This war is making me hate people


New Member
I am so tired of listening to the propaganda in the news and the mindless fools who believe it.

It has gotten to the point where, I really can't stand to listen to people who support this war. And I get sick to my stomach, and we are not even going to talk about how I feel about Gov. Bush.

This war will just end up pulling people apart and not together.

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THANK YOU. I thought is was me. Have you noticed how the war has been turned into just another "reality tv" show? The only thing that's missing is the background music to help with the plot lines.

No war has ever brought anyone together. Just like during WWII. We have so many bad things to say about German soldiers. Basically they weredoing thier job.

Furthermore it's time someone bomd Saddam's A$$ fully. Bush Sr. stopped at the borders of Iraq, Clinton just bombed him to keep him quiet. The time is now. I pray for a quick end.

Having been in the Middle East, this is what that region needs. They need this government eliminated. These people live in constant fear of Hussein. Americans are the first to hate a war, but imagine living in an oppressed environment.

And before you mention it. Yes we had slavery, but guess what, there are countries that still have slavery going on. Hussein did gased his own people to test his weapons. It's just time. Plus if you look at history, every 10 years there is a major Conflict. This is the 10 year itch.

1980's-Grenada, Panama,
1990's-Gulf War I, Haiti, Somalia, Bosnia
2000's-Gulf War II, and who knows what else

No war is good, but there are times when American has to flex their muscles. Everytime a bomb is dropped I think of 9/11. The funny thing is when I was in Israel and Syria, people in the Middle East who dislike Americans don't care if they are Black, White, Asian, Hispanic. They hate all Americans. It's only us who hate each other.

Originally posted by JSU*Toi
I am so tired of listening to the propaganda in the news and the mindless fools who believe it.

It has gotten to the point where, I really can't stand to listen to people who support this war. And I get sick to my stomach, and we are not even going to talk about how I feel about Gov. Bush.

This war will just end up pulling people apart and not together.
Originally posted by JSU*Toi
I am so tired of listening to the propaganda in the news and the mindless fools who believe it.

It has gotten to the point where, I really can't stand to listen to people who support this war. And I get sick to my stomach, and we are not even going to talk about how I feel about Gov. Bush.

This war will just end up pulling people apart and not together.

A necessary "evil" JSU*Toi. If all the leadership in the U.S. was of your opinion, eventually the country would lose the upper hand (just as Africa did) and be overrun by those who don't think like you.

The U.S. is an amazing experiment though. It takes all of our extreme views to moderate/check and balance each other. Ironically we can't have one side totally rule the day, which is why we have the opportunity to vote for new leadership every 4 years.

We just had 8 years of Clinton which, you would have to admit, may not have been the optimal black folk advocate, but was definitely NOT in tune with Bush II. Amazingly in our country, it all balances out because we have the right/ability to vote, oppose (civily hopefully) and change the system.

It all balances out over time, so don't get your blood pressure up too high over this.
Originally posted by JSU*Toi
I am so tired of listening to the propaganda in the news and the mindless fools who believe it.

It has gotten to the point where, I really can't stand to listen to people who support this war. And I get sick to my stomach, and we are not even going to talk about how I feel about Gov. Bush.

This war will just end up pulling people apart and not together.

I am with Toi. The media in this country is becoming sad and lazy.

A pre-emptive war is not a necessary evil. It is dangerous. It would help if the US would not be accused of using forged documents to show their case.

If the administration wanted to do some good it would not have a unilateralist and a my way or the highway attitude with the rest of the world. This administration is not working with other counties on ABM, land mine, and environmental treaties. Let's not forget the lack of support for the International Criminal Court by this administration. There is something called payback.

BTW American companies supplied Hussein with chemicals for his war with Iran. I do not remember the Reagan administration attacking Hussein for his attacks on the Kurds. Remember. Saddam has always been an S.O.B. But when he was our S.O.B. he was all right with this country.

Why must the U. S. play world police??? Big Brotha. If the Iraqi people want to get rid of Saddam, let them at least start fighting.

*Wondering when the U. S. will free the Cubans of Castro, and he's just 100 miles off the Florida coast.*
Hell when will the US free its own citizens of Homelessness, Poverty and rising healthcare costs. I havent seen any evidence that any Iraqis wanted to be liberated.
Furthermore, those for this war say we are doing this because we need to free the Iraqi citizens...but who are we to tell others what freedom is? Another country's definition of freedom may not be the same as ours.
Re: Re: This war is making me hate people

Originally posted by EB

I am with Toi. The media in this country is becoming sad and lazy.

A pre-emptive war is not a necessary evil. It is dangerous. It would help if the US would not be accused of using forged documents to show their case.

If the administration wanted to do some good it would not have a unilateralist and a my way or the highway attitude with the rest of the world. This administration is not working with other counties on ABM, land mine, and environmental treaties. Let's not forget the lack of support for the International Criminal Court by this administration. There is something called payback.

BTW American companies supplied Hussein with chemicals for his war with Iran. I do not remember the Reagan administration attacking Hussein for his attacks on the Kurds. Remember. Saddam has always been an S.O.B. But when he was our S.O.B. he was all right with this country.

Pre-911 this would all have some relevance, but post-911 all bets are off. The real world doesn't work in the idealistic terms that you guys believe it does.

My question is,,,,, with all that you guys say,,, when it all comes down to it,,, are you hoping that this thing blows up in the US's face or at the most turns out like a Vietnam with Bush as pres?
Originally posted by SAME OLD G
Furthermore, those for this war say we are doing this because we need to free the Iraqi citizens...but who are we to tell others what freedom is? Another country's definition of freedom may not be the same as ours.

look,,,,, it's not about freeing Iraqi citizens from teriny(spelling), although that is a noble sidebar, alright? it's about dispatching a threat not only to the US in terms of helping terrorists strike at America, but also a threat to a region that controls some of the largest oil reserves on the planet that could be used to by this threat to exponentially transform into a really REAL threat like Germany did during the period between the first and second world war. :idea:
The Cubans....Kennedy almost sent us into WWIII with the former U.S.S.R. That staement is null because Cuba is not a regional threat like Iraq is to its neighbors.

The U.S. is the leading nation in the world whether we like it or not. We have standards to uphold. We have been in this situation for years. The way I look at this war is simple, the U.S. is taking care of old business.

Originally posted by Robber

Why must the U. S. play world police??? Big Brotha. If the Iraqi people want to get rid of Saddam, let them at least start fighting.

*Wondering when the U. S. will free the Cubans of Castro, and he's just 100 miles off the Florida coast.*
One of the wonderful things about living in the US is that everyone is entitled to their own opinions...regardless how f'd up they may be.

Re: Re: Re: This war is making me hate people

There is no evidence that Saddam was linked to the 9/11 attacks. People like Osama do not like people like Saddam. Saddam runs (or ran) a secular regime while Osama is an islamic fundamentalist.

Originally posted by Bartram

Pre-911 this would all have some relevance, but post-911 all bets are off. The real world doesn't work in the idealistic terms that you guys believe it does.

My question is,,,,, with all that you guys say,,, when it all comes down to it,,, are you hoping that this thing blows up in the US's face or at the most turns out like a Vietnam with Bush as pres?

I do not want another Vietnam. But I do not like the prospect of "endless wars." When will this stop? Will at be in Iran or somewhere else? They have oil too.

We are not thinking in ideal terms. We are sticking with the facts.
I am curious to see how this war plays out. I am interested in the "readyness" of our military. Iraq is coming with it.

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Originally posted by NASTYNUPE
One of the wonderful things about living in the US is that everyone is entitled to their own opinions...regardless how f'd up they may be.

Re: Re: Re: Re: This war is making me hate people

Originally posted by EB
There is no evidence that Saddam was linked to the 9/11 attacks. People like Osama do not like people like Saddam. Saddam runs (or ran) a secular regime while Osama is an islamic fundamentalist.

I do not want another Vietnam. But I do not like the prospect of "endless wars." When will this stop? Will at be in Iran or somewhere else? They have oil too.

We are not thinking in ideal terms. We are sticking with the facts.

Not that 9/11 is associated with Saddam. Those who pulled off 911 are more in line with Saddam than America or else they would be attacking Saddam. People like Osama don't like people like Saddam,, but people like Osama don't like America worse. Also, in the rescent year, Osama has acknowledged that, although Saddam ain't his best friend, he is pulling for him over the US.

The war wouldn't be endless if the armed forces were allowed to do what they need to do instead of try to navigate all of the world opinion and PCness of the world today.

Who knows what the "facts" are? When one side gives "facts" the other side simply says "your facts are wrong" or there's a conspiracy helping fabricate your "facts". All the "facts" aside,,,, I'd say it boils down to human nature. Going on that, it boils further down to who will prevail over who. Beyond that, you can put whatever spin on it you want,,,, if you are the one that prevails.

If Iran poses an unacceptable threat and Bush is re-elected, then yeah,,, they will be next. If Iran poses a threat and a democrat is elected,,,,,, there will likely be a cease in hostilities and Iran will probably grow beyond the conventional control of the US and there will be an even larger clash down the road. The next presidential election is going to be a mutha.
Bartram: I find fault with your rationale that this war will limit or discourage further fundamental Islamic terror attacks. I consider terrorists like Bin Laden's Al Qaida organization to be "stateless" and global. And I feel this conflict will encourage more radical Islamic fundamentalists to take up the call. I hope I am wrong and you are right on this one. Saddam regime has supported Hamas and Hezbollah (sp) in the past. These Palestinian groups are enemies of Israel. I dread living in a society like modern day Israel where you are subjected to daily attacks.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: This war is making me hate people

JC, I agree with you. It is na?ve to think that the Arab and Islamic groups will stand by and accept the war in Iraq. The attacks on 9/11 was not the first time that terrorist struck Americans. They killed Americans during the Reagan years too. They are not afraid of us.

Originally posted by Bartram

Not that 9/11 is associated with Saddam. Those who pulled off 911 are more in line with Saddam than America or else they would be attacking Saddam. People like Osama don't like people like Saddam,, but people like Osama don't like America worse. Also, in the rescent year, Osama has acknowledged that, although Saddam ain't his best friend, he is pulling for him over the US.


I guess you forgot that the Shiites in the south of Iraq rose up against Saddam after the first Gulf War. They may hate us worse that Saddam but still do not like Saddam. Many Arab governments (i.e. Iraq, Egypt, and Syria) have fought against or crushed potential Islamic fundamentalist movements. Don't just take my word for it. Study the history.

Understand this. All Black people do not get along. All Arabs and muslims (All Arabs are not muslim.) do not get along either.

Originally posted by Bartram


Who knows what the "facts" are? When one side gives "facts" the other side simply says "your facts are wrong" or there's a conspiracy helping fabricate your "facts". All the "facts" aside,,,, I'd say it boils down to human nature. Going on that, it boils further down to who will prevail over who. Beyond that, you can put whatever spin on it you want,,,, if you are the one that prevails.


You are right about spin. But we have been lied to before. I still have not seen any evidence that Saddam was connected to the attacks on 9/11.

Originally posted by Bartram


If Iran poses an unacceptable threat and Bush is re-elected, then yeah,,, they will be next. If Iran poses a threat and a democrat is elected,,,,,, there will likely be a cease in hostilities and Iran will probably grow beyond the conventional control of the US and there will be an even larger clash down the road. The next presidential election is going to be a mutha.

You keep forgetting Clinton?s bombing of the Balkans.

Like I said. I do not like the prospect of ?endless wars.? But maybe you do. Last year Bush said that Iran was a part of the axis of evil along with North Korea and Iraq. Iran has a lot of something that NK does not have. It is oil. You may get your wish.

BTW if democrat is elected, I hope that they will have more sense to work with the rest of the world on things like land mines, the environment, organized crime and terrorism. It is not about political correctness. It never was. It is basically about common sense and survival. But then again the dems do not have the backbone to support their constituents convictions when it comes to foreign policy. To many of them just go along with the republicans.
Originally posted by JSU*Toi
I am so tired of listening to the propaganda in the news and the mindless fools who believe it.

It has gotten to the point where, I really can't stand to listen to people who support this war. And I get sick to my stomach, and we are not even going to talk about how I feel about Gov. Bush.

This war will just end up pulling people apart and not together.

I agree... You can feel the tension everywhere you go. It feels like the McCarthy Era with people referring to those in disagreement with their opinion as communist pink sickos...

I just hate the fact that our servicemen and innocent Iraqis are losing their lives for a war in which few may ever know the real reason behind it.

When I want the status of the war I visit the London Times online or a German paper just to get a wider perspective.
The country is divided....people that are pro war and people that are anti war. But doesn't a democracy allow people to have their own opinions about issues such as this? Are we really divided? Or are we just expressing our rights to freedom of expression as allowed in the Constitution. Just wondering about your thoughts.....
I may not have supported the idea of war, but I do support the troops that have been called to serve 1000%. We can't undo and back up what has been done, but we can root for the home team with everything we've got! In my opinion, Pro-war/anti-war activism is a waste of time at this point.
That is an excellent point. The late senator would love some of what is happening to those who express their disagreements with the war. Also, check out The Observer ( and The Guardian ( along with the BBC (

Thanks. If you can get it, get the March 24 edition of Newsweek or go to (Check Newsweek under the World edition.) The cover story is The Arrogant Empire by Fareed Zakaria, who is not anti-American. In it there are short side articles. On of them is The Unmighty Dollar ( by Clyde V. Prestowitz.

This is not the first time I read those kinds of stories about Los Arbustos, the Bushes in Spanish.