U.S. Death Toll in Iraq Equals 1991 War


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U.S. Death Toll in Iraq Equals 1991 War

By ROBERT TANNER, AP National Writer

The drumbeat follows its own grim rhythm: three U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq last week, two more shot this week. It echoes across this country, affecting military families who avoid the TV news and those arguing over the war and what comes next.


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I guess the NEOCONs did not anticipate this action. This is what patriotic americans opposed to the war were afraid of before we invaded Iraq. The NEOCONs lied about the threat and had no exit strategy. Now our young men and women are sitting targets in a no win situation.
When they taunted the Iraqis with pictures of Saddam's sons, that was asking for some isht. Even conquerers have to respect the culture of others'.
Originally posted by sophandros
When they taunted the Iraqis with pictures of Saddam's sons, that was asking for some isht. Even conquerers have to respect the culture of others'.

I guess the 60,000 people who were gased by his sons did not have a face. I honestly feel that we are not using enough force.
Originally posted by Dr. Sweet NUPE
I guess the 60,000 people who were gased by his sons did not have a face. I honestly feel that we are not using enough force.

yeah kinda like my ancestors are still fighting to have a face in the United States! respect is respect is respect....

people kill me how they think the Lord only shines down on us Americans! that arrogant attitude is gonna be the death of this nation....

also where are the WMD??? looks more like a war fought on a vendetta...

Like I said earlier REST IN PEACE to the U.S. Soldiers, the Iraqi Soldiers, and last but not least Odai and Qusai Hussein!
What really gets me is our president's nonchalant attitude about the deaths of our soldiers, lack of WMDs being found, bad intel., etc.,

His press conference earlier today sounded very dictatorial.
Iraq Fight Kills 2 GIs; Car Bomb Claims 7

By ANDREW ENGLAND, Associated Press Writer

BAGHDAD, Iraq - A powerful car bomb exploded outside the Jordanian Embassy in the Iraqi capital Thursday, killing between seven and 12 people and wounding 52, many of them seriously, hospital and rescue officials said.

I don't know about ya'll, but the almost daily loss of US troops is getting very depressing. I hate to watch the news because of the reports of our soldiers losing their lives. :cry: