Texas 11


New Member
11 Texas State Senators are taking a stand against Republican-driven re-districting by boycotting "Special Session" the Texas Governer has called to vote on re-discticting. This effort, should it pass, would give Republicans 3 additional seats in the US House of Representatives. The new Redistrict maps would place traditional minority districts (mostly Hispanic) in new districts where their vote wouldn't matter (Texas distict 24 for example). To make matters evern worse, for the past 140 years, it took a 2/3 vote to pass any law in the Texas Senate. The Lt. Governor has said he would accept a simple majority for (51%) on this redistricting matter. They are changing the rules on the fly and we shouldn't let em. This effort is driven by President Bush in order to gain more support on capital hill.

This affects all American's because it this passes in Texas in will be coming to your state soon. Lets stand up for our voting power. Email the Texas Governor and Lt. Governor and tell them to drop this illegal redistricting matter.