Swacpage Military Personal Question


This is a question for the SP'ers who have served in the armed forces since 1988. When we were about to start up boot camp, we had to receive a series of vaccinations. Do you recall what these were for? I know smallpox was one of them. Was Anthrax also included? And how long do these vaccines last?



Anthrax was not one of them. I joined in '89 and went to Basic in '90.

We got all of the childhood things... dang, why can't I remember.

I don know that Anthrax was NOT one fo them only because we are "supposed" to continually get that vaccination over and over to ward off any threat...

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Anthrax did not become one of the shots until the late 90's. Everything you should have taken was what they give kids before going to school.

MMR (Measles,mumps,rubella), DPT (diptheria,tetanus,pertussis) & small pox.
And please DO NOT refuse the anthrax vaccination. They will use anything in their arsenal to kill AMericans. You need all the protection you can get. And if they give you doxycycline tablets, take them as directed. Do not, and I mean do not miss any of them. I will be praying for you. Take care.
Anthrax was given to most soldeirs deployed to Saudi in '90.

Today Anthrax is only given to soldiers deploying overseas.