United States is Losing its Dominance in sports


New Member
Hello SWAC fans! Now this is something to think about. Starting with basketball.........The world has caught up with us and we have lost in the Olympics. And in baseball we are not superior anymore and the same goes to track and field. Once again we are not at a high level in hockey anymore. And the same goes to tennis but look here again we are not dominant in winter sports as well as race driving,swimming,ice skating,gymnastics,soccer and etc. What sports sets us apart? Football
Something to think about because the world has caught up with us in every sport on the planet except football!

:bday: :bday: :bday: :bday: :bday: :bday: :bday: :bday: :bday: :bday:

:bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling:
Baseball has been a worldwide sport for years... many of the players in the MLB played for other countries. Hocky was never OUR sport...Canada (they lost too).

Basketball they haven't caught up....they just have TEAMS and we have ensembles.

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Don't take sides but you missed the point! Even Tiger Woods is not ours really! And don't take up for the USA because even Cuba can beat the US in baseball if they played their younger players. And even if we filled a team in hoops the world can still beat us. Think about what you said and respond later because on a serious note we are losing dominance and you know it!:bowdown:
We never dominated in Hockey.

I agree with J4Life. If we had national teams that played together for a long period of time, the rest of the world would not be able to stay on the court with us.

How can you say tiger is not ours? Other than the Native American, we are all products of immigrants. (voluntary-european and asian; involuntary-african)
Keep in mind the U.S. baseball team did not pay with its best..... I believe the U.S. is stil the best in the world........Youd did not see Smoltz, Bond and a host of other elite players.....
The Cubans were hailed as the best baseball team in the world at one point, but politics did not allow the Cubans to fully prove themselves in the day. The Japanese have been playing baseball since American missionaries taught them the game in the 1890s.

Besides, all those Dominicans, Mexicans, Koreans, Japanese and others know where the best baseball exists: in Major League Baseball...IN AMERICA!!!!

Hockey was the Canadians first (they live for that isht), but the Europeans have gained a foothold. The Europeans know where the best hockey is played...IN THE NHL....

Basketball is quirky. Like others said, other countries actually have TEAMS that play at least 20-30 games together a year outside of the World Championships and Olympics. Some of their better players have came to the U.S. to play the American style of ball in college and take it back to their countries...oh yeah, other countries DEVELOP their players. Tony Parker was groomed for pro ball when he was 10 and playing in the french pro league when he was 15. Dirk Nowitski was groomed for pro ball when he was a young age. AAU is supposed to develop players, but it's nothing but a middleman for shoe companies/college coaches and is the BIGGEST SHAM GOING IN SPORTS. USA Basketball is poorly run under its current constructs and is ill-suited to adapt to the international game. Still, the best hoopsters are right here in the U.S. of A.

Ask those Germans, Croatians, Serbs, French and whoever where they want to go play...they'll say the NBA...in AMERICA!!!!

The only difference is those foreign countries actually care about these sports while us Americans, for lack of better terms, are too busy eating fast food, playing playstation, watching Desperate Housewives and what not to get out there and get better.
JROCK said:
Keep in mind the U.S. baseball team did not pay with its best..... I believe the U.S. is still the best in the world........Youd did not see Smoltz, Bond and a host of other elite players.....
I agree. Until the United States puts their best collection of players in these games, these teams from other countires are not playing against the best this country has to offer. PERIOD!!!

I mean take a look at the outfielders the United States had on its roster: Ken Griffey Jr, Randy Winn, Vernon Wells, Johnny Damon, Jeff Francouer and Matt Holiday. I dont know who the hell Matt Holliday is but that pretty much tells you the caliber of players the U.S. had for this event. Who should have been there? Bonds (as JROCK said), Gary Sheffield, Jason Bey, Lance Berkman and the little white dude from the White Sox. Those are the five best American outfielders in baseball and none of them were there.

As for the backstop, who's the been the most consistent catcher in baseball as of late? Jason Varitek. But he wasn't there. I won't go on about baseball but let's look at basketball and I'll make it short with a question. . .

Who would you rather have as a part of your roster in world competition? A or B?

A. Okafor, Odom, Boozer and Starbury
B. Shaq, Kobe, Garnett and Vincanity

Now, I know it comes down to rather or not some of these guys wanna play but the truth is that everyone else brings their absolute best. The U.S. brings some of the best willing to play.
GramFan said:
I agree. Until the United States puts their best collection of players in these games, these teams from other countires are not playing against the best this country has to offer. PERIOD!!!

I mean take a look at the outfielders the United States had on its roster: Ken Griffey Jr, Randy Winn, Vernon Wells, Johnny Damon, Jeff Francouer and Matt Holiday. I dont know who the hell Matt Holliday is but that pretty much tells you the caliber of players the U.S. had for this event. Who should have been there? Bonds (as JROCK said), Gary Sheffield, Jason Bey, Lance Berkman and the little white dude from the White Sox. Those are the five best American outfielders in baseball and none of them were there.

As for the backstop, who's the been the most consistent catcher in baseball as of late? Jason Varitek. But he wasn't there. I won't go on about baseball but let's look at basketball and I'll make it short with a question. . .

Who would you rather have as a part of your roster in world competition? A or B?

A. Okafor, Odom, Boozer and Starbury
B. Shaq, Kobe, Garnett and Vincanity

Now, I know it comes down to rather or not some of these guys wanna play but the truth is that everyone else brings their absolute best. The U.S. brings some of the best willing to play.

I totally agree with you. Baseball didnt have there best players there. You have to look at it this way. Our best players are not going to be there totally because, there teams are not willing to take a chance on a 10 million dollar player playing in these games and getting hurt. If get hurt career or season gone by-by. And that is not going to happen. Most of these other countries have there best players and they are totally committed to it. As for as basketball, the best players may or not play but those countries they play are playing together for years and again it the same thing with them. If I get hurt season and maybe career is over. Lets play football. Regardless, you want beat them.
JROCK said:
Keep in mind the U.S. baseball team did not pay with its best..... I believe the U.S. is stil the best in the world........Youd did not see Smoltz, Bond and a host of other elite players.....

Did not play with their best..............hmmm. Evidently Cuba is whooping the Dominicans and they are America's best in MLB. Like I said before and I will say it again Cuba is the best baseball country in the world.:bowdown:
uapbpower said:
Did not play with their best..............hmmm. Evidently Cuba is whooping the Dominicans and they are America's best in MLB. Like I said before and I will say it again Cuba is the best baseball country in the world.:bowdown:

It would have been different if the U.S. had Mickey Dean. :lol: :emlaugh: