The Dumbest BULL**** I have EVER HEARD!!


Let's Go Lions, GO!
Leave it to a negro to make this TRAGEDY a Black/White issue.

I was flipping channels, and I heard some fool who had called in to basically say that the African American community has been oppressed by Whites for so long, that in a situation like this what we Negros need to do is "leave the Whites to take care of their own."


I wish I had been near his arse when he said that! I'd have shoved my foot so far down his throat he'd have *****ed laces! I guess all the victims were White ... NOT!

Dumb MoFo's Who Need to STFU PLEASE send help!

Who said that? A course this is not a black/white issue. I am sure their are African Americans who are among the victims.
You know that's right Kema..........


I echo the same sentiments..........he should've just kept it to himself....

Ms. Evans,

How bad was traffic when trying to get home ? I'm going to head out of here in a little while. I feel just as safe here as I do at home. :(
Some negroes try to turn every thing into race. Who does his dumb ass think works in the Pentagon becides Military Personnel? All of the civillian workers in there are BLACK. The bobmers didnt give a damn what color they blew up, or they woulda blown up some NASCAR or the Grand ole Opry.
I really hate ignorance...especially when it comes from my race!


You people are stupid, and are living in the moment. This attack was not nearly as bad as it could have been, we were caught with our pants down. You all are acting as if we are victims. I'd like you all to recall that WE have been bombing IRAQ pretty much relentlessly for the past 10 years. WE acted like a$$e$ last week at that summit on race relations, WE are responsible for this. Also, please realize that this is a situation that is much more complex than you all realize, there are millions of Muslims that live in this country, and have no problem taking up arms to defend their religion. If I remember correctly that is one of the pillars of their religion. So in that case are we to bomb ourselves?, or even worse contain all known muslims into concentration camps? Bin Laden is a player yes, but his death will only bring about more terror. Our problem is that we intervene in affairs that are not our concern. We invited ourselves into middle eastern conflicts, and now we have middle eastern problems. This needs to ride. I mean realistically the pople who actually commited these acts are dead, we would only kill people who were not involved. My mother has told me since I was a small child that "two wrongs don't make a right"

Those are the words of a fool.
I'm just praying that some of my closet friends and mentor are okay.

It was chaotic all day!!!

You have to be here to know what I'm talking about.
Calm down folks; the takes only reflect our society.

It's conditioning and only an extension of society/politics in this country.
That particular Nig doesn't speak for me or my kind...

W.E.B. DuBois was TRULY correct in his thoughts over 100 years ago. There are 2 types of people of color. Intelligent (10%) and unintelligent (90%).
Shaking My Head...

This is not a black/white issue! :redhot: Democracy has been threatened today. I happened to enjoy living in a democratic society. Can you imagine living in under a dictatorship? These people deliberately murdered innocent people, black and white.
beyond all of the nonsense, rumors and lies, GOD has a plan, and ALL of this happened for a reason that man will never be able to explain. if that was the case how did a woman happen to survive w/o major injury on the 92nd floor. this is a serious time to reflect and get your house in order because today was proof enough that it can happen to you.
How da hell did I miss this thread


Did color me stupid think only white folks work in the damn world trade ctr as well as the pentagon.

Nita, did you say this ninja was on tv....see that's just what the media likes to portray of us. Fools such as this.


I think it's an absolutely ignorant and idiotic comment, but I have been hearing similar comments from many black people about not going to fight.

I have also heard people make comments similar to the one Malcom X made about chickens coming to roost.
I can't believe some of us think like that. Do they watch the news or read the paper. This act of hatered not only killed innocent black and white americians but also killed some Brits, aussies and a few nations that where based in the WTC. We lost two African-Americans in the Pentagon from the Mobile, AL area and to say this is a Black and White issue!!!!