The Next President


New Member
If Bill Clinton could run again, could he beat Bush? One loves women, and the other one loves WAR.

Originally posted by JagBR
If Bill Clinton could run again, could he beat Bush? One loves women, and the other one loves WAR.

Clinton lies about a blowjob, and it's open season on him.

Bush presents FORGED DOCUMENTS to the UN, and anyone who questions his starting a war over bovine excrement is called a traitor.

Fukk dat.
Clinton lied about a blowjob.

The story was leaked that Bush was involved financially, to Enron...but there was no full scale investigation of that...

Cheney was the darn President and CEO of Halliburton...but his company was considered to be the prime contractor to put out fires in Kuwait... I found out that Halliburton did not get it, but my Asian co-worker says they just use some other company located in another country that SEEMS like it isn't linked to Halliburton, but he bets if they investigate fully ...they'd find that the chosen company has some ties to Halliburton too...
Re: Re: The Next President

Originally posted by sophandros

Clinton lies about a blowjob, and it's open season on him.

Bush presents FORGED DOCUMENTS to the UN, and anyone who questions his starting a war over bovine excrement is called a traitor.

Fukk dat.

Sentiments after my own thoughts! I knew I wasn't the only one that feels this way. If Bushy hadn't had his way with this war, and Clinton could run again...HELL YES HE'D GET RE-ELECTED! Even many of the repubbas said the same before the 2000 Presidential SELECTION.
Re: Re: Re: The Next President

Originally posted by AAMU Alum

Sentiments after my own thoughts! I knew I wasn't the only one that feels this way. If Bushy hadn't had his way with this war, and Clinton could run again...HELL YES HE'D GET RE-ELECTED! Even many of the repubbas said the same before the 2000 Presidential SELECTION.

If Gore and the DNC ran a better campaign (not distancing from Clinton, winning TN OR AR, etc.), Florida would have been a moot point. Gore is a horrible campaigner. The DNC got painted into a corner with him as the prez. candidate.
Re: Re: Re: Re: The Next President

Originally posted by sophandros

If Gore and the DNC ran a better campaign (not distancing from Clinton, winning TN OR AR, etc.), Florida would have been a moot point.

I agree 150%! Gore allowed the right-wing crazies to scare him into distancing himself from Clinton. The other folks in the Democratic party are to blame as well, since they advised him to keep Clinton off the campaign trail with him.

My gripe with the Democrats is their failure to stick to their agenda, fearing backlash from the right-wing zealots such as The Christian Coalition, Rush Limbaugh listeners, and other ultra conservative factions of the nation's public. As they should well see by now, the republi-kooks are going to stick to theirs. The Dems better dayum sure learn to do the same, or even with a nitwit like Bushy, they stand to lose the WH again in 2004.
As I have done in the past, I would cast my vote for Bill Clinton. He can run the country with less stress on us.
Re: Re: Re: Re: The Next President

Originally posted by sophandros

If Gore and the DNC ran a better campaign (not distancing from Clinton, winning TN OR AR, etc.), Florida would have been a moot point. Gore is a horrible campaigner. The DNC got painted into a corner with him as the prez. candidate.

I co-sign with this also 100%. I knew when Al Gore chose Lieberman as a Vice President I knew he would lose. Lieberman just look weak. Image is everything in America. Then Gore really sealed his own coffin when he distance himself from Clinton.
woulda, coulda, shoulda.

As the saying goes on a popular sports talk show, SCOREBOARD. nobody wanna hear all this revisionist history crap now. Get your ace out and vote next time. (that's a general statement in response to the jist of this thread, not aimed at anyone in particular,,, unless your sorry ace just plain didn't vote, then it's directed at you.)
on the contrary people - in particular African-Americans - did get out and vote last time, please remember that Bush LOST the popular vote by close to 1,000,000 votes, the election was "mis-counted" in his brother's "proxy" state.

The problem with the democrats currently is as someone stated, they are not defining their agenda. I attended a luncheon back in January and Donna Brazile was the speaker. She basically said that while she was happy to see more young demo's getting elected, she is not inspired because they do not have agendas. And I had to disagree with her - she was a bit pissed too - because even when young people achieve office, you still have post-civil right vet's talkin about them 'waiting their time' etc - case in point Harold Ford when he ran for Demo Leadership - the African Americans on the Hill were the first one's to say they were not goin to support him. It is the party as a whole that is not taking care of their business.

And they can make a ton of headway right now by pushing the lack of domestic leadership currently. Since Sept 11 2001, The US has taken a backseat in the eyes of the current president. And it is taking a huge toll now, to the point where Republicans are now siding with Democrats in the Senate to chop down the Bush Tax Cut, almost eliminate the bogus faith-based initiative, not confirming recommended judges......this is a time to step forward - but they are so afraid to be called unpatriotic and un-american they choose to keep quiet.
Re: woulda, coulda, shoulda.

Originally posted by Bartram
As the saying goes on a popular sports talk show, SCOREBOARD. nobody wanna hear all this revisionist history crap now. Get your ace out and vote next time. (that's a general statement in response to the jist of this thread, not aimed at anyone in particular,,, unless your sorry ace just plain didn't vote, then it's directed at you.)

You can't necessarily say that Bartram, cuz the last time I checked, we DID get out and vote...but BUSH got his ass in there anyway.
Re: woulda, coulda, shoulda.

Originally posted by Bartram
As the saying goes on a popular sports talk show, SCOREBOARD. nobody wanna hear all this revisionist history crap now. Get your ace out and vote next time. (that's a general statement in response to the jist of this thread, not aimed at anyone in particular,,, unless your sorry ace just plain didn't vote, then it's directed at you.)

Last time I checked Gore won the popular vote despite the dems running a not so smart campaign.

On some young Black political hopefuls, I think that she is right in some cases. Many do not have an agenda and try to act like moderates. Harold Ford, Jr. is a perfect case. Nancy Pelosi supported more policies that benefit African-Americans that Harold Ford. Ford wanted to take the democrats in a more moderate direction. What is should realize is that moderates in South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Missouri, Colorado, Florida, Texas and probably some other states LOST in the last election. They lost. Personally, I think that HF, Jr. is looking to run for a senate seat from Tennessee.

As for Clinton if he were to run, he would not run a timid and spineless campaign like a lot of dems run. Clinton (not a liberal) would go after people and campaign hard for the vote. :slap: I think he would win.

Bush just won re-election this week unless the ecomomy really goes in the tank or he does something really stupid. You know there will be campaign ads w/those celebrating Iraquis all over the place.