lol Comical, two-faced liar. smh

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Fired??? Fired???? Them getting fired would be the best thing for them, the next racist will pull them in and reward them just like this guy.....

Phoenix, Arizona — In a controversial decision made today, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio announced that he has hired former McKinney police officer Eric Casebolt to head up his SWAT unit.

Casebolt, who is best known for his antics in the McKinney pool video where he was seen slamming a bikini-clad girl to the ground,drawing his gun on unarmed children and barrel rolling, resigned on Tuesday from the McKinney....


I knew that rogue SOB would end up hired somewhere feverishly living his life abundantly. smh Pitiful. Pitiful. Pitiful.
If it were a black male, he would've had 200,000 rounds piercing his body simultaneously as every cop, including those in the helicopter, unloaded in him.

I'll do you one even more close to home. White dude had a 12-gauge, went to his wife's job @ the bread store, and the white cop BEGS him to put the gun down. The officer went OVERBOARD and actually lost his left eye as he allowed the shooter to shoot first. So, what would you have done in this situation when all you see is a gun pointed @ you. Obviously the first officer didn't want to shoot the assailant. Can't have it both ways, black or white. What would you have done? If you're giving someone orders and they DO NOT COMPLY AND THEY HAVE A WEAPON ON THEM, what do you do? Beg? lol Comical, two-faced liar. smh

Oh my, he called him buddy right before he aimed and let him have it. He squared up like a sniper how did the cop not know he was going to shoot?
Shit, we can do this silly shit all day but it won't change the fact that mf'ers NEED to stop pretending they are above the damned law and know WHEN to pick your battle to fight. All of us have fight in us but there is a time to fight and there is a time to comply:


Naturally, it was a white male who was shot. Shot in the shoulder after prancing around w/ a real-life looking gun on him in a public place smh. But if it had been a black male, shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddd 50 rounds in your funky azz.

And this situation here is just.... man.... smh blackwelder-klan should die the most painful death known to man. How do you "defend yourself and while defending yourself, you shoot a skinny 18 y/o kid in the back of the head?" What was the kid doing? Putting his ass against you vehemently in an aggressive manner while you had his face on the ground and you were on his back? Sorry mf'er. Given 5 years of probation as punishment for murdering that kid over.... a stolen pair of 27$ earbuds. smh :(


It's not just a "black" thing, some of you black racist pigs lol :D . The spanish been catching hell around these parts too.
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I'm glad this was immediately turned over to the justice department. Glad we have a fucking government with the balls to push shit in the right direction.


Dabadie said his department has turned over the investigation to the U.S. Attorney's Office and the FBI.

The U.S. Justice Department's Civil Rights Division will be the lead agency investigating the shooting, Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards told reporters Wednesday. The U.S. attorney's office in Baton Rouge, the FBI and state police also will be involved, he said.
I'm glad this was immediately turned over to the justice department. Glad we have a fucking government with the balls to push shit in the right direction.


Dabadie said his department has turned over the investigation to the U.S. Attorney's Office and the FBI.

The U.S. Justice Department's Civil Rights Division will be the lead agency investigating the shooting, Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards told reporters Wednesday. The U.S. attorney's office in Baton Rouge, the FBI and state police also will be involved, he said.

The DOJ doesn't exactly have a sterling record when it comes to these cases.
Was trying to add to my last reply but an error on the page stopped it, so I will post it here.

The selling of CDs in moot, IMO, although I believe it will be used as the rallying cry ("He was shot for selling CDs"). In reality, he was shot for resisting (which he clearly was), and for ALLEGEDLY reaching for a gun, which is OBVIOUSLYdebatable. I think the cops made a mistake, IMHO, by rushing in and forcing a physical confrontation when the whole call was a man with a gun. The ONLY caveat I have to that is that we don't see the moments right before the video to know how Exactly what happened in the moments leading up to what we saw. As the video begins, I can already hear a taser going off.

In my mind, that is the same type of issue from the Tamir Rice thing. If I am dispatched to a subject with a gun, time and distance are my friend. When you go rushing in, you (as the officer) create a confrontational situation that can end up with dire consequences. Same thing that got that rookie fired up in the Dallas area with the ex college football player at the car dealership.
Not so sure he was CLEARLY resisting. He got tased. Hands up (mostly), not moving, got tackled, fell, yelled at, shot.
I'm glad this was immediately turned over to the justice department. Glad we have a fucking government with the balls to push shit in the right direction.


Dabadie said his department has turned over the investigation to the U.S. Attorney's Office and the FBI.

The U.S. Justice Department's Civil Rights Division will be the lead agency investigating the shooting, Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards told reporters Wednesday. The U.S. attorney's office in Baton Rouge, the FBI and state police also will be involved, he said.
The civil rights division's power is only to determine if his civil rights were violated. I have yet to see a shooting that resulted in a civil rights violation from that dept.

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The DOJ doesn't exactly have a sterling record when it comes to these cases.

LMAO at Founder....You mean the same Justice Department Bill Clinton just coaxed into protecting his President-Elect Wife.

LMAO!!! I'll have better luck playing the the lottery.

The civil rights division's power is only to determine if his civil rights were violated. I have yet to see a shooting that resulted in a civil rights violation from that dept.

Much better than Baton Rouge police investigating it...tampering with the evidence....then manipulating Internal Affairs investigators. I have more optimism toward this option.
Not so sure he was CLEARLY resisting. He got tased. Hands up (mostly), not moving, got tackled, fell, yelled at, shot.
You do know, not listening/adhering to any request/commands is considered resisting. If they tell you to get on the ground and you don't move, you're resisting.

No apologies needed; nor was it my intent to be argumentative. I, like so many others, are just so very tired and angry at the blatant disregard of human life the police appear to have toward that of our Black men. The video that I saw, the one posted by sujagtillidie, shows a BR office take out his weapon and point it at the head of Sterling Alton, who was on the ground, facedown, in a position of submission. The next few seconds he was dead. I didn't see in that video the other officer take his weapon out, which is why I mistakenly thought Mr. Sterling was shot in the head.

But since I was wrong, I did pose a few questions to you in another post, and I'm very interested in what your answers are.
Sterling Alton, was not face down, he was on his back. And he was shot in his chest/trorso area by the second officer, muzzle flash can be seen. Why people keep saying that the cell phone video turned away prior to the shots, I don't know, but the phone turns away immediately after the shots were fired.

And as for us arming ourselves in states and cities where we are allowed to open or conceal carry. It will not help us, we'd just be Black folks with a gun or in the LEO's case a Black man/woman with a weapon, giving them more reason to shoot us, saying they feared for their lives.
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The Town of Zwolle, LA product Michael McClanahan is getting a little fame from this.


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I'm glad this was immediately turned over to the justice department. Glad we have a fucking government with the balls to push shit in the right direction.


Dabadie said his department has turned over the investigation to the U.S. Attorney's Office and the FBI.

The U.S. Justice Department's Civil Rights Division will be the lead agency investigating the shooting, Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards told reporters Wednesday. The U.S. attorney's office in Baton Rouge, the FBI and state police also will be involved, he said.

You're kidding, right?
You're kidding, right?

Not kidding at all. At least more of them are speaking out and trying. Would you or any you expect them to stay quiet? I mean shit at least they are responding. How many other governors or state legislators actually went to the location where the individuals was killed?

How many governors actually took it out of the city's hands at the beginning of the investigation?

I see progress...maybe I'm an optimist.
The same DOJ that did not to Darren Wilson and that DA who knowingly allowed a lying star witness to let him walk? Or the same DOJ that did nothing for Eric Garner? Tamir Rice? etc. etc.

Loretta Lynch cares more about FIFA or metting up with Bill Clinton rather than situations like these.

So again....should nothing be done or should we complain about what was not done in the past and just say fuck it set fire to our community?

What are the answers?
There's another video circulating out there now. This is right down the street from my parent's house. Disturbing is the only word I can use for this.