Udai and Kusai thoughts.


Brand HBCUbian
This is a non-partisan take. Just an observation.

Remember mugz like Jessie James, the Dalton Gang, Bonny & Clyde, Pretty Boy Floyd, so on and so forth? Now if these folks are "legends" and celebrated here in the U.S., deez cats Udai and Kusai & co battling it out with some of the best U.S. Armed forces, clearly outmanned, have got to go down in Iraqi history/folklure as bigger than life. Talk about going out fighting, running "I'll see you in hell" smack before getting blown to bits,,, this has got to be the epitomy. :flamethro :uzi:

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Originally posted by Dr. Sweet NUPE
These 2 cats did the dayum thang.....they threw the middle finger at the U.S. till the end.

no freaking doubt. oh, also, excuse my spelling of Uday & Qusay.:mrt:

another non-partisan take:
it should be noted the specific targeting of these individuals because what goes around may come back around, so if/when it does, there shouldn't realistically be no crying foul. just like in a gang war.

again, that's just a non-partisan observation.
Isn't this like the 3rd time they killed them....

Man i'm waiting to see some pics. I thought they already killed these 2 guys twice along with Sadaam .lol. Now they said they killed them again? Man they seem to have 9 lives like a cat. I'll believe this when i see some photos, i know they said they show pics soon.
Re: Isn't this like the 3rd time they killed them....

Originally posted by BAYOU TECHE
Man i'm waiting to see some pics. I thought they already killed these 2 guys twice along with Sadaam .lol. Now they said they killed them again? Man they seem to have 9 lives like a cat. I'll believe this when i see some photos, i know they said they show pics soon.

:lmao: well, this time they say they did a dental match. matched their chiclettes up with dental records. could have dental doubles though, I dunno.:confused: you right, polariods needed.
Exactly bayouteche, show me the bodies. I don't believe anything that comes from the propoganda machine.
really no need to think about Saddam's sons because they are dead and with Allah!

the thing that is really gettin at me is how U.S. soldiers are gtting picked off left and right over in Baghdad! Three more died today from action....I have a friend that is over there right now and he has been sending word through his family members that they are really in some deep shat right now!!!! :redhot: while Bush is over here tryin to appease us with news of Oday and Kusai being dead.....

I dont think our troops have been prepared for all this Guerilla Warfare!