WHAT'S THIS? The New Black Panther Party and TX Young Republicans AGREE?!!!


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Word out of Texas (Houston) is that the New Black Panthers and the Young Republicans are talking and have much in common like gun ownership, opposition of gay marriage, family values et al. So are the New Black Panthers "Uncle Toms"? :look: I can't wait to see if this story gains any legs in the main stream media, but it probably won't. The liberal media won't touch this one with a ten foot pole. Your thoughts? :lmao:
No problem, both are conservative groups. I haven't followed nor heard anything after the death of Dr. Khalid, but do you know if Malik Zulu Shabazz is the head of the NBPP?

Originally posted by Bartram
Word out of Texas (Houston) is that the New Black Panthers and the Young Republicans are talking and have much in common like gun ownership, opposition of gay marriage, family values et al. So are the New Black Panthers "Uncle Toms"? :look: I can't wait to see if this story gains any legs in the main stream media, but it probably won't. The liberal media won't touch this one with a ten foot pole. Your thoughts? :lmao:

Of course the liberal media won't touch it because the liberal media don't exist.

The media are, at best, corporate. How many bleeding heart liberals do you see in corporate boardrooms. $$$ drives the media, not political views.

If the media were so liberal, why did they JUMP at the chance to bash Clinton when the Bush administration made bogus claims about vandalism in the White House? When the GAO came out with a report stating that the vandalism was a lie, there was a one line peice on it in the news. If the media are so liberal, why don't they call Bush out on his lies to the people and to the UN?
Re: Re: WHAT'S THIS? The New Black Panther Party and TX Young Republicans AGREE?!!!

Originally posted by sophandros
Of course the liberal media won't touch it because the liberal media don't exist.

The media are, at best, corporate. How many bleeding heart liberals do you see in corporate boardrooms. $$$ drives the media, not political views.

If the media were so liberal, why did they JUMP at the chance to bash Clinton when the Bush administration made bogus claims about vandalism in the White House? When the GAO came out with a report stating that the vandalism was a lie, there was a one line peice on it in the news. If the media are so liberal, why don't they call Bush out on his lies to the people and to the UN?

The liberal media is so entrenched that people don't even recognize it. They are seen as "normal". Yes, they are corporate. Liberals are corporate. How much news do you see that reeks of PCness and liberal adgendas other than on FOX?

The first point on Clinton, I don't follow. The liberal media didn't bash Clinton and would not want to bash Clinton. It's just that Clinton gave the media no choice because he made glaring mistakes, got caught and it was undisputable. I think you meant why didn't they bash Bush. To that point, Bush didn't touch that. It was the right wing talk shows and pundits that blasted Clinton on that issue, not Bush.

As for Bush and the lies and the UN, outlets like CNN call Bush out on that every hour on the hour. Even FOX brings up the point and I would consider FOXNews the most "conservative" of the news networks. I'm not even touching on news papers and the Hollywood movie making liberal machine.
Originally posted by Attack Dog
No problem, both are conservative groups. I haven't followed nor heard anything after the death of Dr. Khalid, but do you know if Malik Zulu Shabazz is the head of the NBPP?

The last I gathered, Shabazz had assumed leadership of the organization. What's with him and this Jewish conspiracy theory about 911?? :rolleyes: I mean,, come on now. :smh:
Re: Re: WHAT'S THIS? The New Black Panther Party and TX Young Republicans AGREE?!!!

Originally posted by sophandros
Of course the liberal media won't touch it because the liberal media don't exist.

The media are, at best, corporate. How many bleeding heart liberals do you see in corporate boardrooms. $$$ drives the media, not political views.

If the media were so liberal, why did they JUMP at the chance to bash Clinton when the Bush administration made bogus claims about vandalism in the White House? When the GAO came out with a report stating that the vandalism was a lie, there was a one line peice on it in the news. If the media are so liberal, why don't they call Bush out on his lies to the people and to the UN?

This is such a good answer. Only I would say that the major media outlets are corporate. The liberal media outlets are non-corporate and are basically accessed through the Internet.

One should understand. The media are as liberal as the conservative corporations will let them. The ruling on media ownership that was passed by the republican majority FCC benefited the corporations that own MUCH of the media outlets in this country.

Few will mistake Fox News as liberal. Many have recognized that CNN and other major news outlets had a very pro-war coverage. Very few American media outlets followed what really went on in Florida during the 2000 election-especially when it came to Black folks. One had to read the foriegn media.

No one will confused ABC's George Will as a liberal. Few will confused John Stossel of ABC's 20/20 as a liberal. Columnist William Saffire is no liberal. Atlanta's Neal Boortz and most other talk radio show host will not be confused as liberals. Black people in Atlanta will not confuse the local media as liberal. I suspect that most Black people around the country will feel the same way about their local media.

As for Clinton after all of the millions of dollars spent on investigating his wife and him, all they, namely Ken Starr, basically came up with is that the president had a little fling in the White House with an intern. I cannot defend Clinton on that. But they did not come up with much.

Hmmmm..... Imagine if Clinton said those exact 16 words about Iraq, Niger and nuclear weapons. One can bet their house that the media would treat (read harsher) Clinton a lot different than Bush.

Originally posted by Bartram
The last I gathered, Shabazz had assumed leadership of the organization. What's with him and this Jewish conspiracy theory about 911?? :rolleyes: I mean,, come on now. :smh:

It hasn't gathered any steam, but the idea is still flowing in many circles.
Re: Re: Re: WHAT'S THIS? The New Black Panther Party and TX Young Republicans AGREE

Originally posted by EB
This is such a good answer. Only I would say that the major media outlets are corporate. The liberal media outlets are non-corporate and are basically accessed through the Internet.

One should understand. The media are as liberal as the conservative corporations will let them. The ruling on media ownership that was passed by the republican majority FCC benefited the corporations that own MUCH of the media outlets in this country.

Few will mistake Fox News as liberal. Many have recognized that CNN and other major news outlets had a very pro-war coverage. Very few American media outlets followed what really went on in Florida during the 2000 election-especially when it came to Black folks. One had to read the foriegn media.

No one will confused ABC's George Will as a liberal. Few will confused John Stossel of ABC's 20/20 as a liberal. Columnist William Saffire is no liberal. Atlanta's Neal Boortz and most other talk radio show host will not be confused as liberals. Black people in Atlanta will not confuse the local media as liberal. I suspect that most Black people around the country will feel the same way about their local media.

As for Clinton after all of the millions of dollars spent on investigating his wife and him, all they, namely Ken Starr, basically came up with is that the president had a little fling in the White House with an intern. I cannot defend Clinton on that. But they did not come up with much.

Hmmmm..... Imagine if Clinton said those exact 16 words about Iraq, Niger and nuclear weapons. One can bet their house that the media would treat (read harsher) Clinton a lot different than Bush.


The bottom line is this question of media bias is all in the eye of the beholder. Being that our ideologies are totally different, you guys "can't" see it and I can.

If Clinton said those words, the media would spin it as a great humanitarian effort by a noble president, but now that it's Bush and the democrats really have no issues to challenge Bush on, the media is on his arse like stank on isht trying to get anything they can to feed the dems. The dems are falling all over themselves TRYING to use the 16 words thing to the ultimate advantage, just as the republicans did Clinton on White Water, etc.

People who work at or are CEOs of companies can be whatever political pursuation they want. There is no law that says "the CEO's political views must be reflected in the company". (although I would submit Ted Turner and probably the most dominant, influential network of the latter 20th century as an example you didn't cover above, as an example of a flaming liberal and the most liberal-biased network known to man.) What makes these conglomerates "liberal" is their programming, what they choose to run as stories, how they spin them. Also, "media bias" that I'm talking about not only includes the news, but all the movies and magazine media.

This is one thing that people will never address. Take movies for example. Virtually all movies that come out of Hollywood have some politically correct theme behind them, some kind of "moral" at the end that's straight from the pages of the liberal media machine. There are countless examples, basically every movie that has been made since the 70s. It's politically incorrect to make movies that, for example, promote family values, religious views against the gay life style. If a movie is made, it usually portrays a character with those views as the "villian". Also, take a look a sitcoms from the late 70s and 80s. I can remember this one sitcom where the black kids blurts out, "WHY DON'T YOU HONK HONKY?!" and then there's there's the black "Archie Bunker" George Jefferson. Why could George call whites "honkies" but you never heard even Archie Bunker call blacks "niggers"??? I'd say this was because the producers of the shows where more liberal than conservative and trying to effect social change through sitcoms (and movies).

As I say though, we are ideologically diametrically opposed on this matter, so the exchanged are an excersize in futility because we will never agree or see the other's point. Speaking of this matter of liberal media bias though, that was not the original theme of my post (although I see that always tends to draw fire). :topic: I know your views on liberal media bias and you know mine.

I am more interested in your views and comments on this development between the New Black Panthers and the Young Republicans in Texas! Now I'm sure yall are "down" with the New Black Panthers right? :confused: So what do you make of this potential agreement with "dispicable" white conservative Young Republicans??(including growing disdain for the democratic party)

This take cuts to the chase:
No problem, both are conservative groups.

But that raises another question; Now I would think that, JSU*Toi for example, would be in ideological agreement with the New Black Panthers on virtually all topics; you too,, would that be a fair assessment? Ok, so does this mean that she/you break ranks with the NBPP because they have much in common with the Young Republicans WHILE AT THE SAME TIME it is clear they are essentially the champions of black causes?? This is what I'd like some commentary on. :look:
That's about right. IMO use what you can to help you achieve your goals, all things can have some use. That's why I'm in favor of Riley's tax plan.
My phylosophy.

What's wrong with people agreeing?

There's nothing wrong with that, it's just not realistic. I think it is in our nature as Americans to disagree. It's the way our system works. There are constantly extremes tugging and pulling, but (HOPEFULLY) compromise rules the day and we end up with the best decisions/coarses of actions because there will always be disperate elements, no matter who is in office, to keep the office holders in check. In a weird way, we need disagreement. :confused:

Plus too,,, as I used to debate with Makaho, no party has ALL the right answers. Best solutions are an amalgomation of both party's ideals. To suppose that the dems or the reps have ALL the right answers is pure folly. Logic would suggest that is impossible. Logic would also suggest that you must take the best ideas of both/all parties and implement them, which is what our systems tends to do, more or less,, it's not perfect but good.

Take the NBPP for example. I agree with them on guns, family values, self determination but I see no need for their indiscriminant blasting of Jews. On the other hand, it doesn't take a genious to realize that there needs to be some kind of regulation on, for example, cities/industry dumping it's sewage/industrial waste into rivers and lakes which is something liberals champion. Those are logical things to me, but if you adhere strictly to partisan doctrine, you will oppose those things (or endorse them) strictly because you are a _________. That's not logical or at least not following your own mind when considering what is right or wrong and voting accordingly.

That's about right. IMO use what you can to help you achieve your goals, all things can have some use. That's why I'm in favor of Riley's tax plan.

This is a complete anomoly. There is no way on earth (I would have thought) that a republican would propose the biggest tax increase in the history of Alabama. If you think about it, though, this (the tax plan) is straight from the democratic play book, which is why it is under fierce attack from the extreme right in Alabama. I think the benefits of tax increases and more funds for schools is worth voting for. North Carolina sucked it up and implemented education and tax reform in the 1970s. It paid and is paying dividends to citizens of the state of North Carolina today. Most of my peeps that went to grad school with me at A&T had no problem staying in the state for a job upon graduation (in the field of engineering). When I graduated from Tuskegee I had very few options. Basically Huntsville was the only substantial region that hired engineers in gobbs and that was/is because of all the (high-tech) industry they have there. There would be vastly more industry located in Alabama if our school systems performed better. You can debate rather or not better funding helps that, but I'm of the belief that if GA, TN, MISSISSIPPI for crying out loud, NC, FL, TX etc are funding their public schools, Alabama at least has to match that or it is certainly doomed on the jobs creation/industry location to the state front. I'm for the tax plan.

B, I will not say too much more. But have you seen what Ted Turner has been doing lately? He has not been doing much with CNN. Thanks to owning a lot of stock in AOL/Time Warner, he has lost a few billion dollars. But do not feel sorry for him. He is worth over $700 million dollars.

The CEOs or chairman of the boards can exercise a lot of influence. Rupert Murdoch and the head of Clear Channel are just two examples. Look at the FCC ruling on media ownership. The CEOs testified in front on congressional committees favoring the ruling, which favored large media comglomerates. I know because I saw them do it myself over C-SPAN. This was another example of how they tried to use their influence.

BTW while the republicans, including Michael Powell, Colin Powell's son, favored the ruling, most republicans in Congress along with the democrats were against it. I think that the administration favors the ruling.

As for Archie Bunker I may not remember him using the n-word. But the character used a lot of words to describe Blacks that were not so nice. Mr. Bunker was not an example of racial harmony. But maybe your viewpoint of the show is different. Also, I watched a lot of TV growing up and heard the n-word used quite a bit.

As for the New Black Panthers, I do not know much about them. So I really can't say much. But they seem like a radical group. It would not the first time that a radical group agreed with a conservative one.