Ward Conelly on racial privacy.


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What are your thoughts on Ward Conelly and Proposition 54 in California that would get rid of all references/questions concerning race on all documentation in California?
Prop 54 Conservative Take

Prop 54 Korean Take

Prop 54 Latino Take

Serious arguments, impacts you foresee on the rest of the nation, rationale, counter-proposals/compromises, pro or con, only. Please submit something other than "sellout/uncle tom" blasts. Thank you for your cooperation in advance.
WARD CONELLY .................... :idea: :redhot: :goof: :argue2: :vomit: :vomit: :fart: :infect: :devil2: :retard: :mrt:

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I can recall when I was asked to be a Wade Conelly. I raised more "L" with them for asking than Panthro did with those bicycle riders.

People like Wade will always be used as a spokeperson to reverse any gains made toward everyone having an opportunity to reach their full potential. I would like to get with one on one and treat him worst that Vanita treated the Cookie salepersons and beating up on the poor old lady at the welfare office.
Ward Conerly has a point to make............even though his point is one of an IMBECILE who has benefitted from the struggles and BLOOD of a lot a sincere dedicated people. Make no mistake about it, THEY are still out there. The THEY that I am talking about are those 'Bouegy' blacks that really believe they made it where they are today(or where they were yesterday) or that everything that they acheived was of their own doing and NOT a result (directly or indirectly) of anything to do with the Civil Rights Movement.

Ward is the kind of guy that still believes in the theory of being "The only fly in the bowl of buttermilk" that would do anything to ingratiate himself, his wife or his family to the white man in order receive a pat on the head or crumbs from the white mans hand-me-downs.

I guess there will always be shuffling Stephen Fetchits among us.
Originally posted by STRAWDOG
Ward Conerly has a point to make............even though his point is one of an IMBECILE who has benefitted from the struggles and BLOOD of a lot a sincere dedicated people. Make no mistake about it, THEY are still out there. The THEY that I am talking about are those 'Bouegy' blacks that really believe they made it where they are today(or where they were yesterday) or that everything that they acheived was of their own doing and NOT a result (directly or indirectly) of anything to do with the Civil Rights Movement.

Justice C. Thomas is cut from that same cloth!! As is FORMER interim president (praise be to God!) of Alabama A&M University, Alan Keyes.
As Lee Corso Would Say,,,

"Not so fast my friends."

Now hold on, and hear me out. Let's just step back, calm down and take a logical look at this. When I first learned of Ward Connelly some 10-15 years ago, I could not fathom how this guy could be running the smack he runs, but that was before I actually lived in California and saw the social, work and race relations first hand. The race relations here differ from the South, which has been my frame of reference for 30+ years; although it grates on me when people not from the south stereo-type the south as still exactly like it was in the 1950s. That said, there is a difference in Cali and the south; i can't quantify it, but it's different.

This is Ward Connelly's frame of reference folks. He's in California, not Alabama/Mississippi/etc heart of the old confederacy. Next, lets look at California. Do you really think people are denied opportunity here? With all the non-whites I see from the bottom to the top of the work world strata , I don't see it. Now James Merridith(? i think that's the guy. the black Mississipian former civil rights activist or first to go to Ole MS?),, I am more puzzled by him than Ward Connelly.

Third, I don't think Ward is professing that he got where he got on his own. Did he say that? I've never heard him say that. Where did that come from? (rhetorical question. I grew up in the south, so I understand the psychology behind that accusation.) All he is saying is remove references to race when it comes to applications and stat keeping.

Also, I don't think Ward is a lapdog for some grander conspiracy. Although you may disagree with the Ward Conelly's, the Allen Key's, the J.C. Watts, the guy with the book worm round glass and mustache,, etc, these are some highly intelligent mugz, just like on the other side of the ledger the Leo Terrells, the Jessies, the Sharptons, Charlie Rangal, etc, fundamentally speaking. We may clown them depending on our particular beliefs,, but these guys are no "yazza, me too boss" hat-in-hand n-words(the conservatives). They are all very outspoken, class A personality types or they wouldn't be were they are.

Here's what I would do; institute his proposal in Los Angeles California on a 20 year trial basis, nowhere else, and see how it goes. Drop all racial data/stats taking, WITH THE PROVISO THAT A SPECIAL CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEE (like the Warren Committee, etc) will come back in 10 years, say, and the federal government will perform an audit of sorts on all state of California institutions to see what the racial make-up is. If it is mostly white and the state of California is 70% non-white, review complaints of discrimination and investigate and if there is evidence of flagrant discrimination, then bring back the rules, slap a federal court order on Cali like the feds did/are doing on the southern states for the last 40-50 years.

Lastly, in a place like California, or in predominantly black cities in the south(Birmingham for example), when non-whites or blacks(in the south) become the overwhelming majority, should efforts be made to assure that there is representative white or non-black representation, aka "diversity"? Is that another reason race data should be kept?
I think Ward Connelly is rightfully labeled as a Tom. Here's my reasoning: If the system was flawed to be profitable for whites with priviledge as long as the main subjugants were black then how can race ever be omitted socially even if the "mention" of race is omitted verbally? It can't and won't. You can't just "get rid" of white priviledge. It is even ingrained in our beloved Constitution.....how you ask? The Judiciary has NEVER been a neutral party to any dispute involving race....SEE PLESSY V. FERGUSON.:redhot:
Re: As Lee Corso Would Say,,,

Originally posted by Bartram
"Not so fast my friends."

Now hold on, and hear me out. Let's just step back, calm down and take a logical look at this. When I first learned of Ward Connelly some 10-15 years ago, I could not fathom how this guy could be running the smack he runs, but that was before I actually lived in California and saw the social, work and race relations first hand. The race relations here differ from the South, which has been my frame of reference for 30+ years; although it grates on me when people not from the south stereo-type the south as still exactly like it was in the 1950s. That said, there is a difference in Cali and the south; i can't quantify it, but it's different.

This is Ward Connelly's frame of reference folks. He's in California, not Alabama/Mississippi/etc heart of the old confederacy. Next, lets look at California. ........

Connelly has an agenda, the question is..is it his own or is he being pimped. He has not limited his ideas to just Cali, he was in Fla and a few other states with his various propositions.

The difference between most black liberals and black conservatives you mentioned is liberals are not blinded by their loyalty to the party. When Jessie, AL, and company say something dumb or stupid we will take them to task. I watched J.C Watts and Armstrong Williams recently attempt to defend Rush. Amazing, how to no end they defend the man cause.
BgJag, I saw Armstrong trying to defend Rush, it was sad.

Ward has no idea what he is doing.
Re: Re: As Lee Corso Would Say,,,

Originally posted by BgJag
Connelly has an agenda, the question is..is it his own or is he being pimped. He has not limited his ideas to just Cali, he was in Fla and a few other states with his various propositions.

The difference between most black liberals and black conservatives you mentioned is liberals are not blinded by their loyalty to the party. When Jessie, AL, and company say something dumb or stupid we will take them to task. I watched J.C Watts and Armstrong Williams recently attempt to defend Rush. Amazing, how to no end they defend the man cause.

J.C. was never really that good of a quarterback anyway. I remember my old man laughing everytime his school was on tv and he was on the field. (Remembering my old man saying "That boy runs the option like it's baseball or something.:lmao: )