SWACPage Democrats......What Would Be Your Stance on This

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It may sound morbid, but I honestly believe it would happen!

I wouldn't vote for him for fear of him being elected, and assasinated before he ever sat foot in the Oval Office. SERIOUSLY!

Let's not fool ourselves. Outside of his "waffling" on the recent issue of evidence to support waging war against Iraq, Gen. Powell is an outstanding leader and statesman. But the minute it even appeared that he could take the presidency, many of these redneck cowboys who love him now (because he serves on the mindless cowboy's cabinet) could simply not stand to see a BLACK MAN as President of these United States.

Let's be realistic!

I actually wrote alot more to my first response, but I didn't want folks to get upset with my views on Colin and Bush. I'll make it simply with one comment.

Bush makes Colin look bad by throwing the problems that he creates in Colin's lap to fix. Therefore America and other countries look at Colin as the culprit that advises Bush to do the jacked up things that he does.

I don't blame Bush, I blame Colin for not running for the office. He would've got the votes to run the country. He was just too scared to step up to the plate. Now, he's trying to run the country with a idiot that he can't control. He constantly has to clean up messes that Bush creates. So, does Condalisa (sp?).
I would have to say no or better yet in all honesty it would depend on Colin's issue. If his are more inline with mine then he would get my vote. In all honesty this world aint ready for a black man as president( I don't care how well spoken and smart he is) or a woman either.
Colin Power = Clarence Thomas. Just becasue they are black does not mean they support my way of life so that would be a no, I would not vote for him.
I think I read somewhere that Colin's wife wouldn't want him to run for office. She doesn't want all of his personal business being aired and fears for his(and the family's) safety.
Originally posted by JSU*Toi
Colin Power = Clarence Thomas. Just becasue they are black does not mean they support my way of life so that would be a no, I would not vote for him.

Not exactly true. Colin Powell is a republican more by habit and oppurtunity than by ideology. He's never taken the hard-right stances Thomas has. If anything, he's a liberal republican(think Lincoln Chaffee and the Rockefellers). Thomas on the other hand generally goes out of his way to take the opposite side of the black electorate.
Originally posted by NASTYNUPE
I think I read somewhere that Colin's wife wouldn't want him to run for office. She doesn't want all of his personal business being aired and fears for his(and the family's) safety.

What he's doing now isn't too much worse than being the president. He should've sacked up and ran on his on agenda. Instead he is the man that takes all the heat for Bush's idiotic politics.
Originally posted by NASTYNUPE
I think I read somewhere that Colin's wife wouldn't want him to run for office. She doesn't want all of his personal business being aired and fears for his(and the family's) safety.

That was during the run up to the last election when everybody was asking him if he was going to run for President. He finally called the press together and told them he would not be running for President or be on the ticket for Vice-President. He said it was not fear for himself as much as he feared for his family's everyday life. He's not crazy. He know's there are still a lot of ig-nat people still living in the 40's, 50's and 60's.
Originally posted by JSU*Toi
Colin Power = Clarence Thomas. Just becasue they are black does not mean they support my way of life so that would be a no, I would not vote for him.

I do not equate CP with CT. Before the situation with Iraq exploded, I had a lot of respect for Secretary Powell. I have none for Clarence Thomas. But with some diplomats resigning for their disagreement with Bush and Powell giving a presentation at the UN on potentially faulty evidence, I am much less likely to vote for him. Plus, I doubt that he would have run anyway.
We all understand this is your opinion....but to equating Colin Powell to Clarence Thomas is like equating Bush to Clinton. Powell has not/been accused of sexually abusing someone in his office or under his command. Furthermore the two are totally different especially in their beliefs.

Read Powells book and Thomas' book and notice the difference.

Originally posted by JSU*Toi
Colin Power = Clarence Thomas. Just becasue they are black does not mean they support my way of life so that would be a no, I would not vote for him.
Re: How bout Powell v Sharpton?

Originally posted by Bartram
Ok so how about Sharpton instead of Powell?


Absolutely not. Al is better off being in the position he is in. Helping the community. He is not qualified to be president. (like Bush is) But that's another story. You can't run on just helping one race of folks. At least he needs to learn how to fake it like white politician do.

Sharpton is too radical/liberal. Most of the country is moderate. Including most Blacks(especially the educated ones). Jesse Jackson is more qualified than Sharpton, but I would not vote for either of them.

Back to the original question. I could vote for Colin Powell regardless of party. He is a decent man with morals who yes has taken some flak for his boss. But hey that's what every cabinet member has to do. Much as I liked Clinton as our president, he made some mistakes that his folks had to cover up or take one for their his mess ups. That's just the way it is. Just try and go to Washington and do otherwise. Colin has always said he was for Affirmative Action unlike Clarence"SELLOUT" Thomas. Colin also has shown his face at black events and does not think he's immune from racism. Clarence Thomas probably loathes the NAACP and other black organizations. So that comparison is unjustified.

Like someone said read Colin's book. As a former Naval Officer in the very "WHITE" Navy during the last Gulf conflict. I will always respect that brother for what he has done and his accomplishments. He is no sellout. He just has a not so bright boss. I mean George Bush Sr really didn't like Reagan. Remember he called Reagan economic plan Vodoo economics when both were battling for the Reublican nomination. But as soon as Reagon won the nomination, Bush shole didn't mind taking the VP slot and kept quiet for 8 years while Reagan screwed our economy up with all that overspending on the military. So basically sometimes you have to roll with the punches in the political world. Colin has actually played the game well without selling out. But sometimes you have to pick your fights and going against Bush on this war deal wasn't the one to do. Expect him to resign if Bush gets re-elected. He aint happy with his boss.

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Re: Re: How bout Powell v Sharpton?

Originally posted by JR


Absolutely not. Al is better off being in the position he is in. Helping the community. He is not qualified to be president. (like Bush is) But that's another story. You can't run on just helping one race of folks. At least he needs to learn how to fake it like white politician do.

Sharpton is too radical/liberal. Most of the country is moderate. Including most Blacks(especially the educated ones). Jesse Jackson is more qualified than Sharpton, but I would not vote for either of them.

Back to the original question. I could vote for Colin Powell regardless of party. He is a decent man with morals who yes has taken some flak for his boss. But hey that's what every cabinet member has to do. Much as I liked Clinton as our president, he made some mistakes that his folks had to cover up or take one for their his mess ups. That's just the way it is. Just try and go to Washington and do otherwise. Colin has always said he was for Affirmative Action unlike Clarence"SELLOUT" Thomas. Colin also has shown his face at black events and does not think he's immune from racism. Clarence Thomas probably loathes the NAACP and other black organizations. So that comparison is unjustified.

Like someone said read Colin's book. As a former Naval Officer in the very "WHITE" Navy during the last Gulf conflict. I will always respect that brother for what he has done and his accomplishments. He is no sellout. He just has a not so bright boss. I mean George Bush Sr really didn't like Reagan. Remember he called Reagan economic plan Vodoo economics when both were battling for the Reublican nomination. But as soon as Reagon won the nomination, Bush shole didn't mind taking the VP slot and kept quiet for 8 years while Reagan screwed our economy up with all that overspending on the military. So basically sometimes you have to roll with the punches in the political world. Colin has actually played the game well without selling out. But sometimes you have to pick your fights and going against Bush on this war deal wasn't the one to do. Expect him to resign if Bush gets re-elected. He aint happy with his boss.

I co-sign your take for the most part. One point you make that really puts things into perspective:

You can't run on just helping one race of folks. At least he needs to learn how to fake it like white politician do.
Sharpton is too radical/liberal. Most of the country is moderate. Including most Blacks(especially the educated ones).

The moderates in this country are the silent majority. The extremist elements of both sides keep things polarized and cause common sense to be throw out most of the time (not all of the time. extremist had to force the issue on civil rights in the last century for example.)
Originally posted by Dr. Sweet NUPE
Let's say Colin Powell ran for President on the Republican ticket. Would you switch parties to vote for him as President?

I will NEVER vote for or against someone because of the colour of her/his skin.

You insult me with such an asinine question and implication.

However, since I no longer give a fukk, I'll let it slide.
Let me say something else. The Democratic Party needs an identity, and it needs to take a step to Left. They need to think like Democrats and dress like Republicans, and they need to focus on grass-roots issues.

The same can be said for the Greens and other third parties. They need to reach out to minorities, since the Democrats take us for granted and the Republicans try to exploit us.

But I digress...
My point was that neither of them value my may of life.

If one person used a knife to kill someone and another person a gun, does that make them different because they used different weapons NO THEY BOTH ARE KILLERS.
Re: Re: SWACPage Democrats......What Would Be Your Stance on This

Why are you insulted?

Originally posted by sophandros

I will NEVER vote for or against someone because of the colour of her/his skin.

You insult me with such an asinine question and implication.

However, since I no longer give a fukk, I'll let it slide.