Trouble posting new thread in Jaguar Nation

Hi Admins,

I'm having trouble posting a new topic in the Jaguar Nation forum.

I've tried with Firefox 12.0 and IE 8.0

When I click "Submit New Thread", it takes me to a page that says "Sorry... Page Not Found" in Firefox or HTTP 404 Not Found in IE.

Any ideas what could be causing this?


Bach, if the thread ends with "..." you will have problems. For some reason the software has a probablm with thread titles that end with "..." This prevents a thread from creating a 2nd page.

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Bach, if the thread ends with "..." you will have problems. For some reason the software has a probablm with thread titles that end with "..." This prevents a thread from creating a 2nd page.

Disregard, this post. I re-read your post and see that it is related to NEW threads. Will look into it.