Bayou Classic is moving from NBC to NBC Sports Network

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when I said TVs, the amount of TVs in a household and even overall population

just admit it, you went from FBS to FCS in terms of TV deals and we can live with it...
Man who is this guy?


Somebody that flunked out at S.U. became jilted and later went to pv....

SU folks, nobody is saying the BC won't continue being successful. All people are saying is the exposure takes a hit on the national stage. I don't see what's so infuriating about other people acknowledging that.

Based on the information I've been getting since the news was released, having the game on NBCSN may very well create new revenue opportunities that were not available with NBC alone. This year will be the first time ever the BC will be available for viewing via the Internet. I was also told that NBC is making a push to increase the content on its sports network (including Notre Dame games). This may not be as dire as some are trying to make it.
Based on the information I've been getting since the news was released, having the game on NBCSN may very well create new revenue opportunities that were not available with NBC alone. This year will be the first time ever the BC will be available for viewing via the Internet. I was also told that NBC is making a push to increase the content on its sports network (including Notre Dame games). This may not be as dire as some are trying to make it.
Well, if yall don't have to pay them to be on there like yall did NBC, then that's a start.
Based on the information I've been getting since the news was released, having the game on NBCSN may very well create new revenue opportunities that were not available with NBC alone. This year will be the first time ever the BC will be available for viewing via the Internet. I was also told that NBC is making a push to increase the content on its sports network (including Notre Dame games). This may not be as dire as some are trying to make it.

Do you mean there might just be a double header on rivalry weekend, featuring Notre Dame vs Stanford / Grambling vs Southern?
Well, if yall don't have to pay them to be on there like yall did NBC, then that's a start.
I didn't say all of that. I don't know all the specifics of the NBC deal. The contract that the BC had with NBC was supposed to run through 2015 anyway. I'm not sure where all of the talk about a one-year extension is coming from. We already had a year left on the contract with NBC.
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Nah...thats just me. It only stands to reason if they are switching ND to their cable network and us, then thats the only option.

Well you better watch what you do and say on the sports board.....
Man what are you talking about. Lol

I have not smacked once here all summer. But thanks for taking a interest in me as usual since that is all your saw in that entire positive post.

Lawd have mercy. Lol
Don't forget this is the first year that the annual Bayou Classic will be shown on NBC new sports network channel. NBCSPORTS.

The game will be broadcast live into millions of home and for the first time ever live streaming broadcast thru the NBC Sports Live Extra app.

Click on the channel finder button in the middle of the page and input your zip code to see all the providers and channels in your local area.
Of course you do. You think making money for your efforts is taking a step behind.

Glad I don't have two degrees. It seems to make you way to smart.

You thinking that "making money for your efforts" is the root of this change says a lot about your intelligence. Oh well, you will learn where the next step will send you one day. Enjoy your CBS Sports showing.
Whether you even have a GED is questionable but that's not the point here. Moving from free to paid TV that's not ESPN feels like a step in the wrong direction. Your tv viewing audience is much lower which means less exposure.

Well I guess extended cable has been a step backwards for about five decades and growing huh Einstein?
Have SU & Grambling done any studies linking BC national TV coverage to enrollment trends?

I don't know that answer maybe Kenn does. But some how I think after about doing this for about two and a half decades they have all the basic covered.

Just my guess
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