Tuskegee's "Coochie Crack" Cheerleaders....vs "CLASSY" WSSU


Very embarrassed for the TU family. I'm shocked a school with so much pride puts out such a disorganized cheerleading program. I must say the moves are rather trashy as well! SMH




I'm So Glad I went to WSSU...Home of the CLASSY & Legendary Cheer Phi!

This is CLASSY....

The Look, The Uniform, The Lipstick, The Smiles, The Natural Hair, It's clear that one program has more pride than the other....

Both were horrible and someone please move this thread to the prayer board because both squads need it.

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If I was robbed, kidnapped, beaten, forced to choose at gun point while being waterboarded and tied to a bed of nails, I would go with Skegee's over wssu. :lol: :emlaugh: wssu girls just looked like they were hungry and hadn't been fed in a while....:smh: :lol: :emlaugh:
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The only natural hair I saw was on the guys. The girls' hair is relaxed. That is not they're natural hair. And the fellows are suspect.

Very embarrassed for the TU family. I'm shocked a school with so much pride puts out such a disorganized cheerleading program. I must say the moves are rather trashy as well! SMH




I'm So Glad I went to WSSU...Home of the CLASSY & Legendary Cheer Phi!

This is CLASSY....

The Look, The Uniform, The Lipstick, The Smiles, The Natural Hair, It's clear that one program has more pride than the other....

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First of all aint nothing wrong with a lil coochie crack
Second I applaud you guys for not having any weave...thats great
Third why do you keep putting cheerleading threads in this forum
We know yall are the real SU and all, but help us out here
And I didnt see no coochie crack..I done looked 10 times
Can you be more specific with the time?