"You Rock My World"

I've heard it once online, it's ok........got a good beat and will make you rock your head back & forth. I can see somebody's band playing it this weekend in the stands.

<embed src="http://www.michaeljackson.com/audio/yourockmyworld_albumedit_full.ram" width=0 height=0 type=audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin mastersound controls=small console autostart="true">
As most of his countless other hits AFTER his negro days....this song will have to "grow on me."
The Old Mike (well, circa 'Bad' ) is back !!!!

I dug what little bit I heard of it. This is the one produced by Rodney Jerkins ????

A brother like myself could bust the Scrawl or the Mashed Potato to it.....not quite any of the latest dances.

How art thou?

I haven't heard it yet, but I'm sure I'll get to it by the weekend.

I can see u do'n the mash potatoe aftah a few coronas...:emlaugh:
Hey aamuprettywoman (and the rest of you that haven't heard the song), I don't know if you have speakers or headphones on your computer, but as soon as I clicked on this thread the song began to play...(I am listening to it now). Did you program the song to play like that, Dtown Jag? That is tight.... I need to get more technically inclined. I am diggin' it. I didn't even recognize Michael's voice when him and Chris Tucker started talking at the beginning of the song. I am bopping at my desk as I type this....
I can dig it

I really like this song. It doesn't have to grow on me. But I can do without the intro with Chris Tucker.

Doesn't Michael sound like his voice has gotten a little deeper?
Re: I can dig it

Originally posted by NASTYNUPE

Doesn't Michael sound like his voice has gotten a little deeper?

I agree. I thought it was just me, but his voice does sound a little deeper than in the past.
Girl please....

Originally posted by blaquebuterfly
Did you program the song to play like that, Dtown Jag? :D

I wish I was that technically inclined myself.....LOL

I don't know who put the song on here.....**shrugs shoulders**:rolleyes:
Fiyah, probably did!...I'm listening...and I like it even more now! And I do like the new deep voice on Mike.....
Mike got tired of making up that lil voice all the time. I remember this superbowl where he was performing and his voice was deep as "L" when he was doing a lil speech ... I was always suspicious of them Jacksons....